Baron von Steuben The U S Revolutionary War

Baron von Steuben

The Prussian Baron von Steuben, being a newcomer to the

Revolutionary cause in America, was in a position to see many of

the deficiencies in military discipline and their causes. The reasons

for his unique insight may have been due to the fact that he was

distanced from the revolutionary ideals in America, and as a result,

was able to better observe and understand them; and ultimately use

them to shape his new and successful form of discipline in the

Continental Army.

Most of the commanders of the Continental Army, from the

commander in chief to the lower officers had subscribed to the

traditional European method that relied on fear to achieve discipline.

This method of fear was probably not essential, and had little if any

effect in the early days of the war because the soldiers were mostly

fighting for their own ideologies. To the soldiers, the commanders

were of little importance. The soldiers were going to fight their own

fight, and leave the battle when they felt it necessary. The soldier

saw himself as a volunteer, a citizen fighting in a group of citizens,

and as a result did not respond well to the traditional forms of

discipline. The soldier knew it wasn't necessary for him to serve, and

he knew that he would not be looked down upon for not serving or

leaving the army by his fellow revolutionaries. He had the freedom to

chose how he wished to serve the revolution, and military service was

not an obligation.

One aspect of the traditional European system that Baron von

Steuben felt needed change was the relationship between the officers

and the soldiers. Officers in the Continental Army felt it was

necessary to distance themselves from the common soldiers, as an

officer had an obligation as a gentleman as well. This division was

along social lines, and by separation, the officers felt the common

soldiers would show even greater respect. Royster describes this

accurately by saying that the officers tried "to make themselves

haughty objects of the soldiers' awe." (215)

Steuben did several things to put the officers and the

soldiers on common ground. First, sergeants were no longer to do the

training and drilling of soldiers. Officers were encouraged to train,

drill, and march with their soldiers. They were also encouraged to eat

with the common soldiers as well, whenever possible. The officers

needed to show love of the soldiers to earn their respect, and in

doing this the officers needed to set themselves as an example to the

soldiers by overachieving, rather than distancing themselves and

underachieving in the eyes of the soldier.

Before Steuben arrived, the forms of drills, training, and

discipline in the Continental Army were mainly achieved at the

discretion of each particular officer. There was no set standard for

drills and training, and each battalion, company, and regiment had

different methods. Baron von Steuben set a standard that became

universal in the army and all soldiers and officers were to follow it.

Through constant repetition of these rather simplified drills and

training methods, coupled with the newly evident compassion and caring

being shown by the officers, soldiers soon began to show a level of

pride and professionalism in doing their duties in the Continental


Steuben catered to the needs and ideologies of the men in the

Continental Army. He knew that soldiers who felt that military service

was not a necessity, would often question authority. When given an

order many soldiers would ask 'Why?' This was what Steuben realized

and built his form of discipline around. If a soldier asked why, and

there was a good reason for it, then the soldier would ultimately obey

the order. This is why the uniformity and simplicity of SteubenŐs

system was so successful in the Continental Army.

Steuben's method of discipline and training was so successful

for one main reason, it was catered to the soldier and not to the

officer. It had the ultimate result of making the soldier feel like a

soldier and not like a volunteer. It established a sense of pride in

the soldiers and in the job they did. By the later years of the war,

native courage, virtue, and liberty were not enough to encourage

soldiers. Steuben method created a professionalism in the Continental

Army which, along with the ideologies of the men, was enough to keep

the moral of the soldier high despite the many hardships of winter

camps like Valley Forge and Morristown.


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