Construction Site Overview.
Trenchless Pipe Jacking for the laying of supply and disposal pipes and for pipe replacement is continuing to grow in importance. The advantages compared with the open construction method are quite obvious:
earth-moving reduced to a minimum
low impact on nearby residents and the environment
no need to lower groundwater level
minimal adverse affect on traffic
Market leader Herrenknecht AG constructs and sells an extensive standard range of products spanning the DN 250 to DN 1200 rated width sector for all currently available outer diameters and pipe materials for use in all geology types. The Herrenknecht - AVN - standard range covers all the components for unmanned Pipe Jacking. These components are optimally designed for use together and enable safe and efficient tunnelling, whether under groundwater or not, without any accompanying action such as groundwater level lowering, provision of compressed air or freezing. The compact construction of these systems makes them ideally suited for use in heavily built up areas.