For the year ………….
1. Fire on Board 2. Abandon Ship 3. Oil Pollution 4. Man Overboard 5. Personnel Injury/Illness 6. Collision/Grounding/Flooding 7. Emergency Steering
8. Act of Piracy/Stowaways 9. Salvage of Own Ship 10. Critical Plant Failure/Structural Failure 11. Cargo Shifting 12. Watching Safety Video Tapes.
Month / Day |
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
Master is responsible for the execution of this plan.
The items and dates may be altered by the Master according to the specific ship operational conditions.
All emergency drills and training including watching safety video tapes shell be recorded both in the Log Book and relevant SQMS Form
Note: To be completed yearly and filed in office's file.
To retain for 3 years.
Issue date:03.11.2003/Rev. 00 PBO-PD01-F09 Page: 1/1
QSMS PBO-PD01-F09 Rev. No. 00