7. A, a, a, adoramus te Domine D A h G A D (A)
Adoramus te, o Christe
We adore You Lord Jesus Christ
100. Da pacem Domine /2x c F
Da pacem /2x
136. Emmanuel C G a
231. Jesus, Jesus... C G C F G a e F C C G G7 C
298. Misericordia C F7+
299.Misericordias Domini d A d C
In aeternum cantabo F C d A d
350. O, Christe Domine Jesu D G D A
566. Tui amoris ignem
Veni Sancte Spiritus, tui amoris ignem accende e D C a H7 e C a H7
Veni Sancte Spiritus, Veni Sancte Spiritus. e a7 D G C a H7 e
579. Ubi caritas et amor F C d B D g C
Ubi caritas F C d
Deus ibi est g C F
Tam, gdzie Miłość jest
I dobroć
Tam, gdzie Miłość jest
Tam mieszka Bóg.
216. Jezu, pamiętaj mnie, D G
Kiedy wejdziesz do Królestwa. A D fis
Jezu, pamiętaj mnie, h e
Kiedy wejdziesz do Królestwa. A D
Jesus remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.
6. Adoramus te Christe, fis h Cis
Benedicimus tibi fis E
Quia per crucem tuam A fis h Cis
Redemisti mundum A Cis fis
We adore You ,Jesus Christ,
And We bless Your Holy Name
Truly Your Cross and Passion
Bring us life and healing.
Hallelujah d g C a7 d g C F A d g C a7 d g C a7 d
Veni Sancte Spiritus a F E
29. Ave Maria
Ave ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum, tecum, D(fis)hGDAD
Bene - benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus
Fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
Sancta, sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Mater Dei,
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
Nunc et, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen, Amen, Amen.
35. Baruch Adonai
Baruch Adonai bajo / a G a
Baruch Adonai balajla /2x a G a
Ose szalom, ose szalom G d a G d a
Ose szalom, szabat szalom. G d a G a
82. Chwała Panu i cześć D A h fis G A
Benissez le Seigneur ! e H7 e G A D
h Fis h G A DG AD
Let us sing to the Lord
134. Eli, Eli cap. V próg
Eli, Eli lema sabachtani /4x a G e a
Boże mój wołam przez dzień, Boże mój wołam i nocą C G e a
Ty mi nie odpowiadasz i nie zaznaję pokoju C G e a
Przecież Ty mieszkasz w świątyni, Tobie ufali przodkowie C G e a
Do Ciebie wołali, zostali zbawieni i nie doznali wstydu ! C G e a
Ja zaś jestem jak robak, nie człowiek, wyśmiany, wzgardzony
Szydzą ze mnie ci, którzy mnie znają i potrząsają głowami
Rozlany jestem jak woda, jak wosk topnieje mnie serce
Moje gardło jest jak skorupa, kładziesz mnie w prochu śmierci !
Sfora psów mnie opadła, przebili mi ręce i nogi
Policzyć mogę wszystkie moje kości, oni patrzą na moją nagość
Moje szaty dzielą między siebie, los rzucają o mą suknię
Ojcze, Abba, nie stój daleko, Tatusiu proszę ocal me życie !
Będziesz głosił swoim braciom wybawienie, Synku mój C G E a
Oni zobaczą i uwierzą Twojemu świadectwu ! C G E a
Ubogi będzie nakarmiony d E
Biedak zostanie wysłuchany d E
Smutny będzie pocieszony d E
Cichy posiądzie ziemię d E
Cierpiący jest na drodze do Królestwa d E
Śpiący w ziemi powstanie do życia d E
Bo tak uczynił Pan ! F E
Pan tak uczynił ! /6x C G C
162. Hevenu szalom Alehem 3x d g A7 d
Hevenu szalom, szalom, szalom Alehem ! A7 d
A pokój niech będzie z nami... e a H7 e H7 e
Father make us one, G C D
Father make us one,
That the world may know C D
Thou hast sent the Son, G e
Father make us one. a D G
Behold how pleasant and how good it is
For brethren to dwell in unity,
For there the Lord commands the blessing,
Life for evermore.
235. Jezus, Jezus G D C
Święty namaszczony Pan
Jezus, Jezus
Żyje wywyższony Pan
Twe Imię jak miód na ustach mych G C G
Twój Duch jest jak woda duszy mej G C G
Twe Słowo jak lampa u mych stóp G C e
Jezu, ja kocham Cię, ja kocham e a D
Jesus, Jesus,
Holy and Anointed One,
Jesus, Jesus,
Risen and Exalted One,
Your name is like Honey on my lips,
Your Spirit like water to my soul,
Your word is a lamp unto my feet,
Jesus, I love You, I love You.
595. Veni Creator Spiritus e a7 e
596. Veni Sancte Spiritus A h
597. Veni Sancte Spiritus a C G
396. O usłysz mój głos e
O usłysz mój głos C6 D
Panie mój wołam Cię G e a H7
O usłysz mój głos e
O usłysz mój głos C D
Przyjdź, i wysłuchaj mnie G a H7 e
O Lord, hear my prayer
O Lord, hear my prayer
When I call answer me
O Lord, hear my prayer
O Lord, hear my prayer
Come and listen to me
638. Wysławiaj Imię Mesjasza, Jezusa e D
Wysławiaj Imię Pana
Baruch Aszem ha Meszijah Jeszuah
Baruch Aszem Adonai
620. W moim życiu bądź uwielbiony D A h fis
Bądź uwielbiony, bądź uwielbiony G e C A
W moim życiu bądź uwielbiony dziś D A h fis G A D
W moim sercu (...)
W Twym Kościele (...)
W mojej duszy ( ... )
In my life Lord Be glorified, Be glorified ( W moim sercu bádz uwielbiony )
In my life Lord Be glorified, today
In my church …
In my heart …
In my soul …
In my song …
In my work …
In my dream … etc.
481. Przyjdźmy, pokłońmy przed Nim się D A D
Uklęknijmy przed Bogiem Stwórcą naszym G e A
Przyjdźmy, pokłońmy przed Nim się D A D
Uklęknijmy przed Bogiem Stwórcą naszym G e A
Gdyż On ma wszelką moc G D A
A myśmy owcami pastwisk Jego G D A
Oraz trzodą Jego Rąk G A D
Oraz trzodą Jego Rąk G A D
Come let us worship and bow down
Let us kneel before the Lord, our God, our Maker (Repeat)
For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture
And the sheep of His hand, just the sheep of His hand
Father, I put my Life in Your hands
In You, o Lord, I take refuge
Let me never be put to shame.
Into Your hands I commend my spirit;
You redeem me, faithful God.
For all my foes reproach me,
Neighbors laugh and friends stand off
I am forgotten like dead unremembered
I am like a dish cast down.
But my trust is in You, o Lord;
I say, „You are my God.”
Into Your hands I place my future;
From the clutch of foes You rescue me.
Let Your face shine on Your servant;
O save me in Your Love
Be stout hearted and come, take courage,
All You who now hope in the Lord.
462. Przed obliczem Pana uniżmy się... a G e a
Przed obliczem Pana uniżmy się... a G e a
Pan sam wywyższy nas C G a
Z pokorą stań przed Panem swym...
Wszystkie swoje troski oddajmy Mu...
Wszystkie Jego dzieła chwalcie Go...
Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord; ( Przed Obliczem Pana )
Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord.
And He (And He) shall lift (shall lift) You up (higher and higher)
And He (And He) shall lift (shall lift) you up
233. Jezus /5x /2x D e G A D
Pokonał śmierć, pokonał mój grzech. G A D
Zmartwychwstał Pan, On Królem jest. a7 D7 G A D
205. Jesteś radością mojego życia G D C D
O, o, o Panie mój C D G
Ty jesteś moim Panem G a
Ty jesteś moim Panem D h
Ty jesteś moim Panem e C
Na zawsze jesteś Panem mym D G
Miłością... / Pokojem... / Wolnością .../ Nadzieją... / Zbawieniem... / Treścią
It`s a great thing to praise the Lord /3x ( Jestes radosciá mojego zycia )
Walking in the Light of God
Walk /4x in the light /3x G C D G e a
Walking in the Light of God D G
Forever Will I Sing
słowa i muzyka: John Michael Talbot
adaptacja: Tomasz Romanowski
Ref. Na zawsze śpiewać chcę jak dobry jest nasz Pan,
Na zawsze śpiewać chcę Jego chwałę. (bis)
1. Odnalazłem sługę mego, Dawida,
Namaściłem go świętym olejem,
Moja ręka jest ponad nim zawsze,
Moje ramię mu daje moc.
2. Moja dobroć będzie z nim zawsze,
A on nazwie mnie swoim Ojcem,
Chwałę odda mojemu Imieniu,
Wtedy Ja go ocalę.
Ps. 89 Forever will I sing the goodness of the Lord, A D E
Forever will I sing , sing His praises.
I have found my servant David with my holy oil anointed. A D E A D E
My hand shall be with him always, my arm make him strong. fis D E D E
My kindness shall always be with him, through my Name he shall be exalted.
He shall always call me his father, for I am his Savior.
He will walk by my side e D G C D
He will lead me to good pasture e D G C D e
With His rode and staff, He'll guide
I will walk and follow Jesus
For He is my Shepherd good G D C e a G D
He feeds my soul with finest food
He will walk by my side e D G C D
I will walk and follow Jesus e D G C D e
For I walk in valleys dark
My soul shall fear no evil
For beside me He does walk
I will walk and follow Jesus
By peaceful waters, rest my soul
In verdant pastures I repose
So my cup now overflows
I will walk and follow Jesus
Spread Your table before me
You anoint my head with oil
Good and kindness follow me
Dwelling in the House of Jesus
Dwelling in the House of God
Until my days are come and gone
I will walk in heaven beyond
I will walk and follow Jesus
I will walk in heaven beyond
I will walk and follow Jesus
Christe lux mundi, d a d
Qui sequite tur te F C a
Habebit lumen vitae F B C
Lumen vitae B d C
In manus tuas, Pater
Commendo spiritum meum
In manus tuas, Pater
Commendo spiritum meum
241. Jezus Najwyższe Imię D D7+ D D7+
Nasz Zbawiciel, Książę Pokoju e A-7
Emmanuel - Bóg jest z nami D D7+ D D7+
Odkupiciel - Słowo Żywota e A D C D7
Księciem Pokoju jest
Wszechmogący Bóg,
On źródłem wszelkich łask,
Odwieczny Ojciec nasz.
Cała władza jest w Jego ramieniu,
Królestwo pokoju wiecznie będzie trwać.
Święty Bóg, Mesjasz prawdziwy G fis
Jedyny Ojca Syn umiłowany e A D C D7
Zgładził grzech Baranek na wieki G fis
Królów Król i panów Pan e A G D
Jesus, name above all names ( Jezus, Najwyzsze Imié ) D D7+
Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord. e A A7
Emmanuel, God is with us. D D7+
Blessed Redeemer, Living Word. E A A7 D
303. Modlitwa Św. Teresy
Twoje ciało jest teraz Ciałem Jezusa D G A
Do Niego należą twe ręce i stopy twe.
Twymi oczami pobudza świat do współczucia, G A D fis h
Na twoich stopach On podąża, by dobro nieść. C G A
Twymi rękami błogosławi ziemię tę. G D
Twymi rękami, krokami twych stóp, G e A D
Twymi oczami, jesteś Jego Ciałem. G e A
Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)
Christ Has No Body ( Twoje cialo jest teraz Cialem Jezusa )
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes through which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes through which he looks
compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.
363. Ojcze chwała Tobie F g C F(...)
Swe życie składam Tobie
Kocham Ciebie
1. Father I adore You ( Ojcze, chwala Tobie )
Lay my life before You.
How I love You. (Jesus, Spirit, Trinity)
Father, I love You ( Ojcze, kochamy Cié ) C d
I praise You I adore You G7 C
Glorify Thy Name in all the earth e F G4 G
Glorify Thy Name C F
Glorify Thy Name E a G
Glorify Thy Name in all the earth F G7 C
Jesus, I love You
Spirit, I love You
395. Otwórz me oczy D7 e
Chcę widzieć Jezusa A D fis
I być bliżej Niego h e
I kochać goręcej A D C D7
Otwórz me uszy e A
I naucz mnie słuchać D fis
Otwórz me oczy h e
Chcę widzieć Jezusa A G D
Open our eyes, Lord
We want to see Jesus,
To reach out and touch Him,
And say that we love Him.
Open our ears, Lord
And help us to listen.
Open our eyes, Lord
We want to see Jesus.
500. Ruah, Ruah a d7
Ruah E a
Nie siłą nie mocą naszą
Lecz mocą Ducha Świętego
Kyrie Motet
Kyrie eleison / 2x
Christe eleison / 2x
Kyrie eleison /2x
413. Panie Twój Tron wznosi się E7 A H7
Nad wszystkie ziemie świata E cis
Jesteś najwyższy Panie mój Królu mój A H7 E-7
Wywyższamy Cię E
Wywyższamy Cię H7
Wywyższamy Cię, Boże nasz A H7 E
For Thou O Lord art high above all the earth
Thou art exalted far above all gods
For Thou O Lord art high above all the earth
Thou art exalted far above all gods
We exalt Thee
We exalt Thee
We exalt Thee, O Lord
234. Jezus, Jezus, Jezus C G F C G
Mój Pan, mój Bóg F G
Jezus, Jezus, Jezus C G F d C F
Kocha mnie... (Zbawca mój) C
262. Kocham Cię Jezu /3x D C G
Kocham Cię D
324. Nie bój się nie lękaj się d A d A
Bóg sam wystarczy d C F C
Bóg sam wystarczy d A
Zostań tu i ze mną się módl
Razem czuwajmy /2x
Stay with Me, remain here with me
Watch and pray/2x
315. Na jeziorze wielka burza, / D G
Jezus ze mną w łodzi jest /2x D A D
On za rękę trzyma mnie, D G
Łódka nie kołysze się. A D
Na jeziorze wielka burza, D G
Jezus ze mną w łodzi jest. D A D
Kyrie / 3x eleison d
Christe / 3x eleison
Kyrie / 3x eleison d D
Christ / 2x have mercy / 2x D G G C D
Kyrie / 3x eleison / 2x d D
Christ / 2x have mercy / 2x
Lord have mercy / 2x d C d
Christ have mercy / 2x F C A
Lord have mercy / 2x d C d
412. Panie światło Miłości Twej świeci A D A E
Pośród wszelkiej ciemności świeci A D A E
Oświeć nas Jezu - Światłości świata D E cis fis
Wyzwól prawdę, którą przynosisz D E cis fis
Oświeć mnie, oświeć mnie... D E D E
Ref.: Świeć Jezu, świeć A E fis
Chwałą Ojca napełnij ziemię h E
Płoń Duchu płoń A E fis
W sercach ogień złóż h G E
Płyń rzeko płyń A E fis
Zalej łaską narody całe h E
Ślij Słowo Twe A E fis
Światłość niech stanie się h E A
Panie wchodzę w Twą obecność
Cień ustąpił przed Twoim blaskiem
Dzięki Krwi Twojej żyję w światłości
Badaj mnie, wypal, pochłoń ciemności
Oświeć mnie, oświeć mnie
Widzę Twoją królewską jasność
Która twarze nam rozjaśnia
Potem prowadzi od chwały do chwały
Życiem naszym o Tobie opowie
Oświeć mnie, oświeć mnie
Lord the light of your love is shining,
In the midst of the darkness shining,
Jesus light of the world shine upon us,
Set us free by the truth you now bring us,
Shine on me. shine on me.
Shine Jesus shine
Fill this land with the Fathers` glory
Blaze, Spirit blaze,
Set our hearts on fire
Flow, river flow
Flood the nations with grace and mercy
Send forth your word
Lord and let there be light.
Lord I come to your awesome presence,
From the shadows into your radiance,
By the blood I may enter your brightness,
Search me, try me, consume all my darkness,
Shine on me. shine on me.
As we gaze on your kindly brightness.
So our faces display your likeness.
Ever changing from glory to glory,
Mirrored here may our lives tell your story.
Shine on me. shine on me.
428. Pan wywyższony, nasz Król wywyższony E gis
Wśród chwał uwielbiajmy Go A H
Pan wywyższony, nasz Król wywyższony E gis
Oddajmy Jemu cześć A fis cis Cis
On Królem jest A H
Jego Łaska na wieki trwa E cis
Niebo i ziemia radują się Jego Imieniem A H E gis A H
Pan wywyższony, nasz Król wywyższony A H
Wśród chwał E
He is exalted, the King is exalted on high
I will praise Him
He is exalted, forever exalted
And I will praise His Name
He is the Lord, forever his truth shall reign
Heaven and earth, rejoice in his holy name
He is exalted, the King is exalted on high
543. Świętemu Bogu oddaj cześć F C
Dziękczynną z serca śpiewaj pieśń d7 a
Jezusa, Syna Swego Bóg darował nam B F Es C
W Nim słaby mocnym staje się F a d7 g
Biedny niechaj wyzna, że bogatym jest C (B C) F d
Gdyż wszystko dał nam Bóg Es C
Give thanks with a grateful heart, ( Swiétemu Bogu oddaj czesc )
Give thanks to the Holy One,
Give thanks because He's given
Jesus Christ His Son.
And now let the weak say "I am strong."
Let the poor say "I am rich."
Because of what the Lord has done
for us
Per Crucem et passionem tuam,
Liberanos Domine/3x Domine
Per Crucem et passionem tuam,
Liberanos Domine/3x Domine
Per sanctam resurectionem tuam
Liberanos Domine/3x Domine
The Kingdom of God is justice and peace e C a D
And joy in the Holy Spirit. G C a D
Come, Lord, and open in us G C a D
The gates of Your Kingdom. h e C D G
663. Zjednoczeni w Duchu
Zjednoczeni w Duchu, zjednoczeni w Nim. e
Zjednoczeni w Duchu, zjednoczeni w Nim. a e
Módlmy się, aby jedność była odnowiona w nas, a e
Aby świat cały poznał uczniów Chrystusa w nas, C e a
Aby świat cały ujrzał miłość w nas. e a e ( H7 )
Wraz z innymi pójdziemy, podaj mi swoją dłoń.
Wraz z innymi pójdziemy, podaj mi swoją dłoń.
Wszystkim głosić będziemy tę radosną dla nas wieść,
Że nasz Pan kroczy z nami, że nasz Pan z nami jest,
Że nasz Pan zawsze z nami wszędzie jest.
Chcemy razem pracować, chcemy złączyć swój trud.
Chcemy razem pracować, chcemy złączyć swój trud.
By nie stracić godności, którą Pan obdarzył nas,
Aby strzec ludzkiej dumy, aby strzec dumy swej,
Żeby człowiek zachował godność swą.
Niechaj chwała brzmi Ojcu, Który stworzył ten świat.
Niechaj chwała brzmi Ojcu, Który stworzył ten świat.
Chwała też Chrystusowi, Który Synem Jego jest,
I Duchowi też chwała, Który jednoczy nas,
I Duchowi też, Który łączy nas.
Allelu, Alleluja...
We are one in the Spirit
we are one in the Lord
we are one in the Spirit
we are one in the Lord
and we pray that all unity
may one day be restored
and they'll know we are Christians
by our love, by our love
yeah, they`ll know we are Christians
by our love
verse 2
we will walk with each other
we will walk hand in hand
we will walk with each other
we will walk hand in hand
and together we'll spread the news
that God is in our land
verse 3
we will work with each other
we will work side by side
we will work with each other
we will work side by side
and we'll guard each man's dignity
and save each man`s pride
verse 4
all praise to the Father
from whom all things come
and all praise to Christ Jesus
His only Son
all praise to the Spirit,
who makes us one
609. Wielbij, wielbij Go A H7 E cis
Wielbij pieśnią swą A H7 E-7
Wielbij, wielbij Go A H7 E cis
Wielbij cały dzień A H7 E
Ref.: Bowiem Pan jest godzien A H7 E cis (...)
Godzien przyjąć chwały pieśń
Bowiem Pan jest godzien
Godzien przyjąć chwały pieśń
Wielbij, wielbij Go
Wielbij sercem swym
Wielbij, wielbij Go
Wielbij z wszystkich sił
Wielbij, wielbij Go
Wielbij życiem swym
Wielbij, wielbij Go
Imię Pana głoś
Panie mój, Tys drozszy nad srebro,
Ponad zloto cenniejszy skarb.
Czym przed Tobá jest piékno diamentów
Czyz moze Ci cos dorównac, Panie mój!
Lord You are D A
More precious than silver G D
Lord You are D A
More costly than gold G A
Lord You are D A
More beautiful than diamonds G D
And nothing I desire G D e
Compares with You A D
557. Tchnij moc (...) Tchnij miłość (...) / g c
I przenikaj życie me /2x d g
Bo całym sercem swym - oddaję Ci cześć c d c d g
Bo każdą myślą swą - oddaję Ci cześć c d g
I z całej siły swej - oddaję Ci cześć c d g
O Panie mój! O Panie mój! Es d g
- uwielbiać Cię chcę
- chcę odnaleźć Twą twarz
( Tchnij Moc ) ( Wiécej Milosci, wiécej Mocy )Give thanks.
More Love, More Power,
More of You in my life.
More Love, More Power,
More of You in my life.
and I will worship You
with all of my heart.
I will worship You
with all of my mind.
I will worship You
with all of my strength.
For You are my Lord.
More Love, More Power,
More of You in my life.
309. Mój Pan jest siłą mą D C
Moją pieśnią jest G
I Pan stał się już D C
Moim zbawieniem G
Mym Bogiem jest D
I Jemu przygotuję serce swe /3x C G D
Mój Pan władać będzie wciąż
Na wieki wieków. Amen.
Exodus XV
The Lord is my strength and my song
And He is become my salvation
He is my God
And I shall prepare Him my heart,
And I shall prepare Him my heart,
And I shall prepare Him my heart.
The Lord, He shall reign
Forever and ever, amen.
The Lord, He shall reign
Forever and ever, amen.
My First Communion Day
Welcome / 3x Jesus
In my soul forever stay
Joy and love my heart are filling
On my First Communion Day
I will love You dearest Jesus,
I will love You Lord Divine
Life will be one long Communion
I am Yours and You are mine
Bless me now my loving Jesus
All I think or do or say;
All my life may I remember
This my First Communion Day
Taste and See
tłumacz nieznany
Ref. Skosztuj, zobacz dobry jest nasz Pan,
skosztujcie łaski Pana. /x2
Będę Pana czcił,
Jego chwała pieśnią moich ust.
Chlubą duszy mej niech będzie Pan,
słysząc to pokorni cieszą się.
Wysławiajcie wspólnie Go,
razem chwalmy Jego Imię,
Szukałem Go i wysłuchał mnie
i odsunął ode mnie wszelki strach.
Nie ogarnie cię nigdy wstyd,
kiedy spojrzysz w Pana twarz.
Którzy cierpią do Niego wznoszą głos,
z wszystkich nieszczęść wybawi ich Pan.
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord, a C G a
Let us taste the goodness of the Lord.
I will bless the Lord; His praise be ever in my mouth. C G a
Let my soul glory in the Lord; the lowly will hear and be glad.
Glorify the Lord with me; together we`ll praise His Name.
I sought the Lord, and He answered me, delivered me from my fears.
Look to Him and be radiant with joy, and your face will not blush with shame.
Afflicted ones call out to Him ; from all their distress they are saved.
191. Jam jest Chleb Życia
Jam jest Chleb Życia, kto do Mnie przychodzi, G h C
Nie będzie łaknął. a D
Kto we Mnie wierzy, nigdy pragnąć nie będzie. G h C
Nikt nie może przyjść do Mnie, jeśli go nie pociągnie G C a
Ojciec. D
Ref.: A Ja go wskrzeszę, a Ja go wskrzeszę, G D G C G D
A Ja go wskrzeszę w dniu ostatecznym. G C G D G
Chlebem, który Ja dam, jest moje Ciało za życie świata.
Jeśli kto spożywa ten Chleb, będzie żył na wieki,
będzie żył na wieki.
Ja jestem Zmartwychwstaniem, Ja jestem Życiem,
Kto we Mnie wierzy, choćby i umarł,
Żyć będzie na wieki.
I am the bread of life
I am the resurrection
The Hiding Place
(Psalms 32)
by: John Michael Talbot on Hiding Place
xcribed by d.baderman
1.You are my hiding place, O Lord a C G a
You saved me in my distress a C G d ( G )
You are my hid-ing place a F
You save me from distress a F
Y-o-u surround my soul a F
With cries of deliverance G a
2.Let every good man pray to you
In his hour of need
Flood wa-ters may reach high
But him they shall not reach
Let every good man pray
In his hour of need
CH: You are my hiding place, O Lord C G a
You gaze into the se-crets of my soul C G F E a G a
3.A hidden secret wastes my frame
I groan through the night and cry
Through the day
I will confess my sin
My guilt I will not hide
I will confess my pride
And God will forgive
fin: You are my Hiding place, O Lord
420. Pan jest mocą swojego ludu d C F B C
Pieśnią moją jest Pan F C
Moja tarcza i moja moc B C d
On jest mym Bogiem nie jestem sam C F B C a
W Nim moja siła nie jestem sam B d C F
In the Lord I'll be ever thankful,
in the Lord I will rejoice!
Look to God, do not be afraid;
lift up your voices: the Lord is near,
lift up your voices: the Lord is near.
474. Przyjdźcie radośnie /3x Wielbić Go! /2x E a E
Przyjdźcie radujmy się /3x Wielbijmy Go! /2x E d d7 E
Bracia, bracia wstańcie, a
Wywyższajmy Jego imię /4x a G
Dzisiaj tu /2x, radosnym sercem. d E d E a
67. Chcę przestąpić Jego próg D G
Z dziękczynieniem w sercu mym D h
I w przedsionki Pana wejść chwaląc Go D G A
Bo kolejny nadszedł dzień, D G
Który dał nam Pan D h
Chcę śpiewać Mu, bo Pan radością mą e A D
Ref. Pan radością mą /2x D G D h
Chcę śpiewać Mu, bo Pan radością moją jest. e A D A7
Pan radością mą /2x D G D h
Chcę śpiewać Mu, bo Pan radością mą e A G D
I will enter His gates
With thanksgiving in my heart,
I will enter His courts with praise,
I will say this is the day
That the Lord has made,
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
He has made me glad,
He has made me glad,
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
Panem jest, Panem jest
Z grobu wstal, pokonal smierc
I Panem jest
Kléknij, wyznaj, ze
Chrystus Panem jest,
Ze Jezus Panem jest
He is Lord, He is Lord D e A A7 D
He has risen from the dead D E
And He is Lord E A
Every knee shall bow D D7
Every tongue confess G g
That Jesus Christ is Lord D e A D
You are Lord, You are Lord
You have risen from the dead
And You are Lord
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord
527. Surrexit Christus
o... Surrexit Christus, alleluja ! D A h fis G D e A
o… Cantate Domino, alleluja ! D A h fis G D e A D
Christus resurrexit
O, … Christus resurrexit, Christus resurrexit a E a G C G a E
O, …Alleluja, Alleluja. a E a G C G a E a
O, …Jesus Christ is risen, Jesus Christ is risen,
O, …Alleluja, Alleluja.
164. Hosanna! /2x G (C G) D
Hosanna Najwyższemu! C G D
Wywyższamy Imię Twe C G
Z przepełnionych chwałą serc C G
Wywyższamy Cię Panie nasz C G h e
Hosanna Najwyższemu! a D7 G
Hosanna, /3x na niebiosach /2x
Chwalić chcemy Cię wciąż
Z radością i czcią.
Wywyższony bądź Boże nasz
Hosanna na niebiosach.
Jezus, Jezus, Jezus Królem królów jest
Jezus, Jezus, Jezus Panem panów jest
Hosanna, /3x in the highest! /2x
Lord we lift up Your Name,
With hearts full of praise.
Be exalted o Lord, my God!
Hosanna in the highest!
Glory /3x to the King of kings!…
184. Ja kocham Cię Panie, wznoszę głos DAD
Uwielbiać Cię z całej duszy chcę GDeDA-7
Rozraduj się dźwiękiem modlitw mych DAD
Pragnę miłą pieśnią być w uszach Twych DGDAGD
I love You, Lord and I lift my voice,
To worship You, oh, my soul rejoice.
Take joy my King, in what You hear,
Make it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear.
Let me…
Da Pacem Domine, da pacem o Christe, G C G C G D
In diebus nostris. C G D G
Grant us Your Peace, o Lord/2x
May it fill all our days.
122. Duchu Święty /2x a
Wołamy przyjdź /2x G e a
Przybądź Duchu Święty, wołam przyjdź /2x F G a-F G E
Przyjdź Duchu Święty, rozpal ogień w nas /2x F G a (...)
Rozpal ogień w nas /2x
Let the Fire Fall ( Duchu Sw. wolamy przyjdz )
Holy Spirit / 2x come with Your fire / 2x
Holy Spirit / 2x purify my heart / 2x
Holy Spirit / 2x set my life on fire / 2x
Come Holy Spirit, let the Fire Fall / 2x
Let the Fire Fall / 2x
352. Oddajmy cześć (...) a e a
Wiecznemu Panu chwała (...) e a e a
Pokłońmy się (...) Temu, który (...) d7 G7 C C7
Rozpostarł niebiosa (...) F G
I utwierdził ziemi krąg (...) a e a
Jego Chwała (...) wznosi się (...) d7 G7
Ponad szczyty gór (...) C a
Jego Łaska (...) nad nami jest (...) d7 G7
A niebo Jego Tron F G a
Bóg to nasz Pan F G
I tylko On a
Let us adore
The ever-living God,
and render praise
Unto Him,
Who spread out the heavens,
And established the earth;
and whose glory is revealed
In the heavens above,
And whose greatness
Is manifest throughout all the earth!
//He is our God.//
And there is no one else!
I Surrender :
Take all my freedom h e
My liberty, my will. G A D
All that I have G A
You've given to me D fis h
So I offer it up to You C G A
I surrender it all G A
to Jesus D
I surrender it all G A
to God's will h
I surrender it all G A
for the Kingdom of God D fis h
I surrender my life G A D
my all
Your grace h
and Your love e
are wealth enough G A
for me. D
Grant me these, Lord Jesus G A D fis h
And I'll ask for nothing more. G A D
I surrender my life
my all
531. Szukajcie wpierw Królestwa Bożego C G F C
I jego sprawiedliwości, F C d G
A wszystko inne będzie wam przydane. C G F C
Alleluja. /2x F C G C
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
And His righteousness
And all these things shall be added unto you
Hallelu, Hallelujah!
You shall not live by bread alone
But by every word
That proceeds from the mouth of God
Hallelu, Hallelujah!
Ask and it shall be given unto you
Seek and ye shall find
Knock and it shall be opened unto you
Hallelu, Hallelujah!
and If the Son shall set you free
Ye shall be free indeed
You shall know the truth, and the Truth shall set you free
Hallelu, Hallelujah!
Let your light so shine before men that they may see
Your good works and glorify
Your Father in heaven
Hallelu, Hallelujah!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
He shall direct thy paths
In all your ways acknowledge Him
Hallelu, Hallelujah!
440. Podnieśmy sztandary miłości, Alleluja! a F G a G a
A trąby niech grają do boju F G a
Chrystus nam daje zwycięstwo, Alleluja! F G a G a
Jerycho upadnie F G a
Ciało Chrystusa jest armią zbrojną C G D a
Co zwalcza moce ciemności F G a E
Wyzwala ona więźniów F G a
Mocą Imienia Chrystusa Króla F G a
Bracia dziś Chrystus nas wzywa do Siebie
By walczyć przy Jego boku
To On nam daje życie
By zanosić je tam gdzie go brak
Bracia zostańmy w jedności ze sobą
I Ducha złączeni mocą
Zebrani wokół Pana
Walczmy do dnia, gdy On znów powróci
Głośmy, że Chrystus zmartwychwstał
Że śmierć nie ma nad Nim swej mocy
Ciemnościom stawmy czoła
Ducha zbroję przywdziejmy na siebie
W imieniu Boga naszego Ojca
W imieniu Chrystusa Pana
W imieniu Ducha mocy
Toczmy walkę do końca swych dni
Lift high the banners of love, Hallelujah
Sound the trumpets of war.
Christ has gotten us the vict'ry
Hallelujah, Jericho must fall
1. The body of Christ is an army
fighting powers unseen
bringing the captives to freedom
in the name of Jesus our King
2. Brothers, are you sure of you calling'?
Will you fight for Jesus the King?
Are you prepared in this battle
to lay down your lives for your friends?
3. We must stand in unity
by the Spirit made strong
Stand with Jesus our captain
and fight till God's kingdom has come
4. Preach the Saviour crucified,
dead but risen again
Come against the powers of darkness
in His glorious name
5. In the name of God the Father
in the name of Jesus His Son
and in the name of the Spirit
we will fight till we are called home
Peter`s Canticle
Jesus has suffered for you D
To comfort your life within His dying
Dying so that all in might live
Bearing mankind's wounds
So that man might be healed
Let all who seek the true path to peace
Simply come to follow in the footsteps of this man
Who laid down His life when threatened with hatred
And so He came to live in the blessings of love
And so He came to live forever
329. Niech będzie chwała, i cześć, i uwielbienie E A
Chwała i cześć Jezusowi! E H7
Chwała, niech będzie chwała! E E7 A a
Tak, Jemu chwała i cześć! E H7 E
Let there be glory and honour and praises,
glory and honour to Jesus,
glory and honour,
glory and honour to Him.
Eat This Bread, drink this Cup, G C a D
Come to me and never be hungry. h e D
Eat This Bread, drink this Cup, G D e h
Trust in me and you will not thirst. C D4 G
Any one who eats this Bread e H7
Will live forever e D
Common Fire
Inflame the common fire F G C
Enkindle holy desire
In the darkness of night, in the wrong and the right F G F G
Inflame the common fire F G C
When the great ones among us lie
Confuse the darkness for the light
When the darkness moves in, and the power of sin
Proclaim God`s own light
The common fire / 2x a F G a F G
In the darkness of night, in the fear and the fright F G F G
Proclaim the common fire F G C
Proclaim the common fire /2x
When the darkness of night, consumed by the fright
Proclaim the common fire
The common fire…
545. Święty, Święty, Święty Pan a7 D
Wszechmogący Bóg a7 D
Niebo i ziemia pełne są Jego czci a7 D a7 D
Hosanna! Hosanna! D G G D
Na wysokości D F e D
Holy, Holy, Holy ( Hosanna ) muz. P. Scholter
In te confido
O, …Jesu Christe, o, …in te confido. d g C F d C F A d g C F d g A d
O, … Christ of compassion,
O, … Lord God, I trust You.
Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine. C G C G C F a D
Secundum verbum tuum in pace. D a D a D C G C G
Let Your servant now go in peace, o Lord,
Now go in peace according to Your word.
Veni Lumen
O, … Veni Creator Spiritus, D G A D h E A
O, … Veni Lumen cordium, veni Lumen cordium. G D e A G D4 G Fis h D G A D
194. Ja wierzę, że to Jezus E-A H7
Wierzę, że On Synem Boga jest E A H7
On zmarł i powstał aby żyć E A H7
I za cenę śmierci życie dał E A H7
Wierzę, że jest tu teraz (On tu teraz jest) A H7 E cis A
Stoi pośród nas H7 E-E7
Ma moc nas teraz uzdrawiać (uzdrowienia moc) A H7 E cis A
Ma przebaczenia dar H7 E
Ja wierzę Tobie Panie
Wierzę, że Tyś Synem Boga jest
Zmarłeś i powstałeś aby żyć
I za cenę śmierci życie dać
Wierzę, że tutaj jesteś (Ty jesteś tu)
Stoisz pośród nas
Masz moc nas teraz uzdrawiać (uzdrowienia moc)
Masz przebaczenia dar
I believe in Jesus,
I believe He is the Son of God,
I believe He died and rose again,
I believe He paid for us all.
And I believe that He`s here now
Standing in our midst
Here with the power to heal now
And the grace to forgive.
I believe in You, Lord
I believe You are the Son of God,
I believe You died and rose again,
I believe You paid for us all.
And I believe that You`re here now
You`re Standing in our midst
Here with the power to heal now
And the grace to forgive.
Dominus Spiritus est, a e C
Spiritus autem vivificat./2x d G a d G
268. Król królów, Pan panów e H7 (...)
Chwała! Alleluja!
Jezus, Książe Pokoju
Chwała! Alleluja!
King of kings and Lord of lords glory, Hallelujah!
Jesus, Prince of Peace, glory! Hallelujah!
O, heaven is in my heart
O, heaven is in my heart
The kingdom of our God is here (Leader)
Heaven is in my heart (All)
The presence of his majesty (Leader)
Heaven is in my heart (All)
And in his presence joy abounds (Leader)
Heaven is in my heart (All)
The light of holiness surrounds (Leader)
Heaven is in my heart (All)
O, heaven is in my heart
O, heaven is in my heart
We are a temple for his throne (Women)
Heaven is in my heart (All)
And Christ is the foundation stone (Women)
Heaven is in my heart (All)
He will return to take us home (Women)
Heaven is in my heart (All)
The Spirit and the Bride say 'Come!' (Women)
Heaven is in my heart
O, heaven is in my heart
O, heaven is in my heart
His precious life on me he spent (All)
Heaven is in my heart
To give me life without an end
Heaven is in my heart
In Christ is all my confidence
Heaven is in my heart
The hope of my inheritance
Heaven is in my heart
O, heaven is in my heart
O, heaven is in my heart
God is so good
God is so good
God is so good
He's so good to me (Repeat)
Ldr: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
All: That saved a wretch like me
Ldr: I once was lost but now I'm found
All: Was blind but now I see
378. O... Niebo jest w sercu mym E A H7 E (...)
Królestwo Boga tutaj jest - niebo jest w sercu mym
Majestat Jego wokół nas - niebo jest w sercu mym
I w Nim radości pełnia jest - niebo jest w sercu mym
Świętości światło bije w krąg - niebo jest w sercu mym
Swe cenne życie za nas dał
Bym w sobie życie wieczne miał
W Chrystusie moja światłość jest
Nadzieja na dziedzictwo me
Świątynią Jego Tronu - my -
A Jezus fundamentem jest
Powróci wkrótce by nas wziąć
Przez Ducha Swego woła: przyjdź!
390. Oto jest dzień /2x E
Który dał nam Pan /2x H7
Weselmy się /2x
I radujmy się nim /2x E
Oto jest dzień A
Który dał nam Pan E
Weselmy się A
I radujmy się nim E
Oto jest dzień /2x E
Który dał nam Pan H7 E
This is the day /2x
That the Lord has made /2x
We will rejoice /2x I will rejoice
And be glad in it /2x
This is the day
That the Lord has made
We will rejoice I will rejoice
And be glad in it
This is the day /2x
That the Lord has made.
Jubilate coeli, jubilate mundi A D
Jesus Christus surrexit vere.
Heavens sing with gladness
Earth sing out rejoicing:
Jesus Christ is rising from the dead
598. Vive Jesus el Seňor! / G e a
Vive Jesus el Seňor! /2x D G (D)
El vive! /2x D G
Vive Jesus el Seňor! C D G
Zmartwychwstał Jezus nasz Pan /4x
On żyje /3x
Zmartwychwstał Jezus nasz Pan
487. Przystąpmy, chwalmy Go! D7 G
Oto Syn Boży Miłości dar h
On życie Swoje dał nam e C
Bo umiłował nas a D7
Wznosimy chwały pieśń G
Jako ofiarę składamy Ci h
Bo radość, której nie da nikt C
Ty Królu dajesz nam D7 G
Przystąpmy chwalmy Go! C a
Sławmy Go! Bo On Królem jest G e
Pieśnią chwały uwielbiajmy Go a7 D7 G(G7)
D7 G
Come on and celebrate ( Przystápmy, chwalmy Go )
His gift of love, we will celebrate
The Son of God who loved us
and gave us life
D7 G
We'll shout Your praise, O King
You gave us joy nothing else can bring
We'll give to You our offering
In celebration praise
G7 C A7
Come on and celebrate, celebrate,
G Em
Celebrate and sing
Celebrate and sing to the King.
536. Śpiewaj Alleluja Panu c g c c Es G
Śpiewaj Hosanna Panu... c g Gis Es c g c
Śpiewaj Maranatha Panu...
Jezus Panem Nieba, Ziemi...
Jezus zmartwychwstał, żyje dziś...
Szir Hallelujah Adonai...
Canta alleluia al Signor…
Canta alleluya al Seńor…
Sing hallelujah to the Lord…
Jesus is risen from the dead…
Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth…
Jesus is living in His church…
Jesus is coming for His own…
497. Radość tchnij w serce me bym Cię chwalił D G
Radość tchnij proszę w serce me D C A
Radość tchnij w serce me bym Cię chwalił D D7 G g
Bym Cię zawsze chwalił Panie mój D A D
Śpiewaj hosanna /2x D D7 G E
Śpiewaj hosanna, który Królem jest A D G D
Śpiewaj hosanna /2x D D7 G E
Śpiewaj Panu cały dzień A G A D
Pokój tchnij w serce me bym odpoczął...
Bym w spoczynku nawet chwalił Cię...
Miłość tchnij w serce me abym służył...
Bym swą służbą także chwalił Cię...
Wiarę tchnij w serce me bym się modlił...
Bym modlitwą także chwalił Cię...
Give me oil in my lamp keep me burnin' burnin' burnin'
Give me oil in my lamp I pray....Hallelujah!
Give me oil in my lamp keep me burnin' burnin' burnin'
Keep me burnin' til the break of day.
And I will sing Hosanna sing Hosanna sing Hosanna
to the King of Kings.
And I will sing Hosanna sing Hosanna sing Hosanna
to the King of kings.
Give me gas for my Ford keep me truckin for the Lord
Give me gas for my Ford I pray, Hallelujah!
Give me gas for my Ford keep me truckin for the Lord
Keep me truckin 'til the break of day
539. Śpiewajmy wraz (aż zejdzie z góry Boża Moc) A
Śpiewajmy wraz (aż zejdzie z góry Boża Moc) A E
Niech serce twe (niech serce twe) A A7
Nie lęka się (nie lęka się) D d
Śpiewajmy aż zejdzie z góry Boża Moc A E A
Śpiewajmy wraz, że dzieckiem Bożym jestem ja.
Niech serce twe...
Śpiewajmy wraz, że Ducha Swego dał nam Pan.
Niech serce twe...
Now let us sing
Sing till the power of the Lord comes down
Now let us sing
Sing till the power of the Lord comes down
Lift up your hands, don|t be afraid.
Now let us sing till the power of the Lord comes down
606. Wielbić mego Pana chcę (...) D G D G
Bo On godzien chwały jest (...) D G D G
On uwalnia mnie - sam od wrogów mych D G D G A D
Mój Pan żyje! D A
Opoką moja jest G D
I niechaj będzie wywyższony mój Zbawiciel G D A
Mój Pan żyje! D A
Opoką moja jest G D
I niechaj będzie wywyższony Zbawca mój G D A
Zbawca mój D
I will call upon the Lord
Who is Worthy to be praised.
So shall I be safe from my enemies.
The Lord liveth, and blessed be the Rock,
And let the God of my salvation be exalted.
607. Wielbić Pana chcę d G d
Radosną śpiewać pieśń B C F A
Wielbić Pana chcę d G d
On źródłem życia jest B C d
Bless the Lord my soul ( Wielbic Pana chcé )
And bless God`s Holy Name
Bless the Lord my soul
who leads me into life
644. Wznoszę ręce me wzwyż G
Z moich ust chwała brzmi a
sercem pełnym wdzięczności D
Błogosławić Cię chcę G D
Błogosławić Cię chcę G
Błogosławić Cię chcę a
sercem pełnym wdzięczności D
Błogosławić Cię chcę G
I will bless Thee, oh Lord
I will bless Thee, oh Lord
With a heart of thanksgiving
I will bless Thee, oh Lord
With my hands lifted up,
And my mouth filled with praise,
With a heart of thanksgiving
I will bless Thee, oh Lord
398. Pan blisko jest, oczekuj Go e C a H7
Pan blisko jest w Nim serca moc e D G a H7 e
Wait for the Lord ( Pan blisko jest )
Whose day is near
Wait for the Lord:
Keep watch, take heart
Wait for the Lord, his day is near
Wait for the Lord, be strong take heart
God Alone is Enough
Let nothing trouble you. e D
and let nothing frighten you. G D h
For everything passes but God will never change. G D C H
Patient endurance will obtain everything G D C H
Whoever has God, wants for nothing at all. G D C H A E
God alone is enough.(2x) G D C H
Whoever has God, wants for nothing at all. G D C H A E
God alone is enough.(2x)
Whoever has God, wants for nothing at all.
So let nothing trouble ...
Come, worship the Lord ( Ps. 95 ) G C G
For we are His people C
The flock that He shepherds C e a G
Hallelujah a C G
Come, let us sing to the Lord G C G
And shout with joy to the Rock Who saves us G C G a
Let us come with thanksgiving a
And sing joyful songs to the Lord a e C D
The Lord is God, the Mighty God G
The great King for all the gods G C G
He holds in His hands the depths of the Earth
And the highest mountains as well
He made the sea, it belongs now to Him
The dry land too, is formed by His hand
Come, let us bow down and worship
Bending the knee for the Lord our Maker
For we are His people
We are the flock that He shepherds
( W ciemnosci idziemy )
By night, We has-ten, in dark-ness, d B
To search for - liv-ing wa-ter, C G A
Only our thirst leads us on-ward d C F A
On-ly our thirst leads us on-ward A B A
183. Jak łania pragnie wody ze strumieni C e a e
Moja dusza pragnie Cię d7 G7 C
Tylko Ty jesteś moim pragnieniem C e a e
Zawsze chce uwielbiać Cię d7 G 7 C
Tylko Ty jesteś mocą mą a F C
Twoja wola wolą mą F d7 E
Tylko Ty jesteś moim pragnieniem C e a e
Zawsze chcę uwielbiać Cię F G C
As the deer panteth for the water,
So my soul longeth after Thee.
You alone are my heart`s desire
And I want to worship Thee.
You alone are my strength, my shield,
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart`s desire
And I long to worship Thee.
You`re my Friend and You are my Brother,
Even though You are a King.
I love You more than any other,
So much more than anything.
I want You more than gold or silver,
Only You can satisfy.
You alone are the real joy-giver
And the apple of my eye.
Laudate Dominum, laudate Dominum a E a G
Omnes gentes, Alleluja! C G a d E
Sing, praise and bless the Lord
Sing, praise and bless the Lord
Peoples, Nations, Alleluja! C G a d E a
12. Alleluja /7x (G)C;GG7C;(e)a;DGG7;C;FC;GG7C
108. Do Ducha Świętego prośba o łaskę
Veni Sancte Spiritus Da Gratiam Tuam!
Veni, Veni Sancte Spiritus.
516. Sh'ma Izrael Adonai Elohenu e
Adonaie had h7 e
Sh'ma Izrael Adonai Elohenu e
Adonaie had h7 e
Sh'ma Izrael Adonai Elohenu / e a
Adonaie had 2x G H7 (e)
( Nebojte se )
Be not afraid, sing out for joy!
Christ is ris-en, Al-le-lu-ja!
156. Godzien jesteś
Godzien jesteś, godzien jesteś, G C
Panie i Boże nasz! G D
Godzien jesteś przyjąć chwałę, G G7 C A
Chwałę, cześć i moc! G D G
Ponieważ Ty wszystko stworzyłeś w Swej Mocy, D G
Wszystko stworzyłeś Ty sam D G
I z woli Twojej zostało stworzone, G G7 C A
Godzien jesteś wziąć cześć! G D G
Godzien jesteś, godzien jesteś,
Zbawco, Baranku nasz,
Godzien jesteś przyjąć chwałę,
Chwałę, mądrość, moc,
Ponieważ zostałeś zabity za lud Twój,
Wszystkich zbawiłeś Ty sam
I przez krew Twoją nabyłeś ich Bogu,
Godzien jesteś wziąć cześć!
Godzien jesteś, godzien jesteś,
Panie i Boże nasz!
Godzien jesteś, godzien jesteś,
Zbawco, Baranku nasz,
Odebrać dziś chwałę, i mądrość, i wdzięczność,
Błogosławieństwo i moc.
Bóg nasz niech przyjmie potęgę na wieki.
Amen. Amen.
Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy,
Thou art worthy, o Lord.
to receive glory, Glory and honour
Glory and honour and power.
For Thou hast created, hast all things created,
Thou hast created all things
And for Thy pleasure they are created;
And Thou art worthy, o Lord.
Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy,
Thou art worthy, o Lamb.
Thou art worthy, to receive glory,
And power at Father`s right hand
For Thou hast redeemed us, hast ransomed
And cleaned us
By Thy blood setting us free.
In white robes arrayed us, kings
And priests made us,
And we are reigning in Thee.
Laudate omnes gentes, laudate Dominum./2x cap. III C F G a E a C G
Sing praises, all You peoples,
Sing praises to the Lord. C F G a d G C
Tylko w Nim jest zbawienie me,
ma dusza w Nim spoczywa.
Tylko On jest skałą mą,
siłą mą i mym zbawieniem.
Ref. Ma siła, mój Zbawca,
więc się nie zachwieję.
Ma siła, mój Zbawca,
już nie lękam się.
Tylko w Nim jest schronienie me,
gdy wróg mnie prześladuje.
Tylko w Nim jest chwała ma,
nadzieja duszy mojej.
Ps. 62 Only in God
My stronghold my Savior G h
I shall not be afraid at all G A h
My stronghold my Savior G h
I shall not be moved G A D
Only in God is my soul at rest
In Him comes my salvation
Verse 1
Only in God is my soul at rest D fis h A
In Him comes my salvation G A D
He only is my Rock
My strength and my salvation
Verse 2
Only in God is found safety
When the enemy pursues me
Only in God is found glory
When I am found meek and found lowly
80. Chwała Bogu Ojcu a G
W chwale Jego Syn a G
Chwała Tobie Duchu a G
Tworzysz jedno w Nich a G a
Śpiewajmy! G
Alleluja /3x a G a
Glory to the Father,
Glory to the Son,
Glory to the Spirit,
These three are One.
Singing Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
Singing Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
Gloria Motet
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Et in terra pax hominibus
Gloria in excelsis Deo / 3x
Et in terra pax hominibus
20. A-a-amen! /5x F (B)
Bogu Ojcu ...
Jezusowi ...
I Duchowi ...
I Maryi ...
Wszyscy razem ...
Alleluja ...
Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen
Sing it over
Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen
See the little baby
Wrapped in a manger on Christmas morning
singing in the temple
Talking with the elders
Tomorrow there's wisdom
Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen
Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen
Down at the Jordan
John was baptizing and saving all sinners
See him at the seaside
Talking with the fisherman
And made them disciples
Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen
Keep on pushin now
Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen
Hallelujah now
Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen
Magnificat/3x anima mea Dominum, G C D G G C D G
Magnificat/3x anima mea. G C D G G C D G
This is the Day
Sing / 3x alleluja. E gis A E
This is the day the Lord has made. A E fis H7
Dance / 3x alleluja. E gis A E
This is the day the Lord has made. A E H7 E
Let us rejoice and be glad. A E
This is the day the Lord has made. A E fis H7
Let us rejoice and be glad. A E H7 E
This is the day. A H7
Play music to honour His Name
This is the day the Lord has made.
Sing psalms and songs of praise.
This is the day.
132. Dziś jest czas by oddać Bogu chwałę D G D [G A]
W tej świątyni, którą my jesteśmy sami D G A
Więc otwórz serce swe i zacznij wielbić Go G D G D
Jego chwała wnet wypełni miejsce to G e C A
Ref.: Chwała, cześć... D G A D
Chwalmy Go
Bóg przebywa w chwale swego ludu
On pragnie aby wzywać Jego Imię
Więc otwórz serce swe i zacznij wielbić Go
Jego chwała wnet wypełni miejsce to.
Don`t you know it`s time to praise the Lord
In the sanctuary of His Holy Spirit
So set your mind on Him
And let your praise begin
And the glory of the Lord
Will fill this place.
Praise the Lord!
He lives within the praises of His people
He loves to hear us call upon His Name
So set your mind on Him
And let your praise begin
And the glory of the Lord
Will fill this place.
O Sacrament Most Holy D
O Sacrament divine G e A
All praise and all thanksgiving D
Be every moment Thine D A D
157. Godzien o godzien jest nasz Pan / D G D
Godzien aby przyjąć cześć i uwielbienia pieśń /2x e A D A
Śpiewajmy: alleluja! przed Baranka tronem G A fis h
Wielbijmy Go i czcijmy, oddajmy chwały psalm G A D D7
Alleluja, chwała Barankowi G A fis h
On w walce jest zwycięzcą G A
Bóg z nami, Król i Pan G A D
Worthy, o worthy are You Lord,
Worthy to be thank`d and prais`d
And worship`d and ador`d.
Singing Hallelujah,
Lamb upon the throne,
We worship and adore You,
Make Your glory known.
Glory to the King:
You`re more than a conqueor,
You`re Lord of ev`rything.
Table of Plenty Lyrics
Come to the feast of heaven and earth E A E
Come to the table of plenty A E H
God will provide for all that we need E A E
Here at the table of plenty A E H E
Verse 1
O, come and sit at My table h D E
Where saints and sinners are friends h D E
I wait to welcome the lost and the lonely A H E
To share the cup of My love D H
Verse 2
My bread will ever sustain you
Through days of sorrow and woe
My wine will flow like a sea of gladness
To flood the depths of your soul.
Verse 3
O, come and eat without money
Come to drink without price
My feast of gladness will feed your spirit
With faith and fullness of life
Verse 4
Your fields will flower in fullness;
your homes will flourish in peace.
For I, the giver of home and harvest,
will send my rain on the soul.
133. Dziś Kościele G
Żyjącego Boga wstań h7 C ( D )
Bóg Królem całej ziemi jest G h7 C ( D )
Żadne moce ni zwierzchności G G7
Nie wzruszą nas nigdy już C A
Gdy stajemy w jedności, D G
Nikt nas już nie rozdzieli D G
Bo stajemy razem, gdzie nasz Bóg. C D G
Jesteśmy ludem nabytym cenną Krwią D C7 H7
W radości Bogu oddajemy cześć e A
Gdy głosimy Bożą wielkość e A
Majestat Jego i moc D H7
To niszczymy moc szatana na ziemi tej e C A
Uwielbiajmy Jego chwałę dzień po dniu
W radości Bogu oddawajmy cześć
Gdy głosimy Jego wierność
I Miłosierdzia dar
To niszczymy moc szatana na ziemi tej
Zatem cały ludu Pana teraz wstań
Uwierz mocy Słowa, które daje Bóg
Bo szatan jest pokonany i zastępy jego też
Kiedy Kościół przyjmuje Bożą moc
We are the people who`ve been purchased by the blood
And we enjoy worshipping our God.
As we declare God`s greatness,
His majesty and power,
We will break the power of satan in this land.
We just love to sing, His praise day after day
And we enjoy worshipping our God.
As we declare His faithfulness,
His mercy and His grace,
We will break the power of satan in this land.
For we stand as a church of the living God
Declaring He is King of all the earth.
No power or principality can shake as any more
For we stand united,
Never to be divided,
Yes, we stand together with our God
We declare to the powers of this world,
Your time is now at hand.
Our God has won a victory
And we the church enjoy
Breaking down the power of satan in this land.
So arise all you people of the Lord,
Start living in the power of God`s word,
For satan is defeated
And his hosts are on the run,
As God`s church moves in the power of His Son.
165. Hymn o Domu Bożym
Spatia viridicata
Ortus et occasus solis
Flammeus fons caritatis
Desuper nobiscum Deus
Zielone pola bez końca,
Miłości strumień gorący,
Zachody i wschody słońca
Nad nami Bóg Wszechmogący.
Nad nami Bóg Wszechmogący,
Zielone pola bez końca,
Miłości strumień gorący,
Zachody i wschody słońca.
Zachody i wschody słońca
Nad nami Bóg Wszechmogący,
Zielone pola bez końca,
Miłości strumień gorący.
Miłości strumień gorący,
Zachody i wschody słońca
Nad nami Bóg Wszechmogący.
539. Śpiewajmy wraz (aż zejdzie z góry Boża Moc) A
Śpiewajmy wraz (aż zejdzie z góry Boża Moc) A E
Niech serce twe (niech serce twe) A A7
Nie lęka się (nie lęka się) D d
Śpiewajmy aż zejdzie z góry Boża Moc A E A
Śpiewajmy wraz, że dzieckiem Bożym jestem ja.
Niech serce twe...
Śpiewajmy wraz, że Ducha Swego dał nam Pan.
Niech serce twe...
Now let us sing
Sing till the power of the Lord comes down
Now let us sing
Sing till the power of the Lord comes down
Lift up your hands, don|t be afraid.
Now let us sing till the power of the Lord comes down
I am the Vine and you are the branches, G C G
Live in Me and you will never die. G e C D
I am the Vine and my Father is the keeper;
Come to Me , let the Spirit bring you life. G e D C G
Like a tree planted by the living water G e C D
To stretch its roots into the living stream, G e C D
You will show no distress in the heat of the drought, h e C D
But still bear fruit and live. C D C D
Come to Me, all you heavy ladened;
My yoke is easy, my burden is light.
I will raise you up on the wings of an eagle,
And to God`s mountain will fly.
My Shepherd is the Lord D
He tends all my needs e A
by quiet streams he plants a dream D e D
of peace and love for me. He shepherds me. G e A D
Sometimes when I`m afraid
sad and all alone
You make my tears disappear
with your touch of joy. You shepherd me.
You give me food to eat
bless me every day
You give me rest as your guess
forever in Your home. You shepherd me.
I will celebrate, sing unto the Lord e a
I will sing to Him a new song H7 e
I will celebrate, sing unto the Lord
I will sing to Him a new song
I will praise Him, I will sing to Him a new song e a D G C H7 e
I will praise Him, I will sing to Him a new song
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah e a
Hallelu, hallelujah H7 e
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelu, hallelujah!
All who are thirsty
Come to the water
All who now hunger and thirst
Come receive grain and drink, my wine
Come to me heeding
Come forth and listen
And you shall prosper and live
You shall delight and shall be filled
Come to the Water of Life
Come eat my Bread and drink my Wine
Call on the Lord
Call on His Name
And He may be found
And the mountains and hills
And all of the trees shall break into song
All who are thirsty
Come to the water
All who now hunger and thirst
Come eat my bread and drink, my wine
30. Ave Maryja
Ave Maryja h G e
Ave /3x Maryja A7 D Fis
Łaski pełna, Pan z Tobą
Błogosławiona jesteś między niewiastami
Łaski pełna jesteś Maryjo
Błogosławiony owoc życia Twego
Jezus /3x
Święta Maryjo, Matko Boża
Módl się za nami grzesznymi
Teraz i w czasie naszego umierania
144. Gdy klęczę przed Tobą G h C D
Modlę się i składam hołd G h C D
Weź ten dzień, uczyń go swym a D G
I we mnie miłość wznieć C D G (D)
Ref.: Ave Maria gratia plena G h C D G h C D
Dominus tecum benedicta tu G A D G C D G
Wszystko Tobie daję każdy sen i każdą myśl
Matko Boga, Matko moja wznieś je przed Boga tron
Gdy klęczę przed Tobą widzę Twą radosną twarz
Każda myśl, każde słowo niech spocznie w dłoniach Twych.
As I kneel before you,
As I bow my head in prayer,
Take this day, make it yours
and fill me with your love.
Ave Maria,
Gratia plena,
Dominus tecum,
Benedicta tu.
All I have I give you,
Every dream and wish are yours,
Mother of Christ,
Mother of mine, present them to my Lord.
(Repeat Refrain)
As I kneel before you,
And I see your smiling face,
Ev'ry thought, ev'ry word
Is lost in your embrace.
674. Zwiastunom z gór C7 F
Stopom ich cześć bo niosą nam G F C
Radosną wieść tę wieść d G C C7
Pokoju dar F
Wśród życia dróg przychodzi już G F C
Władać Bóg. Królem Bóg! d G C C7
Królem Bóg /2x F C
Królem Bóg /2x F G C
Our God reigns ( Zwiastunom z gór )
How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him
Who brings good news, good news;
Announcing peace, proclaiming news of happiness:
Our God reigns, our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
He had no stately form, He had no majesty
That we should be drawn to Him.
He was despised and we took no account of Him.
Our God reigns, our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
It was our sin and guilt that bruised and wounded Him.
It was our sin that brought Him down.
When we like sheep had gone astray our Shepherd came
And on His shoulders bore our shame.
Our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
Meek as a lamb that's led out to the slaughterhouse,
Dumb as a sheep before its shearer,
His life ran down upon the ground like pouring rain
That we might be born again.
Our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
Our God reigns!
Out from the tomb He came with grace and majesty;
He is alive, He is alive.
God loves us so, see here His hands, His feet, His side
Yes we know, He is alive.
400. Panie chwalę Imię Twe G C D
Wznoszę pieśni uwielbienia G C D
Zawsze jesteś blisko mnie G C D
Darzysz łaską przebaczenia G C D
Przyszedłeś z nieba na świat G C D
By drogą być C G
Dałeś przybić się na krzyż G C D
By grzech mój zmyć C G
Nie zatrzymał Ciebie grób G C D
Niebo znów ujrzało Cię h e
Panie chwalę Imię Twe a D7 G
Chcę wywyższać Imię Twe,
Chcę wyśpiewać Tobie chwałę.
Panie dziś raduję się
Bo przyszedłeś, by mnie zbawić.
Z nieba zstąpiłeś i chcesz prowadzić mnie,
Na Krzyżu zmarłeś, by mój zapłacić dług.
Z grobu wstałeś i dziś nieba Królem jesteś Ty.
Chcę wywyższać Imię Twe.
Lord, I lift Your name on high
Lord, I love to sing Your praises
I'm so glad You're in my life
I'm so glad You came to save us
You came from heaven to earth
To show the way
From the earth to the cross
My debt to pay
From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the sky
Lord, I lift Your name on high
Abba Father ( Abba Ojcze )
Abba, Abba Father, You are the potter, We are the clay, the work of Your hands. D G D G D
Mould us, mould us and fashion us D G D G
Into the image of Jesus Your Son, G D G A D
Of Jesus your Son. G A D
Father, may we be one in You,
May we be one in You,
As He is in You and You are in Him.
Glory, Glory and praise to You,
Glory and praise to You,
Forever, Amen, Forever Amen.
Bind us together, Lord D |
Made for the glory of God
Purchased by His precious Son
Born with the right to be clean
For Jesus the victory has won
You are the family of God
You are the promise divine
You are God's chosen desire
You are the glorious new wine
83. Chwała Panu i cześć D G D G (...)
Od wszystkich wiernych Mu sług
Wznieśmy swe ręce ku miejscu świętemu
I cześć oddajmy Mu
Panie błogosław nam
Wytrwamy tam, gdzie Twój dom
Ty, coś uczynił i niebo, i ziemię
Ty Panie błogosław nam.
Behold, bless ye the Lord,
All ye servants of the Lord
Lift up your hands in the sanctuary
And bless, bless ye the Lord
Our Blessing Cup is a communion with the Blood of the Lamb. / 2x E gis cis A H A E
Our Blessing Cup is a communion with the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ;
He is the Lamb of God.
What return shall I make to the Lord A H E
For all the good He has done for me? A H E
I will take the Cup of Salvation, gis cis A H
I will call upon the Name of the Lord. A H A E
How precious in the eyes of the Lord
Is the death of His children.
Your servant am I, Your hand-maid`s son,
And You have loosed my bonds.
I offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving,
I will call upon the Name of the Lord.
My vows to the Lord I will fulfil
In the presence of the people of our God.
17. Alleluja! /4x a G F G a
Niech zabrzmi Panu chwała w Niebiosach a G a
Na wysokościach cześć Mu oddajcie G C G a
Wielbijcie Pana Duchy niebieskie F G a
Wielbijcie Pana Jego zastępy a G a
Słońce, księżycu wielbijcie Pana
Gwiazdy świecące wielbijcie Pana
Niebiosa niebios wielbijcie Pana
Wody podniebne wielbijcie Pana!
Niech wszyscy wielbią Imię Pana,
Bo Jego słowo stwarza wciąż wszystko,
Bo tylko Jego Imię jest wzniosłe
Niechaj na wieki brzmi Jego chwała!
On daje siłę swemu ludowi,
Z prochu podnosi swoich przyjaciół.
Jest Bogiem bliskim dla Izraela
Swoich wybranych On sam umacnia!
Niech zabrzmi chwała Ojcu co stwarza
Jego Synowi, który jest Panem
Duchowi, który w nas zamieszkuje
Przez wszystkie wieki wieków. Amen!
51. Bożą miłość w sercu swym dzisiaj mam D G fis
Tą miłością coraz bardziej kocham Cię. D e A
W Tobie widzę też wspaniałość Króla Chwał G A fis h
Bo Bożą miłość w sercu swym dzisiaj mam G A (G) D
Wielką wiarę w sercu swym dzisiaj mam
Sercem swoim tak gorąco służę Ci
Bratu, siostrze chcę dziś prawdę Twoją dać
Wielką wiarę w sercu swym dzisiaj mam
Dziecka radość w sercu swym dzisiaj mam
I jak dziecko bardzo pragnę cieszyć się
Swego Ducha Moc dziś Jezus daje nam
Dziecka radość w sercu swym dzisiaj mam
I love You with the love of the Lord,
Yes I love You with the love of the Lord.
I can see in You the glory of my King,
And I love You with the love of the Lord.
243. Jezus Ratownik
Kiedy przede mną straszna głębina E a
Boże Ty o mnie nie zapominasz E a
Kto Tobie patrzy prosto w oczy E a
Ten się nie boi do wody skoczyć E a
Hallelu Jah Hallelu Jah Hallelu /3x d C E a
Hallelu Jah Hallelu
Hallelu Jah Hallelu Jah Hallelu
Hallelu Jah Hallelu
Halle Halle
Halle Hallelu Jah
Halle Halle
Halle Hallelu Jah
Halle Halle
Halle Hallelu Jah
I mogą starsi i mogą młodzi
Razem z Tobą po wodzie chodzić
Nic nam nie zrobi woda głęboka
Jezus - Ratownik nas kocha
Hallelu Jah Hallelu Jah Hallelu...
Kto Tobie patrzy prosto w oczy
Ten się nie boi do wody skoczyć
Nic nam nie zrobi woda głęboka
Jezus - Ratownik nas kocha
Hallelu Jah Hallelu Jah Hallelu...
488. Przyszedł Anioł do Ciebie D A
Zwiastował Najświętszą Rzecz h fis
Że poczniesz Syna, Zbawiciela G D A7
Dałaś życie Jemu, On dał życie za wszystkich nas
Twe Matczyne Serce przeszył cierń
Jesteś Matką dla Niego G D
Jesteś Matką dla wszystkich nas G D
Ocal naród Swój h fis
Uchroń dzieci Swe h fis
Pozwól wszystkim nam kochać Cię G D A7
Maryjo, o Maryjo, o Maryjo /2x D A h fis G D A7
Tyle to już lat
Jesteś naszą nadzieją
Tyle to już próśb wypełniłaś nam
Dziś jesteśmy przy Tobie
Prosząc Cię w modlitwie swej
Za tych, którym obcy jest Twój Syn.
550. Święty, Święty
Święty, Święty, Święty, C
Święty, Święty, Święty, Pan Bóg Zastępów. G F G7 C C7
Dziś wznosimy nasze ręce, F G
Uwielbiając miłość Twą, C e a
Święty, Święty, Święty, Święty. d G F C
Dobry Ojcze, Dobry Ojcze,
Jak jest dobrze być Twym dzieckiem, Dobry Ojcze.
Dziś wznosimy nasze ręce,
Uwielbiając miłość Twą,
Dobry Ojcze, Dobry Ojcze.
Drogi Jezu, Drogi Jezu,
Swoją krwią nas odkupiłeś, Drogi Jezu.
Dziś wznosimy nasze ręce,
Uwielbiając miłość Twą,
Drogi Jezu, Drogi Jezu.
Duchu Święty, Duchu Święty,
Przyjdź, napełnij nas na nowo, Duchu Święty
Dziś wznosimy nasze ręce,
Uwielbiając miłość Twą,
Duchu Święty, Duchu Święty.
Święty, Święty, Święty,
Święty, Święty, Święty, Pan Bóg Zastępów.
Dziś wznosimy nasze ręce,
Uwielbiając miłość Twą,
Święty, Święty, Święty, Święty.
Dziś wznosimy nasze ręce,
Uwielbiając miłość Twą.
Alleluja. Alleluja.
Holiness unto the Lord G D e h C
Unto the King a D
Holiness unto Your name
I will sing:
Holiness unto Jesus G D C D
Holiness unto You, Lord
Holiness unto Jesus
Holiness unto You, Lord
I love You, I love Your ways
I love Your name
I love You
And all my days I`ll proclaim:
164. Hosanna! /2x G (C G) D
Hosanna Najwyższemu! C G D
Wywyższamy Imię Twe C G
Z przepełnionych chwałą serc C G
Wywyższamy Cię Panie nasz C G h e
Hosanna Najwyższemu! a D7 G
Hosanna, /3x na niebiosach /2x
Chwalić chcemy Cię wciąż
Z radością i czcią.
Wywyższony bądź Boże nasz
Hosanna na niebiosach.
Jezus, Jezus, Jezus Królem królów jest
Jezus, Jezus, Jezus Panem panów jest
Hosanna, /3x in the highest! /2x
Lord we lift up Your Name,
With hearts full of praise.
Be exalted o Lord, my God!
Hosanna in the highest!
Glory /3x to the King of kings!…
Jehovah Jireh e
My provider a
His grace is sufficient C D
For me, for me, for me e a H7
Jehovah Jireh
My provider
His grace is sufficient for me C D e
My God shall supply all my needs e a
According to his riches in glory D G H7
He will give His angels e
Charge over me a
Jehovah Jireh cares C D
For me, for me, for me e a H7
Jehovah Jireh cares for me C D e
Majesty worship His Majesty G C a
Unto Jesus, be all glory, G e
honour and praise a D
Majesty, Kingdom authority G C a
Flow from His throne, G
Unto His own, His anthem raise. D G
So exalt, lift up on high a D
The Name of Jesus G
Magnify, come glorify, a D
Christ Jesus the King H a D
Majesty, worship His Majesty G C a
Jesus who died, now glorified, G D
King of all Kings. G
147. Gdy schodzimy się E H7
Niech Boży Duch w nas działa A H7
Gdy schodzimy się E H7
By wielbić Imię Twe A H7
Wiemy dobrze, że gdy serca są otwarte A7+ H7 E Gis cis
Błogosławisz mocą Swą fis H7 E E7
Błogosławisz boś obiecał to fis H7 E cis
Błogosławisz mocą Swą fis H7 E
Niewyczerpane są łaski Twe Panie E gis A E H7
Na wieki będzie Twa miłość trwać E gis A H7
Zawsze świeża i nowa A7+ H7
Świeża i nowa E Gis cis
Wielka jest Panie wierność Twa fis H7 E E7
Wielka jest wierność Twa fis H7 E
As we gather may Your Spirit work within us
As we gather may we glorify Your Name
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship
We'll be blessed because we came
We'll be blessed because we came
We'll be blessed because we came
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end
They are new every morning, new every morning
Great is Thy faithfulness, o Lord
Great is Thy faithfulness, o Lord
Great is Thy faithfulness.
Be not afraid cap. II próg
You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not die of thirst. G G4 G G G4 G D
You shall wander far in safety though you do not know the way. C e a D
You shall speak your words in foreign lands and all will understand. G H7 e a C F D
You shall see the face of God and live. G e a C D
Be not afraid. G G4 G D
I go before you always. a D G
Come follow me, a h e
and I will give you rest. a D G
Blessed are your poor, for the kingdom shall be theirs.
Blest are you that weep and mourn, for one day you shall laugh.
And if wicked tongues insult and hate you all because of me, blessed, blessed are you!
If you pass through raging waters in the sea, you shall not drown.
If you walk amid the burning flames, you shall not be harmed.
If you stand before the pow'r of hell and death is at your side, know that
I am with you through it all.
Uwielbia Dusza moja Pana mego
I raduje się mój Duch w mym Zbawicielu,
Bo przyjął Bóg uniżenie sługi swej.
Moje imię będzie błogosławione,
Gdyż wszechmocny Pan uczynił dla mnie cud.
Jego miłość niewyczerpana wiecznie trwa.
Jesteś Święty, Święty, Święte jest Imię Twe.
Okazuje swoją łaskę pokoleniom,
Sam objawia swą potęgę i chwałę.
On uniża tych, co mocni własną mocą,
A wywyższa poniżonych swą słabością.
Ujął się za sługą Izraelem swym
I wypełnia obietnice, które dał.
Jesteś Święty, Święty, Święte jest Imię Twe.
Holy is His Name
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord E A E
And my spirit exalts in God my savior A E
For He has looked with mercy on my lowliness E A E
And my Name will be forever exalted. H E
For the mighty God has done great things for me A E
And His mercy will reach from age to age H E
And holy, holy, holy is His Name. A H gis cis A H E
He has mercy in every generation
He has revealed His Power and His Glory
He has cast down the mighty in their arrogance
And has lifted up the meek and the lowly
He has come to help His servant Israel
He remembered His promise to our fathers
And holy, holy, holy is His Name.
And holy, holy, holy is His Name.
( Powietrzem dla mnie jest )
This is the air I breathe C F7+
This is the air I breathe C F7+
Your holy presence living in me C e a F d G
This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me
And I I`m desperate for you C e a F d G
And I I'm lost without you
This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence living in me
This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me
And I'm, I'm desperate for you
And I'm, I'm lost without you
And I'm desperate for you
And I'm, I'm lost without you.
I'm lost without you.
I'm lost without you.
I'm desperate for you.
I Rejoiced When I Heard Them Say
opracowanie: Tomasz Romanowski
Cieszę się kiedy mówią mi:
„Chodźmy więc tam gdzie mieszka nasz Pan".
Moje stopy już stoją tu, u bram Twych,
Miasto me, Jeruzalem. /bis
ref. Jeruzalem, - Boże miasto
ręką swą, mocą swą stworzył Pan.
Do Jeruzalem, tam gdzie mieszka Pan
podąża już Jego lud.
Modlę się, o Jeruzalem, twój los
niechaj szczęście da tobie Pan.
I przez wzgląd na przyjaciół, braci mych
niechaj Pan pokój śle.
Przez wzgląd na Pana dom
teraz modlę się.
Tam stoją trony Sędziowskie,
Tam Pan chroni Cię.
ref. Jeruzalem, - Boże miasto
ręką swą, mocą swą tworzył Pan.
Do Jeruzalem, tam gdzie mieszka Pan
podąża już Jego lud.
Do Jeruzalem, tam gdzie mieszka Pan
podąża już Jego lud.
I rejoiced when I heard them say, e D h e
„Let us go to the house of the Lord.” G D e
And now our feet are standing within your gates, Jerusalem G D C D e
Jerusalem, God`s city built_strong by the hand of the Lord.
To Jerusalem will the tribes go up,
The_people of our_God.
For the peace of Jerusalem we pray,
May peace come to your homes.
For the love of my brothers and my friends,
May peace come to you.
For the love of the house of the Lord,
I will pray for you.
And may the throne of justice
be restored in you.
Alleluja! Alleluja!
Zakrólował wszechmocny nasz Bóg
Alleluja! Alleluja!
Zakrólował wszechmocny nasz Bóg
Święty Święty
jesteś Panem Wszechmocnym
Baranek godzien jest
Baranek godzien jest
Jesteś Święty Święty!
Jesteś Panem Wszechmocnym
Baranek godzien jest
Baranek godzien jest Amen!
Agnus Dei
- - alleluia, alleluia A
For the Lord God Almighty reigns
Alleluia, alleluia
For the Lord God Almighty reigns
Alleluia A h D ( E )
Holy, Holy are You Lord God Almighty A E A A4 A fis E
Worthy is the Lamb D
Worthy is the Lamb
You are Holy, Holy are You Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb
Amen A
Zbawco duszy mej,
strzeż mnie o poranku,
strzeż mnie wieczorem
strzeż mnie gdy noc.
Zbawco duszy mej.
Władco duszy mej,
co odpychasz ode mnie zło,
strzeż i pilnuj
myśli mych w tę noc
Władco duszy mej.
Mam już dość,
gubię się i błąkam wciąż.
Osłoń mnie
i od grzechu chroń.
Zbawco duszy mej,
strzeż mnie o poranku,
strzeż mnie wieczorem
strzeż mnie gdy noc.
Zbawco duszy mej.
Healer of my soul E gis A H
Keep me at even'
heal me at morning cis H
heal me at noon A H
Healer of my soul A H A E
Keeper of my soul
On rough course faring
Help and safeguard my means this night
Keeper of my soul
I am tired, astray, and stumbling A H cis H A
You shield my soul from the snare of sin A H cis H A E
Healer of my soul
Heal me at even'
Heal me at morning
Heal me at noon
Healer of my soul
The Lord is my Shepherd; cap. IV E E4 E
I shall not want H A E
Beside restful waters E E4 E
I am there H A H
In the pasture of plenty A E
My soul lies down H E
So come all you thirsty
Your soul shall be refreshed
And come all you inflicted
And be healed
For though we walk
In the darkness now
No evil shall be feared
If the light of His banner
Be at our side
The Lord is my Shepherd;
I shall not want
Beside restful waters
I am there
In the pasture of plenty
My soul lies down
And come
All you hungry
At the table find His bread
And come now
And be anointed
With His goodness
And His kindness
For the rest of your years
As you dwell within the house
Of our Lord
The Lord is my Shepherd;
I shall not want
Beside restful waters
I am there
In the pasture of plenty
My soul lies down
Sweet, sweet sound
I am an instrument of the living God ( G ) C D e
My life a melody to His name C D
More than the songs I sing C
Worship is everything D e
I live to glorify my King C D e ( D )
Hear the song of my life G D
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound e
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound C D
I raise this anthem high
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
Through all the mire and clay
You're washing me with grace
You carry me, oh Lord, through it all
So I will testify even in the fire
I live to praise my Savior
Hear the song of my life
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
I raise this anthem high
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
Let everything that has breath
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord
And all creation will sing Hallelujah
Hear the song of my life
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
I raise this anthem high
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
(Let it be a sweet, sweet sound)
19. Alleluja! Wznoś pod niebo głos G D
Pan dał chleba moc. Alleluja! C D G
Jezus Pan komunią dla nas co dzień staje się C D G e
On rozrywa grzechu pęta złe a D G-7
Cóż uczyni mi człowiek kiedy ze mną Pan? C D G e
On podnosi, podtrzymuje mnie a C D-7
I am the Bread of Life A D fis E
All who eat this Bread will never die fis E D A
I am God's love revealed
I am broken that you might be healed
Verse 1
All who eat of this heavenly Bread D E A
All who drink this cup of the covenant
You will live forever for I will raise you up D E A E fis D E
Verse 2
No one who comes to Me shall ever hunger again
No one who believes shall ever thirst
All that the Father draws shall come to Me
And I shall give them rest
Veni Sancte Spiritus [Come Holy Spirit]
Holy Spirit, Lord of Light e C D
From the clear Celestial Height e C D
Thy pure beaming radiance give C D G E
Come now Father of the poor
Come with treasures to endure
Come now Light on all that lives
Light Immortal, Light Divine E A H
Visit now these hearts of Thine E A H
And our inmost being fill cis H A H
For without Your Grace all turns to ill cis H A H
Veni Sancte Spiritus [Come Holy Spirit] G D a7 D / 3x E
Hear our hopes, our strength renew
On our dryness pour Thy dew
Wash the stains of guilt away
Bend our stubborn heart and will
Melt the frozen, warm the chill
Guide our steps when we go astray
Veni Sancte Spiritus [Come Holy Spirit]
Here I Am Lord, Here I am, Lord cap. II próg
1. I, the Lord of sea and sky, G C G
I have heard my people cry. G e a7 D
All who dwell in dark and sin H7 e C
My hand will save. a7 D7
I who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord? G e
I have heard You calling in the night. G a7 D D7
I will go, Lord, if You lead me. G e
I will hold your people in my heart. G a7 D7 G
2. I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people's pain.
I have wept for love of them.
They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
Give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my Word to them.
Whom shall I send?
3. I the Lord of wind and flame,
I will tend the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them.
My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide
Till their hearts be satisfied.
I will give my life to them.
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord?
I have heard You calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if You lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
Jesus Prayer
Jesus, D
Savior, G7+
Son of God, D
have mercy on us. E A ( A D )
Christ, E
Savior, A7+
Son of God, E
have mercy on us. Fis H ( H E )
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me A D A
Because the Lord has anointed me. A D h fis E
He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor D E A E fis
And to heal the brokenhearted, h D E
To proclaim liberty to the captive,
And to set the prisoner free,
To announce a year of favor of the Lord
And a day of vindication,
To comfort all who mourn. A
The Spirit of God D
Is upon me A
The Spirit of God D
Has anointed me A
The Spirit of God D
Now does send me A
To the poor, to heal the brokenhearted. E F7+ A
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.
On Eagles Wings
Isaiah 40:31
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run,
and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint."
You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord, G D
Who abide in His shadow for life, G D
Say to the Lord, "My Refuge, F d
My Rock in Whom I trust." F g A
And He will raise you up on eagle's wings, D
Bear you on the breath of dawn, e A
Make you to shine like the sun, D D 7G D e
And hold you in the palm of His Hand. A h e A C D
The snare of the fowler will never capture you,
And a famine will bring you no fear;
Under His Wings my refuge,
His faithfulness your shield.
You need not fear the terror of the night,
Nor the arrow that flies by day,
Though thousands fall about you,
Near you that shall not come.
For to His angels He's given a command,
To guard you in all of your ways,
Upon their hands they will bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
One bread, one body, cap. II próg G G4 G
one Lord of all, G D e H
one cup of blessing which we bless. e D G D e A D
And we, though many,
throughout the earth,
we are one body in this one Lord. e D G D e A D G
1. Gentile or Jew, e D
servant or free, e D
woman or man, no more. e F a G D
2. Many the gifts,
many the works,
one in the Lord of all.
3. Grain for the fields,
scattered and grown,
gathered to one, for all.
I gazed into the stars
I followed where the eastern light does show
I tried to find the Light to fill my achin' soul
I looked into the ocean
I walked upon the mountain tops
I trusted in my garden tryin' to set my spirit free
And then the Son of Man, He beckoned to me
The Spirit of the Light came in true love
Like a gentle summer breeze, so comfortin', so free
He gave the Light of Freedom within Me
He is the Mornin' Star
He causes all the lights to shine
He walks within the garden beside me
From the depths of the sea
Beyond the highest mountain top
He causes all the universe to be
And I sing Hallelu, sing praises to my Lord
I sing Hallelu, Hallelu
Draw me close to You A D
Never let me go h E A
I lay it all down again E D
To hear You say that I'm Your friend fis E D
You are my desire
No one else will do
'Cause nothing else could take Your place
To feel the warmth of Your embrace
Help me find the way A D
Bring me back to You E A
You're all I want A E D
You're all I've ever needed A E D E
You're all I want A E D
Help me know You are near h E A
331. Niech Twa Żywa Woda D h
Płynie przez duszę mą G A D
Niechaj Duch Twój Święty D G
Sam kieruje mną e A D
W każdej sytuacji, która trapi mnie. D G e A D
Troski i kłopoty u Twych stóp złożyć chcę. D h G A D
Panie Jezu ! Jezu... G A D G DA hGAD
Dobry Ojcze ! Ojcze...
Duchu Święty ! Duchu...
Przyjdź, o Duchu Święty
I rządź życiem mym,
Niech w ramionach Twej Miłości
Skryję się.
Oddal strach, zwątpienie,
Zabierz dumę mą.
Blisko Twej miłości
Pragnę iść drogą Twą.
Let Your living water flow over my soul
Let Your Holy Spirit come and take control
(Of) every situation that has troubled my mind
All my cares and burdens on to You I roll
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Father, Father, Father
Spirit, Spirit, Spirit
Come now, Holy Spirit, and take control
Hold me in Your loving arms and make me whole
Wipe away all doubt and fear please take my pride
Draw me to Your love and keep me by Your precious side
Give your life to Jesus, let Him fill your soul
Let Him take you in His arms and make you whole
As you give your life to Him He'll set you free
You will live and reign with Him eternally
I am the Resurrection, I am eternal life. D G A D
All who believe in me will never die. G A D h A
I am the Resurrection, eternal life. G A D h A
All who believe will live forever. e G A D
I am the Resurrection and the life, G A D
And I ask you now, do you believe in me? G A D
I am the Son of God, the living Christ G A D fis h
Who lays down His life for the world. G e A
You should not be surprised
When all the world despises you.
For the world despised the Son of God,
And He has been raised up.
192. Jam jest twój Bóg D
Uzdrawiam cię, fis
Ja jestem twym lekarzem e A D (fis)
Posyłam Słowo h
I uzdrawiam Cię e
Ja jestem twym lekarzem A D
Tyś jest mój Bóg... (H7) E gis fis H E
cis fis H E
I am the God that
healeth thee
I am the Lord
Your healer
I sent My word
And I healed your disease
I am the Lord
Your healer
You are the God that
healeth me
You are the Lord
My healer
You sent Your word
And You healed my disease
You are the Lord
My healer
572. Tylko Ciebie pragnę Panie mój G a7 G
Gdy jestem z Tobą nie cieszy ziemia mnie G a7 D G
Moje ciało i serce często słabe są C G C G
Jednak Boże mój Tyś jest opoką mą C G a D D7
Bóg jest Opoką mą C G
Bóg jest Opoką mą C G
Bóg jest Opoką mą C e
I moim działem na wieki a7 D7
Na wieki... C G
God is the strength of my heart
Whom have I in heaven but You
There is nothing on earth I desire beside You
My heart and my strength many times they fail
But there is one truth that always will prevail
God is the strength of my heart
God is the strength of my heart
God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever, forever
90. Com przyrzekł Bogu
Com przyrzekł Bogu przy chrzcie raz,
Dotrzymać pragnę szczerze:
Kościoła słuchać w każdy czas
I w świętej wytrwać wierze.
O Panie Boże, dzięki Ci, żeś mi Kościoła otwarł drzwi.
W Nim żyć, umierać pragnę.
W Kościele tym jest Ciałem, Krwią,
Bóg pod osłoną chleba.
Swym Ciałem karmi duszę mą,
By żyła w Nim dla nieba.
W to wierzyć zawsze mocno chcę,
Bo tego Kościół uczy mnie.
W Nim żyć, umierać pragnę.
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all! ( Com przyrzekl Bogu )
How can I love Thee as I ought?
And how revere this wondrous gift,
So far surpassing hope or thought?
Sweet Sacrament, we Thee adore!
Oh, make us love Thee more and more.
Oh, make us love Thee more and more.
2. Had I but Mary's sinless heart
With which to love Thee, dearest King,
Oh, with what ever fervent praise,
Thy goodness, Jesus, would I sing!
3. Thy Body, Soul and Godhead, all!
O mystery of love divine!
I cannot compass all I have,
For all Thou hast and art is mine!
4. Sound, then, His praises higher still,
And come, ye angels, to our aid;
For this is God, the very God
Who hath both men and angels made!
465. Przemień serce me C d7 G7
Uczyń szczerym je G7 C a
Przemień serce me d7 G7
Pragnę być jak Ty C E
Tyś jest garncarzem E a
Jam gliną jest d7 G7 C
Skrusz mnie, ukształtuj E a
O to modlę się D G
Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You
You are the potter
I am the clay
Mold me and make me
This is what I pray
472. Przyjdź Duchu Święty, ja pragnę D e
O to dziś błagam Cię A A7 D
Przyjdź w swojej mocy i sile D D7 G g
Radością napełnij mnie. D A D
Przyjdź jako Mądrość do dzieci
Przyjdź jak ślepemu wzrok
Przyjdź jako Moc w mej słabości
Weź wszystko, co moje jest
Przyjdź jako źródło w pustyni
Z Mocą Swą do naszych serc
O niech Twa Moc uzdrowienia
Dotknie, uleczy mnie już.
Come Holy Spirit I need Thee
Come Holy Spirit I pray
Come in Thy strength and Thy power
Come in Thine own gentle way
78. Chwalę Ciebie Panie i uwielbiam C e
Wznoszę w górę swoje ręce d7
Wywyższając Imię Twe. G7
Bo wielkiś Ty, wielkie dzieła czynisz dziś C a
Nie dorówna Tobie nikt, nie dorówna Tobie nikt. d7 G7
You deserve the glory
You deserve the honor
So, we lift our hands in worship
As we lift Your Holy Name
For You are great
You do miracles so great
There is no one else like You
There is no one else like You
249. Jezu wywyższamy Cię G e
Ogłaszamy Królem dziś C a D
Stojąc tu w obecności Twej e h
Wielbimy święte Imię Twe C a D
Wielbiąc wznosimy Tobie tron C D e
Wielbiąc wznosimy Tobie tron C D G e
Wielbiąc wznosimy Tobie tron C D G e
Przyjdź o Jezu i króluj nam a D G
Jesus, we enthrone You ( Jezu, wywyzszamy Cié )
we proclaim You are King
standing here, in the midst of us
we raise You up with our praise
and as we worship build the throne
and as we worship build the throne
and as we worship build the throne
come Lord Jesus and take Your place
652. Zbawienie jest tam, gdzie nasz Bóg G D e G7
Siedzący na tronie C G C D
Baranek wśród chwał godzien przyjąć G D e G7 C G
Wdzięczność i moc C G
Honor i chwałę i cześć d C D
On Bogiem mym! / G D
Na wieki wieków! /3x Amen! C D (G)
Salvation belongs to our God
Who sits upon the throne
And unto the lamb
praise and glory
Wisdom and thanks
Honor and power and strength
Be to our God
Forever and ever
Be to our God
Forever and ever
Be to our God
Forever and ever, amen
And we the redeemed shall be strong
In purpose, and unity
Declaring aloud
Praise and glory
Wisdom and thanks
Honor and power and strength
"Passing Through"
I saw Jesus on the cross on a hill called Calvary
"Do you hate mankind for what they done to you?"
He said, "Talk of love not hate, things to do - it's getting late.
I've so little time and I'm only passing through."
Passing through, passing through.
Sometimes happy, sometimes blue,
glad that I ran into you.
Tell the people that you saw me passing through.
I saw Adam leave the Garden with an apple in his hand,
I said "Now you're out, what are you going to do?"
"Plant some crops and pray for rain, maybe raise a little cane.
I'm an orphan now, and I'm only passing through."
Passing through, passing through ...
I was with Washington at Valley Forge, shivering in the snow.
I said, "How come the men here suffer like they do?"
"Men will suffer, men will fight, even die for what is right
even though they know they're only passing through"
Passing through, passing through ...
I was with Franklin Roosevelt's side on the night before he died.
He said, "One world must come out of World War Two" (ah, the fool)
"Yankee, Russian, white or tan," he said, "A man is still a man.
We're all on one road, and we're only passing through."
Passing through, passing through ...
(let's do it one more time)
Passing through, passing through ...
"Dzisiaj tu, jutro tam"
Zapytałem raz Jezusa, czy nienawiść w sercu ma
do ludzkości, co skazała go na krzyż
- O miłości lepiej mów
Nie mam czasu, bywaj zdrów
tyle jeszcze do zrobienia, muszę iść
Dzisiaj tu, jutro tam
każda radość krótko trwa
Dobrze z sobą było nam
więc śpiewajmy: dzisiaj tu, a jutro tam
Kiedy Adam raj opuszczał
z jednym jabłkiem w dłoni swej
zapytałem go, co dalej będzie z nim
- Będę orał, sadził, siał
o deszcz modlił się co dnia
Teraz całkiem sam zostałem, muszę iść ? tak jak ty
Dzisiaj tu, jutro tam
każda radość krótko trwa
Dobrze z sobą było nam
więc śpiewajmy: dzisiaj tu, a jutro tam
Byłem razem z Waszyngtonem, gdy na chłodzie
z armią drżał
I spytałem, w imię czego cierpią tak
- Kiedy człowiek rację ma
nawet życie za nią da
choćby wiedział, że odejdzie tak czy siak
Dzisiaj tu, jutro tam
każda radość krótko trwa
Dobrze z sobą było nam
więc śpiewajmy: dzisiaj tu, a jutro tam
Kiedy Franklin Roosevelt konał, usłyszałem jego głos
rzekł: - Z tej wojny zjednoczony wyjdzie świat -
Stary dureń!
Czy Rosjanin, czy Wuj Sam
każdy z nas jest taki sam
jedna droga, dzisiaj tu, a jutro tam.
Dzisiaj tu, jutro tam
każda radość krótko trwa.
Dobrze z sobą było nam
więc śpiewajmy: dzisiaj tu, a jutro tam
I will believe with devotion e D C G
Never departing from thy tender care a e D e
With every thought and emotion
Wherever I am
You are with me there
Jesus come quickly C G
Jesus come surely a e
Into my heart C G
Into my soul a D
My spirit at rest sweet communion e D C G
My body's salvation, spirit and soul a e D e
Ever before me and leading
Gently you keep me
So tender and fair
As a good and gentle shepherd
Strong as a warrior
With delicate air
With every thought and emotion
With every word every action of life
You are my manna from heaven
Sustaining my soul with heavenly wine
I am the Good Shepherd ( Ps. 23 )
I am the Good Shepherd, you are my people. A D E h E
I am the Good Shepherd and I call you by name.
And I will lead you out into pastures of plenty. cis fis h E
I am the Good Shepherd, I am the Way. A D E E7 A
I am your Shepherd, you shall want for nothing.
In verdant pastures, I will give you repose.
Beside restful waters as a Shepherd, I lead you.
I guide you in right paths, refreshing your soul.
I spread out my table to give strength to the weary.
My love will empower you, my cup overflows.
Only goodness and kindness shall flow from my children.
Forever you dwell with me in the house of the Lord.
I am the Good Shepherd and you are my children
I am the Good Shepherd and I call you by name.
And I will lead you out into pastures of plenty
I am the Good Shepherd, I am the Way. / 2x
Cave of the heart
In the cave of the heart / 2x e D G D e
Seated in freedom a D
In all your wandering a C D
Silence your heart
Silence your soul
Stilling your senses
With single-minded devotion
In the cave of the heart / 5x e D G D e D G C G D C D e D C D e D G
You are seated in freedom C D
In the cave of the heart e D G D e
How can the troubled mind
Understand his ways?
If your thoughts are troubled
You cannot find the wisdom
Like a fish out of water
Stranded upon the shore
Thoughts thrash and they quiver
How can you shake off the chains of desire?
They tremble unsteady
They wander at will
It is good to control them
To master them it will bring you joy
They are most subtle
Elusive now to behold
It is good to control them
To master them it will bring you joy
Chorus 4x…
Philippians Canticle
And if there be therefore any consolation D
And if there be therefore a comfort in His love D A
And if there be therefore fellowship in spirit D
If any tender mercy and compassion D A D
We will fulfill his joy, we will be like-minded
We will fulfill his joy we will dwell in one accord
And nothing will be done through striving or vain glory
We will esteem all others better than ourselves
This is the mind of Jesus G A D
This is the mind of our Lord G A D
And we follow Him then we must be like-minded D
In all humility we`ll offer up our love D A D
And if there be therefore …
The Way Suite
The Way
There is a Way beyond all ways E A H
There is a Name beyond all names
There is a Word beyond all words
A way to set us free A H E
He`s the Way, the Truth, the Life
He`s the way to set us free
He`s the Mystery of mysteries
As the Creator of all things
The Way is a name that can be spoken
As the origin of all
The Way is way of mystery
Mystery of all
As manifested in all things
We can look to its outer traces
As ever hidden beyond all
Its energies and essences is the Spirit in all
White Clouds H E
As the spokes of a wheel converge in the center H
But the hub remains empty to fulfill its purpose H E
So the actions of life, visible to all
Must converge to a place empty and still
Nurturing energy forget all words E A H
Be calm and still do nothing at all
In activity and quiet know the source of all things
Nothing more remains what else now do you see? A H A H E
Real constancy responds to real people in need
Without confusion, stable naturally
So energy returns producing water and fire
Paradoxes now arise, producing children of God
White clouds assemble on the summit H A E
Sweet dew bathes the mountains of God H A H
Sit and listen to the stringless tune E A H
For you clearly understand now the music of God A H A H E
Drink the wine of eternity and wandering free
Who can know you, for you know all things
Just sit and listen to the stringless tune
For you clearly understand now, the music of God
White clouds assemble on the summit
Sweet dew bathes the mountains of the world
Sit and listen to the stringless tune
For you clearly understand now the music of God
The Sacred Secret
Listen to the sacred secret E
Remember the mystery E A
Listen to the sacred secret
Remember the mystery
Word now proclaimed in silence
Victory in defeat
Glory in humiliation
Death is eternity
Listen to the sacred secret
Remember the mystery
Listen E
The Way-Reprise
There is a Way…. E A H…
Himno a la Virgen de Jasna Göra, Chestokowa, Polonia
S. Surge como Débora,
como Judit,
canta como Ana, (melisma)
intercede como Ester.
S. Madre del cielo,
a seguir las huellas,
las huellas de Cristo,
del humilde Hijo,
de la humilde Madre,
de la siempre Virgen María.
483. Przyjdź, przyjdź Światłości serc E cis fis H
Przyjdź i zamieszkaj w nas fis H
Przeniknij nas E cis
Przyjdź i napełnij zdrojem fis H
Swoich łask E cis
Przyjdź Duchu Święty, przyjdź! fis H(A)E
Come, come Spirit of God
Come, make Your dwelling place within my heart
Come and refresh my soul with Waters of Life
Come, Sweet Spirit of God
Glory to God in the highest d C d
Peace to all His people on earth
Glory to God in the highest
Peace to all His people…
Lord God, heavenly King D
Almighty God and Father G A
We worship You D
We give You thanks
We praise You for Your glory B F A
Lord Jesus Christ D
Only Son of the Father G A
Lord God, Lamb of God D
You take away the sins of the world B F G
Have mercy on us B F A
You`re seated at the right hand of the Father B F G
Receive our prayer A
For You alone are the Holy One D G A
For You alone are the Lord D G A
For You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ D G A D A G A
With the Holy Spirit D A G A
In the glory of God the Father D A G
Amen g d
Znana żydowska piosenka - Oseh Shalom
Oseh shalom bimromav
Hu ya'aseh shalom shalom aleinu
V'al kol Yisrael
V'al kol Yisrael
V'imru, v'imru amen.
Oseh shalom shalom bimromav
Hu ya'aseh shalom shalom aleinu
V'al kol Yisrael
V'al kol Yisrael
V'imru, v'imru amen.
Oseh Shalom 1
Oseh shalom bimromav d
Hu ya'aseh shalom aleinu g C F A
V'al kol Yisrael g C F
V'imru, v'imru amen. g A d
ya'aseh shalom /2x d g C F
shalom aleinu B g
V'al kol Yisrael A d
d F
C d
Sz`ma Israel
ksze ha-lew boche
rak elohim szomea
ha-ke'ew ole
mi-toch ha-neszama
adam nofel
lifnej sze-hu szokea
bi-tfila ktana
chotech et ha-dmama
szma isra'el elohaj
ata ha-kol jachol
natata li et chajaj
natata li ha-kol
be-enaj dim'a
ha-lew boche beszeket
u-ksze ha-lew szotek
ha-neszama zo'eket
szma isra'el elohaj
achszaw ani lewad
chazek oti elohaj
ase szelo efchad
ha-ke'ew gadol
we-en le'an liwroach
ase sze-jigamer
ki lo notar bi koach
ksze ha-lew boche
ha-zman omed mi-lechet
ha-adam ro'e
et kol chajaw pit'om
el ha-lo noda
hu lo roce lalechet
kore al saf tehom
El shaddai, el shaddai, e A
El-elyon na adonai, D G7+
Age to age you're still the same, C A
By the power of the name. h D
El shaddai, el shaddai, e A
Erkamka na adonai, D G7+
We will praise and lift you high, C A
El shaddai. D4 D
Through your love and through the ram, e A
You saved the son of Abraham; D G7+
Through the power of your hand, C7+ A
Turned the sea into dry land. h D
To the outcast on her knees, e A
You were the God who really sees, D G7+
And by your might, C7+ A
You set your children free. C7+ A
El shaddai, el shaddai,
El-elyon na adonai,
Age to age you're still the same,
By the power of the name.
El shaddai, el shaddai,
Erkamka na adonai,
We will praise and lift you high,
El shaddai.
Through the years you've made it clear,
That the time of christ was near,
Though the people couldn't see
What messiah ought to be.
Though your word contained the plan,
They just could not understand
Your most awesome work was done
Through the frailty of your son.
El shaddai, el shaddai,
El-elyon na adonai,
Age to age you're still the same,
By the power of the name.
El shaddai, el shaddai,
Erkamka na adonai,
I will praise you till I die,
El shaddai.
El shaddai, el shaddai,
El-elyon na adonai,
Age to age you're still the same,
By the power of the name.
El shaddai, el shaddai,
Erkamka na adonai,
I will praise you till I die.
El shaddai.
The Cry of the Poor
The Lord hears the cry of the poor, blessed be the Lord. e D h e C D e
Verse 1
I will bless the Lord at all times C D e
with praise ever in my mouth. G a h
Let my soul glory in the Lord F H e
who will hear the cry of the poor. a h e
Verse 2
Let the lowly hear and be glad;
the Lord listens to their pleas;
And to hearts broken God is near;
who will hear the cry of the poor.
Verse 3
Every spirit crushed God will save;
will be ransom for their lives;
will be safe shelter for their fears,
and will hear the cry of the poor.
Verse 4
We proclaim your greatness, O God,
Your praise ever in our mouth;
Every face brightened in your light,
For you hear the cry of the poor.
Ref. We are one body, one body in Christ C F C
and we do not stand alone. C F
We are one body, one body in Christ
and He came that we might have life.
I am the way, the truth, the life C F7+
I am the final sacrifice, F7+ C
I am the way, the truth, the life,
Believe in Me have eternal life.
At the name of Jesus every knee shall bend.
Jesus is the Lord and he will come again.
When you eat my Body and you drink my Blood
I will live in you and you will live in my love
On the rock of Peter see the church I build
Come receive my Spirit, with my gifts be filled
For you are my body, you`re my hands and feet
Speak my word of life to everyone you meet
Holy darkness, blessed night, A E fis
heaven's answer hidden from our sight. D A
As we await you, O God of silence, fis D
we embrace your holy night. h E A
1. I have tried you in fires of affliction; E fis
I have taught your soul to grieve. Fis h
In the barren soil of your loneliness, E fis
there I will plant my seed. D h E
2. In your deepest hour of darkness
I will give you wealth untold.
When the silence stills your spirit,
will my riches fill your soul.
3. I have taught you the price of compassion;
you have stood before the grave.
Though my love can seem
like a raging storm,
this is the love that saves.
4. Were you there
when I raised up the mountains?
Can you guide the morning star?
Does the hawk take flight
when you give command?
Why do you doubt my pow'r?
No Longer I cap. V próg
No longer I, but Christ who lives within me: a G F a
This poverty; a treasure rich beyond compare. G d G d F
The life we live is not our own. C d C
Christ lives within us, the seed that must be sown. C G d G
Formed in the pattern of God`s love, B C B C
We die to rise with the Lord. B C E
We have been clothed now in Christ,
Children of freedom, of justice and new life.
To him whose dying set us free,
We give our lives, our liberty.
Glory and praise to our God, Who alone gives light to our days. G D e G D
Many are the blessings He bears to those who trust in his ways. a C G h C D G
1. We, the daughters and sons of Him d C a
Who built the valleys and plains, D G
praise the wonders our God has done d C a
in every heart that sings. e A D
2. In His wisdom He strengthens us,
like gold that's tested in fire.
Though the power of sin prevails,
our God is there to save.
3. Every moment of every day, our God is waiting to save,
always ready to seek the lost, to answer those who pray.
4. God has watered our barren land and spent his merciful
rain. Now the rivers of life run full for anyone to drink.
Ps. 37
Commit Your Life to the Lord G D C D
Trust in Him, He will protect you G D C D
Be still before God, wait in patience G D C e a D
Commit your life to the Lord G D G D
Calm your anger, forget your rage a D G e
Do not be anxious at all a D G
For the humble one shall be raised up G D C e a D
And know the fullness of God G D G D
The just man`s simple and few possessions
Are better than the wicked one`s wealth
I was young , so young but now I`m older
I have never seen the just one forsaken.
Ps. 116
The Simple Hearts
The Lord protects the simple hearts G e C G
I was helpless so He saved me e A D
The Lord protects the simple hearts G e C G
How gracious is the Lord a D C G
They surrounded me, the snares of death a D G e
With the anguish of the tomb C a D
They caught me, sorrow and distress a D G e
I called on the Name of the Lord a D C G
Turn back my soul now to Your rest
For the Lord has been good
He has kept my soul from death
And my eyes from sorrow`s tears
I love the Lord
For He has heard my cry
The Lord protects the simple hearts
How gracious is the Lord
Inflame the fire
Spreading the fire of the gospel of God C G F
Spreading the fire of the Spirit
Spreading the fire of His call on our life
To follow the gospel of Jesus
Look beyond the mere bread and the wine a G F
To see the real presence of God
Look beyond the externals of life
To His presence within our hearts
Beyond the words on the page of a book B F G C
To the mystical Incarnate Word B F G
Written deep in the spirit and soul
In the pages of life to be learned
Inflame the fire / 6 x C G F
The truth of law gives direction to life a G F
To know the right from the wrong
But by itself it is never enough
To bring us to divine love
We need the Spirit of God in our life
To write the truth on our hearts
A truth beyond ideas and words
To a mystical truth of the heart
Inflame the fire / 5 x
Ps. 44
This befell us though we had not forgotten a F G
Though we never had been false to Your word a F E
Though our hearts had not withdrawn their longing F G a G F
Though our minds had not strayed from Your word F G a e a
You have crushed us to the place of sorrow d G a
Covered up with the shadow of death F G a
You make us like the sheep for the slaughter d G a
And scattered us among the nations of the earth F G a e a
You continue to reject and disgrace us
No longer seen to dwell with us
You make us now the taunt of our neighbours
The laughing stock of all who draw near
All day long my disgrace is before me
My face is now covered with shame
This befell us though we had not forsaken
We had not been false to Your Name
Awake o Lord why do You sleep and slumber A D E
Arise o Lord do not reject us again A D E
Awake o Lord hide not Your Face F G a G F
Stand up o Lord and come to our aid F G a e a
Ps. 85
I will hear what the Lord has to say G D e
A voice that speaks of peace C D G D
I will hear what the Lord has to say G D e
Peace for His people and friends C D C G
Mercy and faithfulness met F C D e
Justice and peace have embraced F C D e
Faithfulness springs from the earth G D e
And justice looks down from heaven C D C G
God`s voice speaks of peace D a e a
Peace for His people and friends D a C D
And those who turn now to Him G D e
Turn to Him from their hearts C D C G
Prosper us Lord with success F C D e
And our earth shall yield its fruit F C D e
Justice shall march before God G D e
And peace shall follow his steps C D C G
Ps. 119
Your Word is a lamp for my steps a G e G a
Your Word is a light for my path C G E
I have sworn and made up my mind a C G E
To obey Your Word G D E
O Lord I am deeply afflicted a G a
By Your Word , o Lord, give me life a C G a
Accept, o Lord, the homage of my lips a C G a
And teach me Your Word a G E
My heritage is Your will
Your will is the joy of my heart
I set myself out to accomplish Your will
To carry out Your commands
Though I carry my life in my hands C D
Still I remember Your law G D E
Though the world try to ensnare me C D
I do not stray at all G D E
Breathe on me Holy Spirit of God G A D h
Breathe on me, fill me anew G A D
Breathe on me Holy Spirit of God G A D h
To love what You love, and to do what You do e A G D
Breathe on me breath of God h A h A
Make my heart pure e A D
Conform my will to Your Holy Will h A h A
To choose a life of virtue G e A
Breathe on me, breath of God h A
So I shall never die h A
But live in the Spirit eternally e A
Live in the Spirit of life G e A
Ps. 62
Only One Thing
God has spoken only one thing e C D
Only two do I know G C D
That power belongs to the Lord e C D
And to You, Lord, love C D E
And you render to all living things G C D
Justice and right G C D
And you render to all living things G C D
According to the deeds of life C D E
Mortal men are only a breath
An illusion are men and women of rank
In the balance of God they all prove
Lighter than air
Though wealth and riches abound
On them do not set your heart
Trust not in human strength alone
Nor in empty pride
Ps. 17
Apple of Your Eye
I kept from violence because of Your word G D E
I kept my feet on Your path G D E
My words are pure, not as sinful people C D G e
You test me and You find in me no wrong C D E
You search my heart, and You search my soul
You visit me day and night
From You my judgment shall come forth
Discern the truth with Your piercing eye
Guard me as the apple of Your eye G D E
Hide me in the shadow of Your wings C D E
Save me from the violence of the wicked one C D G e
And guard me as the apple of Your eye C D E
Guard me as the apple of Your eye C D E
( Prayer of Charles De Foucauld )
I abandon myself to Your will G C D
Do with me whatever You want e C D
I will only be grateful for whatever You do F C D G
I`m prepared for anything at all F C D
I commit my life to Your hands G C D
I offer it all now to You e C D
With all the affection of my heart and my soul F C D G
Because, o Lord, I love You F C D
I abandon myself to Your will G C D
Do with me whatever You want e C D
Without any conditions and with confidence F C D G
Because You are my God F C D
Ps. 145
The Lord Is Kind and merciful G D F C
Full of love to all who call G D G D
Slow to anger abounding in love G D F C
The Lord is good to all G D G
The Lord is faithful in all His words C D G
And loving in all His deeds C D e D
The Lord Is Kind and merciful G D F C
Full of love to all who call G D G D
The Lord is just in all of His ways G D F C
And loving in all His deeds G D G D
Close to all with broken hearts G D F C
Who cry to Him in their need G D G
The Lord is great and almighty C D G
The Lord is great and highly to be praised C D e D
Age to age shall proclaim His works G D F C
Shall declare His marvellous deeds G D G
Wisdom comes from God and with God it shall remain E D E D E D A
Like the sand of the seashore or the drops of the rain
Or the days of eternity
Who can number these, who can explore C G C G
Heaeven`s height or the depths of the sea C G A D
Before all things were created E D E D
Wisdom came to be E D A
The beginning of Wisdom is the awesome fear of God
Which is formed in the faithful in their mother`s womb
With devotion from of old
She inebriates with her finest fruit
And fills our house with food
Her garland is the fear of God
Her blossoms peace and good
God Grant I Speak suitably e F7+ e F7+
We and our words are in His hand e F7+ d7 C7+
He gives us knowledge of things that exist
The rules of the universe and the force of its elements
The beginning and the end point of times d7 C7+ D
The sun`s course, variations of seasons G E A
Powers of the wind, thoughts of all men A7+ A7+-IV A7+ A7+-IV
All things hidden and all things clear A7+ A7+-IV A7+ D D7+
God Grant I Speak suitably
He is the guide of Wisdom
I Sought The Lord for Wisdom a-V a-III
Therefore I prayed and prudence was given
I preferred her to riches and gold
In comparison with her all glory will fade
Gold becomes like the merest sand
Silver is accounted as mire
Yet all good things come together in her
And countless riches at her hand
For she is artificer of all E G h
And she is the gift from God E G E
Simply I learned of Wisdom
Simply do I now share her with you
She is an unfailing treasure
And those who gain her win friendship with God
She is the aura of the light of God
A pure effusion of His glory
She reflects eternal light
A spotless mirror of the image of God
For she is artificer of all
And she is the gift from God
I sought to take her for my bride
From my youth I sought her beauty
Beside her now I take my repose
Living with her brings love, joy and peace
Discipline ( The Easy Yoke ) Embrace discipline my son From your youth, when you`re young You will find Wisdom with graying hair First you plow then you sow From your youth draw close Then await her bountiful harvest For in cultivating her you will labor but little Soon you will eat her abundant fruit Discipline, like her name She is not accessible to many, but few Put your feet in her fetters, your neck into her yoke Stoop your shoulders and carry her weight Afterward you will find rest in her Her fetters become your throne of support For her yoke is easy, her burden is light If you wish you can learn If you listen to God`s word So frequent the company of elders Let your feet wear away at their door Eager for Godly discourse Let no wise saying ever escape you Reflect on the precepts of the Lord Let His commandments be your meditation For His yoke is easy, His burden is light Take up His cross and follow For His yoke is easy and His burden is light Then He`ll enlighten your mind Seek and you will find And the Wisdom you seek will be yours
The higher that you climb in life
Humble yourself all the more
You will be loved as a giver of gifts
You will find favor with God
What is too sublime, do not seek
Into things beyond you, do not reach
Be faithful in life`s little things
And you will be given the great / 2x
Great is the power of God
By the humble the Lord God is glorified
For great is the power of God
Humble yourself all the more
Their own opinion leads many astray
False reasoning, unbalanced judgment
A stubborn man will fare badly in the end
For the sinner heaps sin upon sin
Yet the humble soul will find joy
Swift To Hear, Slow To Answer
Be swift to hear, slow to answer E E-III
A man`s words can lead to his fall
If you have knowledge, humbly answer E-IV E-III
If not, say nothing at all
Before investigation, find no fault hold all within
Before you hear, hold back your answer
For in many words there seldom lacks sin
Be swift to hear, slow to answer
You will find Wisdom with God
So never repeat gossip
Never repeat an evil report
Let all you hear die within you
It will not make you burst, be now assured
Admonish your friend, the story maybe slander
Do not believe every story you hear
Admonish your friend, the accused maybe innocent
And if guilty, he may not do it again
Be swift to hear, slow to answer
You will find Wisdom from God
Your Father`s Teaching
Hear my son your Father`s teaching
Reject not your mother`s song
A graceful crown, a royal diadem
Will they be for the crowning of your soul
Crying aloud is the voice of Wisdom
In open squares and the streets of your soul
So the sinners entice you and say
“Come along”, Hold back your foot from their path
For their way is quick to shed blood
And death will come back on them each and everyone
Happy the man who finds Wisdom
Her profit is better than silver or gold
When you are young, disdain not discipline
And you`ll be honoured when you grow old
She is like the tree of life
By Wisdom all of the earth was founded
The depths break open, the clouds poured down rain
Let not lady Wisdom escape you
Hear my son your Father`s teaching
Reject not Wisdom`s song
In God`s Peace
( On Early Death )
The souls of the just are in God`s hand G A D h
No torment shall ever touch them G A D
In the view of fools they seem as dead G A D h
And their passing away an affliction G A G D
But they are in God`s peace G A D
Suffering a short time, now blessed indeed G A D A
But they are in God`s peace G A D
For the souls of the just are blessed indeed G A G D
Though the just die young, their souls are at rest
In a short time, their soul is perfected
Snatched away lest evil pervert their mind
God sped them away from the world
For they are in God`s peace
Suffering a short time, now blessed indeed
For they are in God`s peace
For the souls of the just are blessed indeed
Set a guard over my mouth C D...
On my lips a sure seal
That I may not fall through my words D-V D-IV D-III D
Let me speak only to heal / 2x C D
Apply the lash to my thoughts
To my mind the rod of discipline
For a word is the source of every deed
And the root of the words is the mind
The root of all words is the mind
Lord Father, God of my soul
Let me not to fall like these
Abandon me not to their control
Lord Father, God of my soul
Permit me not to fall like these
Abandon me not to their control
Set a guard over my mouth
On my lips a sure seal
That I may not fall through my words
Let me speak only to heal / 2x
The Beatitudes
Blessed are the poor in spirit e D G h e
Theirs is the kingdom of heaven C D G h
Blessed are those who mourn e D G h e
They shall be comforted / 2x C D E4 E
Blessed are the lowly of heart C D G h
They shall inherit the earth C D E4 E C D E4 E
Blest are those who hunger for God
Nevermore shall they hunger or thirst / 2x
Blessings upon the disciples of Jesus A E D E ...
Blessings upon all the multitudes
Blessings upon those who climb the mountain
With Jesus the Lord, with Jesus our Lord C D E4 E C D E4 E
Blessed are those who show mercy
They shall inherit the mercy of God
Blessed are the pure of heart
They shall see the face of God / 2x
Blest are those who strive for peace
They shall be the children of God
Blest are those who suffer for holiness
Theirs is the kingdom of God / 2x
The Cross is Foolishness
The Cross is foolishness to those who perish D D4 D A D D D4 D A D
But for us it has become the wisdom of God h A G A
The Cross is foolishness to those who perish D D4 D A D D D4 D A D
But for us it is salvation and power from God h A G A D
Some look for miracles, some look for wisdom
But we preach only Jesus crucified
It seems absurdity, it seems so foolish
But to us it is the wisdom of God
Eye has never seen, ear has never heard E E4 E H E E E4 E H E
Nor has it dawned on the limits of the mind cis H A H
What God has surely prepared for those who love Him E E4 E H E E E4 E H E
He reveals this wisdom through the Spirit of God cis H A H E
Our God is an awesome God
When He rolls up His sleeves
He ain't just puttin' on the ritz
(our God is an awesome God)
There is thunder in His footsteps
And lightning in His fist
(our God is an awesome God)
Well, the Lord wasn't joking
When He kicked 'em out of Eden
It wasn't for no reason that He shed his blood
His return is very close and so you better be believing
that our God is an awesome God
Our God(our God) is an awesome God C G
He reigns(He reigns) from heaven above D e
With wisdom(with wisdom) pow'r and love C G
our God is an awesome God a h e
And when the sky was starless in the void of the night
(our God is an awesome God)
He spoke into the darkness and created the light
(our God is an awesome God)
Judgment and wrath he poured out on to Sodom
Mercy and grace He gave us at the cross
I hope that we have not too quickly forgotten that
our God is an awesome God
Refrain x3
Our God is an awesome God
Our God is an awesome God
(Our God is an awesome God)
(Our God is an awesome God)
332. Niech Twój Święty Duch /2x D D4 D
Dziś przenika mnie. /2x A D
I niech zawsze już /2x
Gości w duszy mej. /2x
I niech spadnie deszcz /2x G
Błogosławieństw Twych /2x fis
Ojcze obmyj mnie /2x e
Duchu Święty przyjdź./2x A4 A
Duchu Święty przyjdź
Działaj z mocą w nas.
Duchu Święty przyjdź
Przemień smutku czas.
Let Your Spirit come
Fall upon me now
Let Your Spirit come
Fall upon me now
( and ) let the rain fall down
Fall upon my soul
Come and wash me now
Come and make me whole.
353. Ofiaruję Tobie Panie mój D A h
Całe życie me fis G
Cały jestem Twój aż na wieki e C A
Oto moje serce, przecież wiesz D A h
Tyś miłością mą jedyną jest fis G A D
I offer You, oh my Lord
All of my life, I am Yours forever.
Here is my heart as You know
You are my only Love and Joy.
239. Jezus mój (Jezus mój) Dobry jest (dobry jest) A D
Dobry jest (dobry jest) Jezus mój (Jezus mój) A D
Doradca, Boży Syn A E fis
Dobry jest h E
Jezus mój (...) wspaniały jest (...) A D
Wspaniały jest (...) Jezus mój (...) A D
Książę (...) Pokoju (...) A E fis
Wszechmogący Bóg h D E
Wspaniały jest... A fis h E A
Isn't He (isn't He)
Beautiful (beautiful) ?
Beautiful (beautiful)
Isn't He (isn't He) ?
Prince of peace
Son of God, isn't He?
Isn,t He (isn't He)
Wonderful (wonderful) ?
Wonderful (wonderful)
Isn't He (isn't He) ?
Almighty God, isn't He?
Isn't He? Isn't He?
Yes You are (yes You are)
Beautiful (beautiful)!
Beautiful (beautiful)
Yes You are (yes You are)!
Prince of peace
Son of God, yes You are!
Yes You are (yes You are)
Wonderful (wonderful) !
Wonderful (wonderful)
Yes You are (yes You are)!
Almighty God, yes You are!
522. Stała Matka Boleściwa
Obok krzyża ledwie żywa,
Gdy na krzyżu wisiał Syn.
Mój Synu najdroższy, Synu jedyny
Czemu niewdzięczni zawiesili Cię na drzewie krzyża?
Czemu przyjąłeś cierniową koronę?
Ty, co uzdrawiałeś chorych
A umarłym przywracałeś życie?
Dlaczego umierasz na krzyżu, mój Boże?
Słońce straciło swe światło.
Ociemniały Me oczy, gdy widzę Twą śmierć bolesną.
Mój Synu wielbię Twe miłosierdzie i męstwo
Włócznię, rany, trzcinę, gwoździe.
Tyś Mą nadzieją i obroną.
Twa śmierć stała się życiem dla całego świata.
Stabat Mater
At the cross her station keeping,
Stood the mournful Mother weeping,
Close to Jesus to the last.
Through her heart, His sorrow sharing,
All His bitter anguish bearing,
Now at length the sword had pass'd.
Oh, how sad and sore distress'd
Was that Mother highly blest
Of the sole-begotten One!
Christ above in torment hangs;
She beneath beholds the pangs
Of her dying glorious Son.
Is there one who would not weep,
Whelm'd in miseries so deep
Christ's dear Mother to behold?
Can the human heart refrain
From partaking in her pain,
In that Mother's pain untold?
Bruis'd, derided, curs'd, defil'd,
She beheld her tender child
All with bloody scourges rent.
For the sins of His own nation,
Saw Him hang in desolation,
Till His spirit forth He sent.
O thou Mother! fount of love!
Touch my spirit from above;
Make my heart with thine accord.
Make me feel as thou hast felt;
Make my soul to glow and melt
With the love of Christ our Lord.
Holy Mother! pierce me through;
In my heart each wound renew
Of my Saviour crucified.
Let me share with thee His pain,
Who for all my sins was slain,
Who for me in torments died.
Let me mingle tears with thee,
Mourning Him who mourn'd for me,
All the days that I may live.
By the cross with thee to stay,
There with thee to weep and pray,
Is all I ask of thee to give.
Virgin of all virgins best,
Listen to my fond request
Let me share thy grief divine.
Let me, to my latest breath,
In my body bear the death
Of that dying Son of thine.
Wounded with His every wound,
Steep my soul till it hath swoon'd
In His very blood away.
Be to me, O Virgin, nigh,
Lest in flames I burn and die,
In His awful Judgment day.
Christ, when Thou shalt call me hence,
Be Thy Mother my defence,
Be Thy cross my victory.
While my body here decays,
May my soul Thy goodness praise,
Safe in Paradise with Thee.
629. Wszystko Tobie oddać pragnę
I dla Ciebie tylko żyć!
Chcę Cię Jezu kochać wiernie
Dzieckiem Twoim zawsze być!
Ref.: Serce moje weź, niech Twą śpiewa cześć,
Serce moje, duszę moją, Panie Jezu weź!
Wszystko Tobie oddać pragnę
Od najmłodszych moich lat.
Pomóż Jezu by mnie nie zwiódł
Pokusami swymi świat.
Wszystko Tobie oddać pragnę
W duszy czuję święty żar.
To Ty dajesz dziecku swemu
Twojej łaski Boży dar.
All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.
I surrender all,
I surrender all.
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.
All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
Take me, Jesus, take me now.
All to Jesus I surrender,
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.
All to Jesus I surrender,
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power,
Let Thy blessing fall on me.
All to Jesus I surrender,
Now I feel the sacred flame.
Oh, the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory to His name!
Because He lives ( Zmartwychwstal Pan, przeminéla trwoga... )
God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus;
He came to love, heal and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, G G7 C
Because He lives, all fear is gone; A7 G F D
Because I know He holds the future, G G7 C
And life is worth the living, A7 G
Just because He lives! D G
How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!
And then one day, I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain;
And then, as death gives way to vict'ry,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives!
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!
34. Barka sl. ks. Stan. Szmidt, muz. C. Gabarain
Pan kiedyś stanął nad brzegiem, D A7 D ( C D7 )
Szukał ludzi gotowych pójść za Nim, G A
By łowić serca słów Bożych prawdą. A7 D A7 D ( C D7 )
O Panie, to Ty na mnie spojrzałeś, G D h
Twoje usta dziś wyrzekły me imię; e A D ( C D7 )
Swoją barkę pozostawiam na brzegu, G D h
Razem z Tobą nowy zacznę dziś łów. e A D
Jestem ubogim człowiekiem,
Moim skarbem są ręce gotowe
Do pracy z Tobą i czyste serce.
Ty potrzebujesz mych dłoni,
Mego serca młodego zapałem,
Mych kropli potu i samotności.
Dziś wypłyniemy już razem
Łowić serca na morzach dusz ludzkich
Twej prawdy siecią i Słowem Życia.
"Lord, you have come" ( Barka )
1. Lord, you have come to the lakeshore
looking neither for wealthy nor wise ones.
You only asked me to follow humbly.
O Lord, with your eyes you have searched me,
kindly smiling, have spoken my name.
Now my boat's left on the shoreline behind me;
by your side I will seek other seas.
2. You know so well my possessions;
my boat carries no gold and no weapons;
But nets and fishes?my daily labor.
O Lord, with your eyes you have ...
3. You need my hands, full of caring,
through my labors to give others rest,
and constant love that keeps on loving.
O Lord, with your eyes you have ...
4. You, who have fished other oceans
ever longed-for by souls who are waiting,
my loving friend, as thus you call me.
O Lord, with your eyes you have ...
Tu has venido a la orilla ( Barka )
1. Tu has venido a la orilla,
no has buscado ni a sabios ni a ricos;
tan solo quieres que yo te siga.
Refrain: Senor, me has mirado a lost ojos,
sonriendo has dicho mi nombre,
en la arena he djado mi barca,
junto a ti buscare otro mar.
2. Tu sabes bien lo que tengo;
en mi braca no hay oro ni espadas,
tan solo redes y mi trabajo. Refrain
3. Tu necesitas mis manos,
mi cansancio que a otros descanse,
amor que quiera seguir, amando. Refrain
4. Tu, pescador de otros lagos,
ansia eterna de almas que esperan,
amigo bueno, que asi me llamas. Refrain
I will give thanks to Thee A A4 A
O Lord among the people A A4 A
I will sing praises to Thee fis E
Among the nations D A ( h E )
For Thy steadfast love is great A A4 A
It is great to the heavens A A4 A
And Thy faithfulness, fis
Thy faithfulness to the clouds D h E E4 E
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens h E A A4 A E H E
Let Thy glory be over all the earth h E A
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens h E A A4 A E H E
Let Thy glory be over all the earth h E A
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens
Let Thy glory be over all the earth
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens
Let Thy glory, let Thy glory h E cis Cis fis
Let Thy glory be over all the earth
95. Czcijmy Jezusa, czcijmy Go! /2x E A H7 E
Powstał z martwych /2x H cis
I On żyje! Na wieki już! H cis
Powstał z martwych /2x H cis
Więc razem się radujmy H
Świętując zmartwychwstania ten dzień H D A E
Celebrate Jesus celebrate
Celebrate Jesus celebrate
Celebrate Jesus celebrate
Celebrate Jesus celebrate
He is risen He is risen
And He lives forevermore
He is risen He is risen
Come on and celebrate
Come on and celebrate
Come on and celebrate
The resurrection of our Lord
339. Nie ma problemu by Bóg rozwiązać nie mógł A cis h
Góry tak wielkiej by On przesunąć nie mógł E A E
Burzy tak strasznej by On uciszyć nie mógł A cis h
Smutku głębokiego by ukoić nie mógł E A E
Skoro poniósł On na barkach Swych ciężary świata A cis h
Wiedz drogi bracie (siostro) że On poradzi i twym E A E
He will carry you
There is no problem too big God cannot solve it.
There is no mountain too tall He cannot move it.
There is no storm too dark God cannot calm it.
There is no sorrow too deep, He cannot soothe it.
If He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders.
I know , my brother, that He will carry you.
If He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders.
I know, my sister, that He will carry you.
He said, Come unto Me all who are weary , and I will give you rest.
379. On jest moim życiem G
On jest moją siłą e
On jest mą nadzieją C
Jezus mój Pan D
Wielbić Cię chcę życiem mym C D G e
Wielbić Cię chcę pieśnią mą C D G G7
Ze wszystkich mych sił uwielbiać Cię chcę D G e a
Moja nadzieja to Ty C a D7
My life is in You, Lord
My strength is in You, Lord
My hope is in You, Lord
In You, it's in You
My life is in You, Lord
My strength is in You, Lord
My hope is in You, Lord
In You, it's in You
I will praise You with all of my life
I will praise You with all of my strength
With all of my life
With all of my strength
All of my hope is in You
O how I love Jesus
There is a name I love to hear,
I love to sing its worth;
it sounds like music in my ear,
the sweetest name on earth.
O how I love Jesus, F C F d
O how I love Jesus, g C F C
O how I love Jesus, F C F d
because he first loved me! g C F
2. It tells me of a Savior's love,
who died to set me free;
it tells me of his precious blood,
the sinner's perfect plea.
3. It tells of one whose loving heart
can feel my deepest woe;
who in each sorrow bears a part
that none can bear below.
351. Oczyść serce me E H7 cis
Chcę jak złoto lśnić fis
I jak czyste srebro H7
Oczyść serce me E H7 cis
Chcę czystego złota fis
Blaskiem lśnić H7
Ref.: Zstąp Ogniu zstąp E A H7
Przyjdź oczyść serce me E A H7
Pragnę być święty E H7
Tobie oddany Panie A H7
Chcę zawsze być święty E H7
Tobie mój Mistrzu na zawsze oddany A H7
Gotów by służyć Ci A H7 E
Oczyść serce me, obmyj Swoją Krwią
Spraw bym mógł być święty
Oczyść serce me z najtajniejszych grzechów
Oczyść je.
Purify my heart, let me be as gold and precious silver.
Purify my heart, let me be as gold, pure gold.
Refiner's fire, My heart's one desire
is to be holy, set apart for You, Lord.
I choose to be holy, set apart for You my Master,
ready to do Your will.
Purify my heart, cleanse me from my sin and make me holy.
Purify my heart, cleanse me from my sin deep within.
Open the eyes of my heart lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see you
I want to see you
To see You high and lifted up
Shining in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love
As we sing holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
I want to see you
I want to see you
Lyrics to Peace Prayer, By St. Francis :
Lord, make me an instrument
of Your peace.
Where there is hatred,
let me sow love
Where there is injury,
And where there is doubting
let me bring Your faith.
And Lord, make me an instrument
of Your peace.
Where there is despairing,
let me bring Your hope.
Where there is darkness,
Your light.
And where there is sadness,
let me bring Your joy.
Oh Divine Master,
grant that I might see,
not so much to be consoled
as to console.
To be understood
as to understand
Not so much to be loved
as to love another.
For it is in giving
that we now recieve
it is in pardoning
that we are now pardoned
and it is in dying
that we
are now born again
And Lord, make me an instrument
of Your peace.
Where there is hatred
let me bring Your love
Lyrics to Sing A New Song :
Sing a new song unto the Lord
Sing a new song unto the Lord
songs of praise and thanksgiving
singing and dancing in this celebration.
Lyrics to My God And My All :
My God and my all
I should like to love You
and give You my heart
And give You my soul
And so I will yearn for You
In the depths of Your passion
Show me the way to love
Show me the way to give my life for You
Show me the way to love
Then we will surely rise
To fly like an eagle through the wind
To find in Your dying Lord
We both shall live again
So fly
So I will weep with You
In the depths of Your passion
I will not be ashamed to travel the world
Weeping out loud for love
Weeping out loud for joy
Show me the way to love
Show me the way to give my life for You
Show me the way to love
Then we will surely rise
Lyrics to Brother Sun And Sister Moon :
Brother Sun, and Sister Moon
sister star shine day and night
see them shine, beautiful
radiant splendor of light
Brother Sun, and sister moon
heaven and earth
proclaim God's glory
all praise be Yours,
most High God.
Brother wind, and brother air
fair in storm, all weather's wounds
colored flowers and healing herbs
heavenly grace flows through you
Brother sun, and sister moon
heaven and earth,
proclaim God's glory
all praise be Yours
Most High God.
So rejoice,
for the heavens and earth
are filled with God's glory.
So rejoice,
for the heavens and earth
are full of God's glory.
Brother Sun, Sister Moon
1. He´s got the whole world in His hands, D
|: He´s got the whole world in His hands, :| A
He´s got the whole world in His hands.
2. He´s got the wind and the rain in His hands,
|: He´s got the wind and the rain in His hands, :|
He´s got the whole world in His hands.
3. He´s got the the tiny little baby in His hands,
|: He´s got the the tiny little baby in His hands, :|
He´s got the whole world in His hands.
4. He´s got you and me, brother, in His hands,
|: He´s got you and me, brother, in His hands, :|
He´s got the whole world in His hands.
5. He's got ev'rybody here in His hands.
|: He's got ev'rybody here in His hands. :|
He's got the whole world in His hands.
1. He´s got the whole world in His hands,
|: He´s got the whole world in His hands, :|
He´s got the whole world in His hands.
He's got the earth and sky in his hands;
He's got the night and day in his hands;
He's got the sun and moon in his hands;
He´s got the whole world in His hands.
2. He´s got the whole world in His hands,
|: He´s got the whole world in His hands, :|
He´s got the whole world in His hands.
He's got the land and sea in his hands;
He's got the wind and rain in his hands;
He's got the spring and fall in his hands;
He´s got the whole world in His hands.
3. He´s got the whole world in His hands,
|: He´s got the whole world in His hands, :|
He´s got the whole world in His hands.
He's got the young and old in his hands;
He's got the rich and poor in his hands;
Yes, he's got ev'ry one in his hands;
He´s got the whole world in His hands.
He´s got the whole world in His hands,
|: He´s got the whole world in His hands, :|
He´s got the whole world in His hands.
When creation was begun D A D
God had chosen you to be D e A
Mother of his blessed son A h G A
Holy Mary full of grace D e A D
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria. D A G D fis G A D
When creation was restored
You were there beside the Lord
Whom you cherished and adored
Holy Mary full of grace
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
All of us are children too,
Often doubtful what to do,
Needing to confide in you.
Holy Mary full of grace
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
Praise the Father and the Son
And the Spirit three-in-one
As it was when time began
Now and evermore. Amen
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
Lead us to your child above
He will teach us how to love
How to pity and forgive
Holy Mary full of grace
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
573. Ty dasz mi pokój serca Panie mój e C G D e a H7
Bo Tyś zbawieniem mym e D G
Tak w Tobie znajdzie pokój dusza moja e C G D e a H7
I uciszy się e a H7 e
In God alone my soul can find rest and peace
In God my peace and joy
Only in God my soul can find its rest.
Find its rest and peace.
There's a Time
John M. Talbot
(Ecclesiastes 3, 1-8)
released on 'Hiding Place'
There's an appointed time for everything, d G
and a time for every purpose under heaven d C d G d
There's a time to be born and a time to die
There's a time to plant and for uprooting
There's a time to kill and a time to heal F C d G
There's a time to tear down and a time to build d C d G d
There's a time to weep and a time to laugh
There's a time to mourn and a time to dance
There's a time to throw stones and a time to regather
There's a time to embrace and for distances
There's a time to seek and a time to lose
There's a time to mend and a time to sew
There's a time to speak and for silences
There's a time to love and a time to hate
there's a time for war and a time for peace
There's an appointed time for everything,
and a time for every purpose under heaven
(1 John 1)
by: John Michael Talbot on Hiding Place
1.I see a struggle now within a e7 G a
Alive in my soul D a
As I'm dying to sin** D a
I do the things that I hate
So I hate what I do
Who will deliver me?
But thanks be to God Through Je--sus Christ C G e a
For there is no Condemnation at all C G a ( e7 a D a D a ...)
2.This is the message we have heard
We have seen with our eyes
We have touched with our hands**
The word of life appeared
The word became flesh
The word dwelt among us**
The word of life, The God of light
And in him there is no darkness at all
3.If we claim to have fellowship with Him
Yet we walk in the dark
We live in a lie**
If we claim to be without sin
We deceive ourselves
The word is not within us
If we confess our sins and cry out to God
He will forgive and purify our human hearts
For those who are in Je--sus Christ
He has given us, of the spirit of God
I See a struggle now within
Alive in my soul
As I'm dying to sin**
Lyrics to Would You Crucify Him?:
Sometimes, in the cool of the evenin'
Truth comes like a Lover in the wind
Sometimes, when my thoughts have gone misleadin'
She asks that same old question once again...
Would you crucify Him
Would you crucify Him..., my religious friend?
Would you crucify Him..., talking 'bout the sweet Lord Jesus
If He'd walk right here among you once again?
She's askin', How many times have you looked down to the harlot
Lookin' through her tears, pretendin' you don't know?
For once you were just like her, how can you be now so self righteous
When in the name of the Lord you throw the first stone
So now I turn to you through your years of your robes and stained-glass windows
Do you vainly echo your prayers 'to please the Lord?'
Profess the Marriage with your tongue, while your mind dreams like the harlot
Lyrics www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/john_michael_talbot/
But if the Judge looks to your thoughts can't you guess your reward?
Yet how many times have you quoted from your Bible
To justify your eye for your eye and your tooth for your tooth?
You say that He didn't mean what He was plainly sayin'
But like the Pharisee, my friend, you're an educated fool!
Lyrics to Hallelu:
I gazed into the stars
I followed where the eastern light does show
I tried to find the Light to fill my achin' soul
I looked into the ocean
I walked upon the mountain tops
I trusted in my garden tryin' to set my spirit free
And then the Son of Mand, He beckoned to me
The Spirit of the Light came in true love
Like a gentle summer breeze, so comfortin', so free
He gave the Light of Freedom within Me
He is the Mornin' Star
He causes all the lights to shine
He walks within the garden beside me
From the depths of the sea
Beyond the highest mountain top
He causes all the universe to be
And I sing Hallelu, sing praises to my Lord
I sing Hallelu, Hallelu
Lyrics to Woman:
Woman, look to the mirror
In the autumn of your years
Woman, you try so hard in hidin'
As you're makin' up at the vanity of your fears
You're paintin' your face in the mornin'
And you touch up your grey-streaked hair with a dye of auburn-brown
With a pencil you're linin' your eyes to a smile
But the years of your hardened heart 'still turnin' your mouth to a frown
Take off your mask..., my lady
The Marriage will come..., so prepare for the cleansing in the Lamb
See the diamonds in that crown you've been wearin'
Now do they resemble the thorns in the crown He did bear?
Did He see you..., clothed in scarlet linen
As you turned out the homeless from your door with only a prayer?
Did you remember the Power, how He Loved those who pierced Him
While you were crusadin' by the power of your blood-stained sword?
Lyrics www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/john_michael_talbot/
Were you sleepin' with kings in a bed that denied Him?
Will you let go the gavel to hold the nail-scarred hands He bore
Woman, look to the mirror
What will He desire in you in the autumn of your years?
Your sins have marred you, but He will bring you beauty again
He will hold you if you'll cry a humble tear
Lyrics to Greenwood Suite:
Listen to loves' lullaby
It's makin' time stand still
Listen to the wilderness cry
The Spirit singin' as He will
And you know you're comin' home
There is a freedom song
Singin' without words and lines
The child of silence come to sing along
His tongue does cease to twist and tie
And you know you're comin' home
So listen to the singer sing the Prophet's song
He tells the time to come
The Plowman and His team, they keep on pushin' on
To sow His field before it's come and gone
And you know you're comin' home
So when the greenwood is burnin' dry
Lyrics www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/john_michael_talbot/
You know the last time is drawin' nigh
And then the love will flow, the love will flow so freely
Then the love will flow through the Beautiful City
But now the greenwood is burnin' dry
Watch it burn as it writes through your sky
Mother nature, now we listen to your call
We look upon your mountains, let them fall
This is the time..., so come on now listen!!
This is the time..., my Jesus come to me
This is the time..., so come on low listen!!
This is the time..., to be free
So listen to the singer sing the Prophet's song
Come listen to the Word
The Plowman and His team, they keep on pushin' on
As the greenwood starts to burn
And you know you're comin' home
And the time is movin' still
Mother nature, like a child does cry
Imprisoned to the bondage
As the greenwood burns dry
But there's a Spirit of sweet freedom
To release her like a mighty Wind
To cleanse her through the sons in Jesus
Like in the garden again can you feel the Wind?
Proclamation of Victory
So let the greenwood tell her own story
Let the greenwood sing her own song
But the greenwood, will it last through tomorrow?
But the Spirit moves on, He moves on!
So who is the King of the glory
Who is the King but the Lord?
So [tell me] who is the King of the glory
Who reigns but Jesus the Lord?
Lyrics to He Is Risen:
There's a Voice in the wind, can you hear it?
A Story echoes in the wind, can you hear it?
It's an answer for a prayer for peace come true
And it Comes now from me to you, can you hear it?
There was a Prophet in the land, do you remember?
He said He was more than just a man, do you remember?
He told of us of a love that was so true
How it would last the ages through, do you remember?
Hallelu, Hallelu, He is livin'
But they took this Nazarene, hear them screamin'
They took this Man of Peace, in confusion they're screamin'
Tearin' His clothes they stripped Him bare
They scourged His back 'til His skin did tear, hear them screamin'?
And the hammer it did fall to the tree as they nailed Him
And the hammer it did fall to the tree as they nailed Him
In sorrow and pain His blood was shed
Lyrics www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/john_michael_talbot/
For peace He wore the crown of thorns on His head as they're screamin'
When they laid Him in His grave, thought it was over
When they laid Him in His grave they thought themselves [that much] bolder
But when they turned and they looked he was alive and well
Come back from the dead, conquered the gates of hell now He is risen!
Hallelu, Hallelu, He is risen!
Lyrics to Jerusalem:
You were but a small child
He reached out His hand to you
You were but a small, and chosen child
He gave a special care to you
He gave you the law of right and wrong
He gave you the strength so you'd grow strong
You were but a small and chosen child
He did love you
He said He would come to you someday
And walk with you a man to man
He said He would come and talk with you
To tell you of His deeper plans
But when the time was all arranged
He walked up to you, but you turned away
Still even up until this day, He still loves you
So walk on, you got to walk on
So walk on, across the Dead Sea sands
Walk on Jerusalem
Lyrics www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/john_michael_talbot/
You're holdin' the sundial
All the world tells the time through you
Still turnin' away all the while
He marks the end of the age through you
As your blood sings a warrior's song
We see the shadow is fallin' long
While patiently He calls
He still loves you
But we all know that someday
The shadow of death will fall on you
And with nowhere left to go
You'll hear the familiar Voice ring true
Then He will come to you once again
Father will come now as only Messiah can
And He will heal your broken land,
And He will love you
Lyrics to How Long?:
There's a tribulation comin'
Comin' to us all
Even now it's tearin' down the country
Are you preparin' for the fall?
Up from the California seaboard
It once was a paradise indeed
But the shadow it is fallin'
To fall upon an age old foolish greed
Some people move to the desert
Where the air is fresh and clean
But they cannot get away from that smog
They take it with them in their 'fine machines'
See them drivin' through the desert tonight
Twistin' through the hills they think they're flyin'
Lookin' out the window of your Chevrolet
As Arizona's cryin'
How long...
How long will you try to answer the question yourself?
Lyrics www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/john_michael_talbot/
How long, how long
Can't you see you're buildin' your own private hell?
How long, how long?
Some people move to the mountains
To climb above the muck and mire
But as they turn around to look back down
They see the tribulation climbin' higher and higher and higher
You know it's gonna get them
As long as they hold tight to their vain dreams
Don't it seem we need a Saviour
To show us a way, a way to be released?
Ave Maria F. Shubert C a G G7 a
Gratia plena d G G7 C
Maria, gratia plena a H7
Maria, gratia plena d a
Ave, ave dominus G A D
Dominus tecum D7 G
Benedicta tu in mulieribus G7 C
Et benedictus G7 a
benedictus fructus fructus ventris G7 E7 d
Ventris tui, Jesus. d D7 F7 G
Ave Maria C a G G7 C
Ave Maria C a G G7 a
Mater Dei d G G7 C
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus a H7
Ora ora pro nobis d a
Ora, ora pro nobis G A D
peccatoribus D7 G
Nunc et et in hora mortis G7 C
in hora mortis nostrae G7 a
in hora mortis mortis nostrae G7 E7 d
in hora mortis nostrae d D7 F7 G
Ave Maria C a G G7
Though We Are Many
(Composed by Bernard Sexton) cap. I próg
Though we are many, we are one body. E fis H7 E
We who come to share this living bread; A E fis H7
Cup of salvation, shared among all nations, E fis H7 E
nourishing us now and evermore. A E fis H7 E
We gather in this place E A H7
round the table of the Lord. cis H7
Christ's presence is revealed E A
in our communion and his Living Word. E fis H7
Now our communion recalls
Christ's death and resurrection.
This living sacrifice
is our salvation now and evermore.
And through this shared Eucharist
we are the living Church.
We witness to Christ's love
His living body active in our world.
Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you. d G G7 C ( e a )
I have called you by your name; a d
you are mine. G G7 C
When you walk through the waters , a
I'll be with you; d
you will never sink beneath the waves. F G C
When the fire is burning all around you,
you will never be consumed by the flames.
When the fear of loneliness is looming,
then remember I am at your side.
When you dwell in the exile of a stranger,
remember you are precious in my eyes.
You are mine,O my child,
I am your Father,
and I love you with a perfect love.
Christ Be our Light Bernadette Farrell
1. Longing for light, we wait in darkness. e a7 D e
Longing for truth, we turn to you. e a7 D e
Make us your own, your holy people, e a7 D G
light for the world to see. C a7 D
Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. G C G e h
Shine through the darkness. e a D
Christ, be our light! G D e
Shine in your church gathered today. G C D G ( C G )
2. Longing for peace, our world is troubled.
Longing for hope, many despair.
Your word alone has pow'r to save us.
Make us your living voice.
3. Longing for food, many are hungry.
Longing for water, many still thirst.
Make us your bread, broken for others,
shared until all are fed.
4. Longing for shelter, many are homeless.
Longing for warmth, many are cold.
Make us your building, sheltering others,
walls made of living stone.
5. Many the gifts, many the people,
many the hearts that yearn to belong.
Let us be servants to one another,
making your kingdom come.
Lord have mercy / 2x e D e
Christ have mercy / 2x G D G
Lord have mercy / 2x e D e
DO NOT BE AFRAID Gerard Markland
Do not be afraid, for I am with you. A D
I have called you by your name; E
you are mine. A
When you walk through the waters ,
I'll be with you;
you will never sink beneath the waves.
When the fire is burning all around you,
you will never be consumed by the flames.
When the fear of loneliness is looming,
then remember I am at your side.
When you dwell in the exile of a stranger,
remember you are precious in my eyes.
You are mine,O my child,
I am your Father,
and I love you with a perfect love.
Send forth Your Spirit O Lord
Send forth Your Spirit O Lord and renew the face of the earth D A D G A D
Bless the Lord O my soul D A
Lord God how great You are A7 D
How many are Your works O Lord D G
the earth is full of Your riches D A D
You take back Your Spirit they die
Returning to the dust
Send forth Your Spirit O Lord
and renew the face of the earth
May the glory of the Lord last forever
May the Lord rejoice in His works
May my thoughts be pleasing to Him
I find my joy in the Lord.
Go Tell Everyone cap. III próg
God's Spirit is in my heart a
He has called me and set me apart d a
This is what I have to do E E7 a
What I have to do d E a
Ch:He sent me to give the good news to the poor A E
Tell prisoners that they are prisoners no more A E
Tell blind people that they can see, A A7 D
And set the downtrodden free H7 E
And go tell everyone A D
The news that the kingdom of God has come E A
And go tell everyone A D
The news that the kingdom has come E A
Just as the Father sent me
So I'm sending you out to be
My witnesses throughout the world
The whole of the world
Don't worry what You have to say
Donn't worry because on that day
God's spirit will speak in your heart
Will speak in your heart
Take our bread, we ask you, C
Take our hearts, we love you, F
Take our lives, oh Father, C
We are yours, we are yours. G C
Yours as we stand at the table you set, C G C
Yours as we eat the bread our hearts can't forget. C F G
We are the signs of your life with us yet; C G C
We are yours, we are yours. C G
Your holy people stand washed in your blood,
Spirit filled, yet hungry, we await your food.
Poor thought we are, we have brought
Ourselves to you:
We are yours, we are yours.
The Clouds' Veil
Even though the rain hides the stars,
even though the mist swirls the hills,
even when the dark clouds veil the sky,
You are by my side.
Even when the sun shall fall in sleep,
even when at dawn the sky shall weep,
even in the night when storms shall rise,
You are by my side. You are by my side.
Verse 1
Bright the stars at night that mirror heaven's way to you.
Bright the stars in light where dwell the saints in love and truth.
Verse 2
Deep the feast of life where saints shall gather in deep peace.
Deep in heaven's light where sorrows pass beyond death's sleep.
Verse 3
Blest are they who sing the fellowship of saints in light.
Blest in heaven's King. All saints adore the Lord, most high.
Shalom, chaverim,
Shalom, chaverim,
Shalom! Shalom!
L'hitraot, l'hitraot,
Shalom, shalom.
Shalom my friend, /2x d
Shalom, shalom B F
'till we meet again! /2x d
Shalom, shalom d
665. Zmartwychwstał Pan A D
Zwycięstwa chwałą niebo brzmi E D A
Któż tak jak On majestatu A D E
Blaskiem lśni D A
Ref.: Baranek Królem jest (...) D E
Najwyższy zajął tron (...) A fis
W pokorze chylę się (...) h E
Z radością składam hołd (...) E A
Rozgłosić chcę
Radosną Zmartwychwstania wieść
Na krzyżu Pan
Przezwyciężył śmierć i grzech
All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord
Who can compare with the beauty of the Lord?
Forever He will be (Forever He will be)
The Lamb apon the throne (The Lamb apon the throne)
I gladly bow the knee (I gladly bow the knee)
And worship Him alone
I will proclaim the glory of the risen Lord
Who once was slain to reconcile man to God
Forever You will be (Forever You will be)
The Lamb upon the throne (The Lamb upon the throne)
I gladly bow my knee (I gladly bow my knee)
And worship You alone
Bring flowers of the rarest
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today! G
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May. D D7 G
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today, G e C e
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May. G e D G
Bring flowers of the rarest G
bring blossoms the fairest, D
from garden and woodland and hillside and dale; D7 G
our full hearts are swelling, G
our glad voices telling D
the praise of the loveliest flower of the vale! D7 G
Their lady they name thee,
Their mistress proclaim thee,
oh, grant that thy children on earth be as true
as long as the bowers
are radiant with flowers,
as long as the azure shall keep its bright hue
Sing gaily in chorus;
the bright angels o'er us
re-echo the strains we begin upon earth;
their harps are repeating
the notes of our greeting,
for Mary herself is the cause of our mirth
Nearer, My God to Thee, E E7 A
Nearer to Thee, E H7
Even though it be a cross, E E7 A
That raiseth me . . . E H7 E
Still, all my song will be, E A E
Nearer, My God to Thee, E H7
Nearer, My God to Thee, E E7 A
Nearer to Thee . . . E H7 E
Though like the wanderer,
The sun gone down,
Darkness be over me,
My rest a stone . . .
Yet in my dreams I'll be,
Nearer, My God to Thee,
Nearer, My God to Thee,
Nearer to Thee . . .
There let the way appear,
Steps unto Heaven,
All that thou sendest me,
In mercy given!
Angels to beckon me,
Nearer, My God to Thee,
Nearer, My God to Thee,
Nearer to Thee . . .
Then, with my waking thoughts
bright with thy praise,
out of my stony griefs
Bethel I'll raise;
so by my woes to be
nearer, my God, to thee;
nearer, my God, to thee,
nearer to thee!
Or if, on joyful wing
cleaving the sky,
sun, moon, and stars forgot,
upward I fly,
still all my song shall be,
nearer, my God, to thee;
nearer, my God, to thee,
nearer to thee!
410. Panie pragnę Ci dziękować D A
Panie pragnę modlić się h G A
Panie pragnę wznosić ręce swe D A G
By wielbić Cię A D
All that I can do
When the Father sent His Son D A
To live with us our lives to mend h E A
He placed His Love upon the altar D A
That with Him we might ascend G A D
All that I can do is thank Him
All that I can do is pray
All that I can do
Is lift my hands to sing His praise
Lord the blessed life You give me
And the holy road You choose
Lead me all the way to Calv'ry
And I'll only follow You
All that I can do is thank You E H
All that I can do is pray cis Fis H
All that I can do E H
Is lift my hands to sing Your praise A H E
Lord I only want Your Blessing
As I'm sitting at Your feet
Nothing in this world can woo me
From Your holy seat
come and fill this temple
Come, o come and fill this temple, E H A H E
and fill this temple with the glory of the Lord A H E A H
come, o come and fill this temple, E H A H E
and fill this temple with the glory of the Lord A H E A H E
There's a place of unity, a place for fellowship, E E4 E A fis H
there's a place where God's people come together, E A H
when the Spirit of the Lord descens and binds our hearts as one E E4 E A fis H
and we're filled afresh with holy power E A H E ( A H )
So we wait with open arms, we're hungry for your touch,
and we worship now the name of Jesus,
forgive us, Lord, for grieving you and warm our hearts anew
with the fire and the zeal of pentecost
Lion of Judah on the throne C F C ( F G )
I shout Your name, let it be known C G
That You are King of kings F G
You are Prince of Peace F C
May Your kingdom's reign never cease C G C
Hail to the King! F G
Hail to the King! F G
Lion of Judah come to earth
I want to thank You for Your birth
For the living Word
Your death on the tree
For Your resurrection victory
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Lion of Judah, come again
Take up Your throne Jerusalem
Bring release to this earth
And the consummation
Of Your kingdom's reign, let it come
Maranatha! Maranatha!
Hail to the King!
Hail to the King!
You are my King!
Send us out to proclaim the reign of your kingdom.
Send us out to proclaim and to heal
Send us out with your power and your authority.
To overcome, and to heal the world
Taking nothing for your journey
For God will give you His bread
And for every house that you enter
Pray the peace of God descend (Refrain)
END: To overcome, and to heal the world (3x)
Praise the name of Jesus
Praise the name of Jesus
He's my rock, He's my fortress
He's my deliverer
In Him will I trust
Praise the name of Jesus
My hands belong to You, Lord
My hands belong to You
I lift them up to You, Lord
And sing Hallelujah
I lift them up to You, Lord
And sing Hallelujah
My voice belongs to You, Lord
My voice belongs to You
I lift it up to You, Lord
And sing Hallelujah
I lift it up to You, Lord
And sing Hallelujah
My life belongs to You, Lord
My life belongs to You
I lift it up to You, Lord
And sing Hallelujah
I lift it up to You, Lord
And sing Hallelujah
My heart belongs to You, Lord
My heart belongs to You
I lift it up to You, Lord
And sing Hallelujah
I lift it up to You, Lord
And sing Hallelujah
Holy ground
This is Holy ground,
we're standing on Holy ground
For the Lord is present
and where he is, is Holy
This is holy ground,
we're standing on Holy Ground
For the Lord is present
and where he is, is Holy
These are holy hands
He's given us holy hands;
He works through these hands
And so these hands are holy
Psalm 51
Have mercy on me, God, in Your kindness,
In Your compassion blot out my offences.
O wash me more and more from my guilt,
and cleanse me from my sin.
The battle belongs to the Lord
In heavenly armour we'll enter the land
The battle belongs to the Lord
The battle belongs to the Lord
We sing glory and honor
Power and strength to the Lord(repeat)
The power of darkness comes in like a flood
The battle belongs to the Lord
He's raised up a standard, the power of His blood
The battle belongs to the Lord
The battle belongs to the Lord
Take courage my friend, your redemption is near
The battle belongs to the Lord
1. The Lord is present e D
in His sanctuary C H7
Let us praise the Lord. e D e
The Lord is present
in His people gathered here,
Let us praise the Lord.
Praise Him, praise Him a e
Let us praise the Lord. D e
Praise Him, praise Him
Let us praise Jesus.
2. The Lord is present
in His sanctuary
Let us love the Lord.
The Lord is present
in His people gathered here,
Let us love the Lord.
Love Him, love Him
Let us love the Lord.
Love Him, love Him
Let us love Jesus.
3. The Lord is present
in His sanctuary
Let us serve the Lord.
The Lord is present
in His people gathered here,
Let us serve the Lord.
serve Him, serve Him
Let us serve the Lord.
serve Him, serve Him
Let us serve Jesus.