My friends

My friends (description)

My best friends, Ann and Eve, are completely different from each other. Ann is a very attractive girl. She has long frizzy hair and grey eyes with long eyelashes. She is tall and slim. think she could be a model but when I tried to talk her into taking part in a beauty contest she said that it was not for her for the simple reason that she considers herself a highbrow. Eve, on the other hand, is pretty but not beautiful. Malicious people say that she is too plump 3ut I think that she is of medium build. She has green eyes, turned up nose and auburn hair. Eve is not an intellectual, but she is very practical.

As far as Ann's personality is-concerned, Ann is very dynamic and full of energy. She has admiring friends as well as bitter enemies. She is a non-stop talker. Sometimes she talks so much that she can even bore her listeners to death. She drones. on about her pet subjects for hours without noticing that nobody is interested in her stories. Eve, in contrast, is rather phlegmatic and she must think twice before she does anything. She does not say much but each word has weight. She takes all things seriously and cares about other people's problems. Ann is different. She is an incurable optimist and tends to take everything lightly. Even when she is in trouble, she can always laugh at her problems.

Although my friends differ so considerably from each other, there is one characteristic they have in common: they are always reliable and have never let me down.

Vocabulary wygląd

attractive - atrakcyjny

elegant - elegancki

well-dressed - dobrze ubrany

handsome - pzrystojny

slender - smukly

tall - wysoki

short - niski

tiny - drobny

thin - chudy

bony - kościsty

athletic - atletycznie zbudowany

muscular - muskularny

strong - silny

stout - tęgi

stocky - krępy

obese - otyły

fat - gruby

ugly - bzydki

plain - przeciętny

Osobowość Negatywne

absent-minded - roztargniony

carefree - beztroski

clumsy - niezgrabny

conceited - zarozumiały

cheeky - bezczelny

coward - tchórzliwy

mean - skąpy

nervous - nerwowy

secretive - skryty

shy - nieśmiały

stubborn - uparty

stupid - głupi

tactless - nietaktowny

Osobowość Pozytywne

accurate - dokładny

ambitious - ambitny

cheerful - radosny

clever - zdolny

courageous - odważny

diligent - pilny

eloquent - elokwentny

friendly - życzliwy

generous - wielkoduszny

genuine - szczery

good-natured - dobroduszny

honest - uczciwy

intelligent - inteligentny

modest - skromny

patient - cierpliwy

polite - grzeczny

responsible - odpowiedzialny

tactful - taktowny

tolerant - tolerancyjny


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