Language Test Key 7

Unit 7 Answer Key

Test A


b) caravan / c) lorry / d) helicopter

1 art gallery / 2 post office / 3 market / 4 zoo


1 relaxing / 2 noisy / 3 expensive / 4 far / 5 interesting


1 curry / 2 garlic / 3 roast / 4 kebab / 5 grilled / 6 baked

7 green / 8 fruit


1 The hospital isn't near enough to visit Grandad every day.

2 The Sunday market is too crowded for my grandma.

3 The hotel is too expensive to stay in.

4 The park isn't big enough to play football.

5 It's too noisy to talk in this disco.


1 What is Jenny doing at the weekend? She's going to London.

2 Are you going to France by plane? No, I'm / we're going by ferry.

3 What are the twins doing for their birthday? They're having a barbecue on the beach.

4 Are you going shopping on Saturday? No, I'm going ice skating.

5 Where are they going this summer? They're going to Colorado.


1 'd like / 2 Do / like, like / 3 Would / like, I'd like / 4 Do / like

5 Would / like


1 going - b / 2 Anything - a / 3 isn't - f / 4 near - e / 5 tomato - c


1 like / 2 Would / 3 Can / 4 Anything / 5 grilled / 6 mashed

7 please / 8 drink / 9 I'd / 10 juice

Unit 7 Answer Key

Test B


b) minibus / c) van / d) moped

1 book shop / 2 police station / 3 hospital / 4 petrol station


1 cheap / 2 safe / 3 boring / 4 stressful / 5 close


1 fillet / 2 roast / 3 kebab / 4 grilled / 5 baked / 6 mashed

7 garlic / 8 cheesecake


1 My brother isn't old enough to go to school.

2 Exams are too stressful for students.

3 It isn't warm enough to play football outside.

4 This suitcase isn't big enough for all my clothes.

5 Your mobile phone is too loud.


1 Are they going to London by train? No, they're going by coach.

2 What are you doing this Sunday? I'm playing tennis with my cousins.

3 Where is Greg going next summer? He's going to Spain.

4 Are you staying in a hotel? No, we're staying in a hostel.

5 What are you wearing at the disco? I'm wearing my new dress.


1 Does / like / 2 Would / like / 3 'd like / 4 Do / like, like

5 Would / like


1 like - a / 2 doing - f / 3 vanilla - b / 4 birthday - c / 5 Are - e


1 Can / 2 I'll / 3 like / 4 Not / 5 Anything / 6 mineral / 7 dessert / 8 I'd / 9 Apple / 10 with

0x01 graphic

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