Fonetyka test sem V

1. There is a subtle difference between these two plans.  ðər ɪz ə ˈsʌtl ˈdɪfrəns bɪˈtwi:n ði:z tu: ˈplæns 2. Please have issued a photograph of this suspect.   Pəˈli:z əv ˈɪʃu:d ə ˈfəʊʊgra:f əv ðə ˈsʌspekt 3. The rock weighed over a tone and was completely immovable.   ðə ˈrɒk ˈweɪd ˈəʊvə ə ˈtʌn ən wəz kəmˈpli:tli ɪˈmu:vəbl 4. Which year was it that Italy won the world cup.   ˈwɪtʃ ˈjɪə wəz ɪt ðət ˈɪtəli ˈwʌn ðə ˈwɜ:ld ˈkʌp 5. Unless my eyes deceive me that is your cousine. ənˈles ˈmaɪ aɪz dɪˈsi:v mi ðæts jə ˈkʌzɪn 6. You mustn't worry too much about it.   ju: ˈmʌsnt ˈwʌri ˈtu: mʌtʃ əˈbaʊt ðɪz 7. After swimming for a while he gots stomach cramps. ˈɑ:ftə swɪmɪŋ fər ə ˈwaɪl i got ˈstʌmək ˈkræmps 8. She made the usually insults about my apperance.   ʃɪ ˈmeɪd ðə ˈju:ʒʊəl ˈɪnsʌlts əˈbt m əˈpɪərəns 9. Here are half a dozen hotels picked and random from the latest addition of a guide.   hɪər ə ˈhɑ:f ə ˈdʌʒən həʊtels ˈpɪkt ət ˈrændəm frəm ðə ˈleɪtəst əˈdɪʃn əv ðə ˈgaɪd 10. The shop front ocuppies a very prominent possition on the Main Street.   ðə ˈʃɒp ˈfrʌnt ˈɒkjupaɪs ə verɪ ˈprɒmɪnənt pəˈzɪʃn ən ðə ˈmeɪn ˈstri:t 11. I want her to park that car over there.   ˈaɪ ˈwɒnt ə tə ˈpɑ:k ðət ˈkɑ:r ˈaʊvə ˈðeə 12. Of all the proposals the one that you made is the siliest.   ˈɒv ˈɔ:l ðə prəˈpəʊzlz ðə ˈwʌn ðət ˈju: ˈmeɪd ɪz ðə ˈsɪlɪəst

13. Jane and Bil could have driven them to and from the party. ˈdʒeɪn ən ˈbil kəd əv ˈdrɪvən ðəm ˈtu: ən ˈfrɒm ðə pɑ:tɪ 14.To come to the point what shall we do for the rest of the week!   ˈtu ˈkʌm tə ðə ˈpɔɪnt ˈwɒt ʃl wɪ də ˈfə ðə ˈrest əv ðə ˈwi:k 15. Has anyone got an idea what it came from?   ˈhəz ˈenɪwʌn ˈgɒt ən aɪˈdɪə ˈweər ɪt ˈkeɪm ˈfrɒm 16. Pedestrians must always use the crossings provided for that.   pəˈdestrɪənz məst ˈɔ:lwɪz ju:z ðə ˈkrɒsɪŋz prəˈwdɪd fə ˈðəm 17.Each one was a perfect example of the art that have been developed there.   ˈi:tʃ ˈwʌn wəz ə ˈpɜ:fɪkt ɪgˈzɑ:mpl əv ðɪ ɑ:t ðət əd ˈbi:n dɪˈveləpt ˈðeə

INTONATION- the pitch of the voice with which the sound is pronounced.

Kinds of intonation: - rising, -falling


  • NEW STATEMENT, INFORMATION (used when we state sth for the first time and it is final.

  • In complete statements like: We have just come back from town.

  • In interrogative question: shall we walk ↑ or go by bus ↑ or take the underground↓?

  • Falling tone is used at the end of 'Who/What/Where/When/Why/How' questions.

  • Commands



  • Finality information

  • Non final statement

  • YES or NO questions, Shall we go now↑?

  • When we expect that sth is follow after our question

  • Both sites now the fact

  • Sth shared by both sites

  • Requests

1. There is a subtle difference between these two plans.  ðər ɪz ə ˈsʌtl ˈdɪfrəns bɪˈtwi:n ði:z tu: ˈplæns
2. Please have issued a photograph of this suspect.   Pəˈli:z əv ˈɪʃu:d ə ˈfəʊtəʊgra:f əv ðə ˈsʌspekt
3. The rock weighed over a tone and was completely immovable.   ðə ˈrɒk ˈweɪd ˈəʊvə ə ˈtʌn ən wəz kəmˈpli:tli ɪˈmu:vəbl
4. Which year was it that Italy won the world cup.   ˈwɪtʃ ˈjɪə wəz ɪt ðət ˈɪtəli ˈwʌn ðə ˈwɜ:ld ˈkʌp

5. Unless my eyes deceive me that is your cousine. ənˈles ˈmaɪ aɪz dɪˈsi:v mi ðæts jə ˈkʌzɪn
6. You mustn't worry too much about it.   ju: ˈmʌsnt ˈwʌri ˈtu: mʌtʃ əˈbaʊt ðɪz

7. After swimming for a while he gots stomach cramps. ˈɑ:ftə swɪmɪŋ fər ə ˈwaɪl i got ˈstʌmək ˈkræmps
8. She made the usually insults about my apperance.   ʃɪ ˈmeɪd ðə ˈju:ʒʊəl ˈɪnsʌlts əˈbaʊt maɪ əˈpɪərəns

9. Here are half a dozen hotels picked and random from the latest addition of a guide.   hɪər ə ˈhɑ:f ə ˈdʌʒən həʊtels ˈpɪkt ət ˈrændəm frəm ðə ˈleɪtəst əˈdɪʃn əv ðə ˈgaɪd
10. The shop front ocuppies a very prominent possition on the Main Street.   ðə ˈʃɒp ˈfrʌnt ˈɒkjupaɪs ə verɪ ˈprɒmɪnənt pəˈzɪʃn ən ðə ˈmeɪn ˈstri:t

11. I want her to park that car over there.   ˈaɪ ˈwɒnt ə tə ˈpɑ:k ðət ˈkɑ:r ˈaʊvə ˈðeə
12. Of all the proposals the one that you made is the siliest.   ˈɒv ˈɔ:l ðə prəˈpəʊzlz ðə ˈwʌn ðət ˈju: ˈmeɪd ɪz ðə ˈsɪlɪəst

13. Jane and Bil could have driven them to and from the party. ˈdʒeɪn ən ˈbil kəd əv ˈdrɪvən ðəm ˈtu: ən ˈfrɒm ðə pɑ:tɪ
14.To come to the point what shall we do for the rest of the week!   ˈtu ˈkʌm tə ðə ˈpɔɪnt ˈwɒt ʃl wɪ də ˈfə ðə ˈrest əv ðə ˈwi:k

15. Has anyone got an idea what it came from?   ˈhəz ˈenɪwʌn ˈgɒt ən aɪˈdɪə ˈweər ɪt ˈkeɪm ˈfrɒm
16. Pedestrians must always use the crossings provided for that.   pəˈdestrɪənz məst ˈɔ:lwɪz ju:z ðə ˈkrɒsɪŋz prəˈwaɪdɪd fə ˈðəm
17.Each one was a perfect example of the art that have been developed there.   ˈi:tʃ ˈwʌn wəz ə ˈpɜ:fɪkt ɪgˈzɑ:mpl əv ðɪ ɑ:t ðət əd ˈbi:n dɪˈveləpt ˈðeə

INTONATION- the pitch of the voice with which the sound is pronounced.

Kinds of intonation: - rising, -falling




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