Schleiermacher study questions

Schleiermacher „Hermeneutics”

  1. What two parts does every discourse consist of?

  2. What's the difference between grammatical and psychological interpretation?

  3. Proper interpretation, according to Schleiermacher, can be achieved only through the complete knowledge of language or the complete knowledge of the author - but can they ever be achieved?

  4. What are called the works in which the psychological or the grammatical aspect predominates?

  5. What kind of biblical hermenutics does Schleiermacher postulate? Or, can you properly analyze a book if you believed it was written by the Holy Spirit?

  6. Explain the following kinds of reconstruction: objective/subjective, historical/divinatory.

  7. How does the heremeneutic circle work? (point 20)

  8. Is the work of interpreting a text ever over?


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