Seizing Your Suddenly

Seizing Your Suddenly

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Seizing Your Suddenly - By Duane White
"Suddenly, a great company of the heavenly host appeared..." Luke 2:13

The Bible is full of many "divine suddenlies" that abruptly change the direction of history. In an instant God moves and provision and clarity come, things quickly transition, and the previous state is abruptly transformed into an amazing display of destiny. I believe this year God is positioning the body of Christ to experience many of these kairos, "epoch making moments," but they must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity! In Acts 9:3, the Apostle Paul's life was abducted by God's glory as
"suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him"; he received new purpose and perspective that causewayed the path of grace to the gentile world. In the upper room on the day of Pentecost "suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting." Notice how suddenly the Holy Spirit came and empowered the believers to "move" from where they were "sitting" to change the world. The greatest divine suddenly ever, of course, is in Luke 2:13 where, "suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared" and announced peace to all men through the birth of Jesus.

There are some principles surrounding "divine" suddenlies" that help us position ourselves to receive them:

 Miraculous moments often come wrapped in mundane packages. This is why so many people miss them! Jesus came to us wrapped in grave clothes, nestled in a cow trough.

 Every suddenly has a risk involved. The greater the suddenly, the greater the risk! The more success we have, the more we have to risk and the greater the risk is.

 Every suddenly demands a choice. In McManus' book Chasing Daylight he challenges us to wake up and "not sleep through our dreams!" It takes a conscience choice to not be lulled to sleep by the daily routine and survival modes of life.

 It must be seized at the moment it passes. "Moment" and motion have the same root word. We want to freeze time and go back to retrieve it, but the only moment you have is the one in front of you!

 When seized, the small becomes HUGE! When you seize divine moments, you instigate an atomic reaction. You become a human catalyst creating a divine impact.

 Many never seize the moment when it comes, but even fewer move toward the moment before it arrives! How can someone move toward their suddenly before it arrives! By the Spirit of God leading you prophetically. Look at the birth of Christ. There are three different people represented: a) Those people asleep. They slept in their comfortables beds not knowing that the miracle of the Messiah was manifesting around them! b) Shepherds. When they SAW the star, they left everything to go and see. c) Wise Men. These men SAW the star before it came and "moved" toward it!

 Some moments (suddenlies) are too big to be seized alone. This is why we need each other! Some dreams are too big for one person, they need to be chased together and they take us on an amazing journey of relationship together.

Are you asleep? Wake up! Are you a sherpherd? Leave your field! Are you a Wise Man? Move toward the coming star! Move out of mediocrity and don't miss the divine moments God has planned in 2007 to "suddenly" change and transform you! 

Copyright 2007 Beyond These Shores
Beyond These Shores, P.O. Box 50808, Denton TX 76206, 940-387-1409


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