

Our planet s full of dust and dirt. People have built a lot of factories, most of them use cars, sprays and other things that damage Earth. Some of people try to save environment. And they really do. They don't go by car, but walk, they sort rubbish, don't eat meat and they do a lot of different things for saving our planet, but I will tell about it later.


There is a lot of pollution in big cities. People don' t sort garbage, so dumping grounds (wysypiska) still grow. One of the biggest ecological problem is the hole in ozone layer. It becomes bigger and bigger, because people use sprays which damage it. Other things that make this hole are pollution in the air, that comes from car fumes and big factories, pollution in water, where people put rubbish and where sewage flows (œcieki sp³ywaj¹) and pollution in our environment, where all dust from air and sewage from rivers come. Plants become ill and they die. Nowadays there are a lot of endangered species, which would become extinct (wygasaæ) soon.
Other big problem are tons of garbage which people throw out every day. They take too much place on earth.
I think that ecological problem is some kind of vicious circle (b³êdne ko³o):
People make big factories, where they make cars. Cars make fumes, that means pollution in air, water and all of environment. Polluted plants dies out, so people have to make new big factories, which would produce artificial food (instead of vegetables and fruits) and artificial plants (instead of real). Of course artificial things are not as good as real. They don't change CO2 to O2. They don't have natural vitamins. People eating artificial food are not healthy, so they must build new factories to produce medicine. Of course all of those factories make pollution. And vicious circle is closing.


Now we must ask a question:
How could we help our planet?
Answer is long, but simple:
We should walk or ride by bike instead of car. It will make smaller sum of fumes in air. We should sort all of garbage: bottles apart, paper apart, tins apart, and other rubbish apart. Than put them into special „green” banks. From there they go to be recycled. It will make smaller those tones of garbage on dumping grounds. Next thing we could, we should make is to stop using sprays which damages ozone layer and other chemicals which flow with water to rivers and environment. I think that we shouldn't eat animals and fishes, but most of people eat it and they wont never stop, because they like it. Killing animals we make them endangered. We should use ecological products that are not tested on animals and which are respected by environment and don't contribute to its downfall.
These are only some of ideas for saving our planet. If you want to do something with it, you should think about it and you can make other ideas, which you could present to world. Maybe some people would be interested in your idea and you will increase (przyczyniæ siê) to save planet!

So try.


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