Lovers Path

Lovers Path


  <Notes>O - Innocence LOVERS: Pamina and Tamino The Magic Flute was the last opera Mozart composed before his death in 1791. Some of its fairy tale plot was inspired by the rites of the Freemasons, a secret society into which Mozart had been initiated. The Magic Flute tells of a princess named Pamina and a prince named Tamino who learn to trust their hearts, innocent and inexperienced as they may be. MEANINGS: Time for a new start of a great journey. Innocence that allows one to be open to blessings. New beginnings. Optimism and trust</Notes>

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  <Notes>I - Magic LOVERS: Vivianne and Merlin When we think of magic, we often think of Merlin, a legendary character with roots in British history and myth. Famed as the influential advisor and wizard to King Arthur, Merlin fell in love in the winter of his life with the lovely Vivianne. Ultimately, the magic that empowered Merlin all his life had been undone by the only thing more powerful: love. MEANINGS: Casting a spell on another to create positive change. A yearning to grow beyond perceived limitations. The ability to transform your life through the strength of originality and personal power. Renewed creativity and vigor. A new awareness of one's power as one becomes in touch with a higher purpose.</Notes>

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  <Notes>II - WISDOM LOVERS: Shahrazade and Shahriyar Over the course of a thousand and one nights, Shahrazade, the wise bride of King Shahriyar tells many compelling stories. Shahrazade's wisdom won the king's love and trust. In doing so, she saved her life, as well as those of her fellow women of the kingdom. MEANINGS: Using wisdom to transform a difficult situation for the better. Translating book knowledge into awareness. A teacher who will share with you what you are seeking, or perhaps you are that teacher. Wisdom gained in a graceful manner.</Notes>

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  <Notes>III Fertility LOVERS: Cleopatra and Caesar Magnificent Cleopatra, queen of the fertile Nile, empress of Egypt, reigned over Egypt for over two decades. During this time, she became known throughout the ancient world for her seductive charms, musical voice, and unusual intelligence. Caesar immediately fell in love with the young queen and successfully helped her regain her throne. MEANINGS: Feelings of fertility and abundance. A new marriage or special relationship which celebrates one's growth as a woman. Creativity which manifests as physical product, whether that be children, artistic endeavors, or wealth.</Notes>

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  <Notes>IV - POWER LOVERS: Arthur and Guinevere The complex legend of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere appears in various forms in British, Breton, Celtic, and Roman history and folklore. From the first moment he saw her willowy form, Arthur loved Guinevere, the young daughter of King Leodegrace of the North. Though Merlin warned him that another woman would bring him greater happiness, his heart was irrevocably set. MEANINGS: The ability to use power wisely. Meeting an authority figure or teacher who can help. The ability to lead and inspire others.</Notes>

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  <Notes>V - TRADITION LOVERS: Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet are considered the quintessential example of star-crossed lovers trapped by their families' traditional hatred for each other. Sad as their tale may be, the love of Romeo and Juliet did bring an end to the tradition of hatred that plagued their families. It gave way to a new tradition of tolerance and understanding. MEANINGS: In love relationships, the desire for marriage or some other formal structure for the sake of security. Awareness of public image and the desire to control it. Possible rigidity.</Notes>

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  <Notes>VI - LOVE LOVERS: Isis and Osiris The myth of Isis and Osiris illustrates the power of love and how it can transform us irrevocably. Isis and Osiris were blissful in their love for each other. Jealousy ate at their brother Set's soul, granting him no rest. He trapped Osiris in a coffin and heaved him into the Nile. Using the power of her love, the goddess brought Osiris back to life for a final embrace. MEANINGS: A renewed awareness of the nature of passionate love, and what is needed to encourage it. Artistic creativity. Sexuality. The integration within oneself of the masculine and feminine.</Notes>

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  <Notes>VII - DESIRE LOVERS: Tristan and Isolde Without family of his own, Tristan pledged his loyalty to King Mark of Cornwall, who loved and cared for Tristan as his own son. Through irreversible twists of fate, and despite devotion to Mark, Tristan fell helplessly in love with Mark's bride, Isolde, and she with him. MEANINGS: Being pulled by desire. Movement into the next phase of life. If you are feeling impatient, don't worry--transitions will go smoothly, as if you are being pulled by the twin forces of fate and fortune. Career advancement.</Notes>

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  <Notes>VIII - STRENGTH LOVERS: Brunnhilde and Siegfried The Valkyrie Brunnhilde was the favorite child of her father Wotan, ruler of the gods and goddesses. Brunnhilde angered Wotan by betraying him when she was moved by a man's story of love. For the first time, she understood the power of love, which made her strong enough to go against her father's will: she agreed to help Siegmund. This led to her finding her own true love Siegfried, son of Siegmund. MEANINGS: The strength to do great deeds. The ability to create peace between opposing forces. These forces may be internalized or personified in a situation. Tame them—-you have the strength!</Notes>

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  <Notes>IX - CONTEMPLATION LOVERS: Eloise and Abelard Peter Abelard was famed as a brilliant theologian and teacher during the medieval ages. Abelard quickly became known for mastery of philosophical dialogue and independence of thought; he even went against church policy and took positions sympathetic to pagan traditions. However it was his love for Eloise that caused the biggest scandal. The story of their forbidden love is set out in Abelard's 1130 book, The History of My Calamities. MEANINGS: Listening to your heart. Retreat into inner life—at this time, your needs are not so focused on relationships with others, but on your relationship with yourself. The need to go within to gain knowledge, to own one's divinity. Withdrawal to better contemplate life's direction. At this time, your needs are not so focused on relationships with others, but rather on your relationship with yourself.</Notes>

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  <Notes>X - FORTUNE Danae and Zeus King Acrisius had a daughter named Danae. Upon her birth it was predicted that one of the princess's offspring would kill the king. When Danae came of age, he walled her within a tower made of bronze. Despite this, Danae was loved by Zeus and together they had a son named Perseus. Perseus grew into a strong man and after many adventures, he did slay Acrisius, a just punishment for treating his only daughter so cruelly. MEANINGS: The generosity of the universe. Chance. Awareness of beauty and love. The ability to be open to abundance. Feelings of expansion. Capriciousness.</Notes>

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  <Notes>XI - JUSTICE LOVERS: Penelope and Odysseus The story of Penelope and Odysseus is told in Homer's The Odyssey. Though Odysseus had been gone for ten long years, Penelope waited loyally for his return. However, she was overwhelmed with suitors who wished to fill the empty place in her marital bed. Through her cleverness, she managed to delay their advances. Pretending to be a new suitor, Odysseus won a contest Penelope had devised and slew all the suitors before claiming his wife anew. MEANINGS: Need for a more detached viewpoint of a troublesome situation. Worry not—-you will be able to defend yourself; reasonable ears will hear and justice will be done.</Notes>

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  <Notes>XII - SACRIFICE LOVERS: Orpheus and Eurydice Orpheus was the son of Apollo. With his songs Orpheus moved the hearts of humans and gods. He was loved by the nymph Eurydice and he loved her wildly in return. Distraught and mad with sorrow when Eurydice was killed soon after they wed, Orpheus decided to rescue her with his song. He stood before Persephone, goddess of the dead and sang until she relented and honored his request, but with a difficult condition. Orpheus failed this condition as he sacrificed his quest to ease his wife's insecurities. MEANINGS: Being caught between worlds. Short term sacrifice to reach a long awaited goal. A surrender to higher principles, higher goals. Self abnegation. The ability to take care of others in a compassionate, nurturing way.</Notes>

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  <Notes>XIII - TRANSFORMATION LOVERS: Persephone and Pluto Demeter, goddess of the harvest, had a daughter named Persephone whom she treasured more than the earth. When Persephone was taken by Pluto, god of the underworld, Demeter cursed the soil to be barren until Zeus finally agreed to reunite Persephone with her mother, but only if she had not eaten while in the underworld. Persephone had eaten six seeds of a pomegranate. Thus a compromise was reached: Each year, Persephone would live six months in the underworld (winter) and six months on earth (spring). MEANINGS: Transformations. The need to allow something to die in order to create room for the new. Change which may feel painful at first, but is necessary.</Notes>

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  <Notes>XIV - BALANCE LOVERS: Venus and Vulcan Venus was first worshipped as a nature goddess associated with the arrival of spring, only later gaining notoriety for her sensual exploits. To balance her natural exuberance, the gods wed her to Vulcan, the lame god of the forge. Venus did not appreciate her husband's skillful craftsmanship and she did not hesitate to share her affections with others. Despite this, Venus and Vulcan's marriage was strong. Each was necessary to the other as opposites often are. MEANINGS: Integration. Moderation. Balance between the spiritual and the physical. Integration and moderation. Union of the conscious and unconscious forces of life.</Notes>

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  <Notes>XV - TEMPTATION LOVERS: Paolo and Francesca Francesca Da Polenta of Ravenna was married to Giovanni Malatesta to strengthen their families' political bonds. But there was one problem: Francesca loved Giovanni's brother, the handsome Paolo. Tempted by love, Francesca and Paolo's story could only have a tragic ending. These true events inspired the poet Dante, who had a vision of Paolo tenderly embracing Francesca to protect her against the forces swirling about them in Hades. Dante retold their sad story in his Inferno, the first book of The Divine Comedy. MEANINGS: Sensual desires. The need to be controlling. Something deep and dark within the psyche, what Jung termed the shadow, is personified as temptation or addiction. Sensual desires. Gluttony or envy. Experiencing the envy of others. Feelings of lack of control.</Notes>

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  <Notes>XVI - OPPRESSION LOVERS: Dido and Aeneas Queen Dido of Carthage was walking upon the beach when she found Aeneas and his soldiers. She was charmed by the handsome stranger and soon fell in love. Aeneas loved Dido in return. But he was a man with a cause larger than the love he could bear for any woman. He claimed it was the gods' will that he journey to found a new Troy in Italy. Distraught, Dido built a funeral pyre at the top of a tall tower and set fire to it. As Aeneas' ship cast off into the sea, Dido climbed the tower and lay down upon the pyre. MEANINGS: Feeling overwhelmed or oppressed by circumstances or emotions. Depression. A new start after a painful ending that may have shattered your view of the world.</Notes>

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  <Notes>XVII - GRACE LOVERS: Dante and Beatrice Beatrice's presence made such an impression on Dante that he felt as though his spirit had been infused with light. He was convinced that she was truly an angel and was unable to speak to her when they met. Since he said nothing, Beatrice did not suspect Dante's love. Soon after she wedded another, the anguished Dante had an inspiring dream and awoke resolved. His love for Beatrice would be no earthly passion to expire when they died. Instead, he would immortalize Beatrice with poems that would last forever. MEANINGS: Love that inspires us and inspires others. Turning dreams into reality. Success, good fortune,creativity. All is well with the world; your highest hopes are supported by the universe. Any feelings of insecurity and unworthiness are to be banished from your thoughts. Follow your dreams without fear or censure.</Notes>

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  <Notes>XVIII - ILLUSION LOVERS: Odette and Ivan Princess Odette, heroine of the popular ballet Swan Lake, was cursed by a sorcerer to remain a swan forever except at night. The only way her enchantment could be broken was by a vow of eternal love. However, if this vow were broken, even by chance, she would die. When Prince Ivan met her, he promised to love her and to return to claim her as his bride. But the sorcerer tricked Ivan and he soon heard a heartrending cry in the distance: the cry of a dying swan. Ivan ran to rescue Odette, but it was too late. MEANINGS: Enchanted by love, for better or worse. Confused by illusions that may or may not be real. Intense emotions. Vivid or lucid dreams. Intuition. An opportunity to work on your relationship with that which truly nurtures you. The support of caring women.</Notes>

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  <Notes>XIX - AWAKENING LOVERS: Cupid and Psyche Venus was jealous of Psyche's outstanding beauty. She instructed her son Cupid to pierce Psyche with his arrow, so she would foolishly love the first creature she saw. But Cupid loved Psyche. He rescued her and secretly took her as his bride. Psyche burned Cupid by accident when she tried to see him by lamplight and the angered god flew away. Venus put forth many trials to Psyche when she pleaded for her forgiveness. Cupid and Psyche were soon rejoined, awakened to the preciousness of their love by its testing. MEANINGS: Emotional awakening. An expansive, life-affirming energy. Creativity and inspiration. Relationships with children. Procreation. Love and sexuality.</Notes>

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  <Notes>XX - JUDGEMENT LOVERS: Tannhauser and Elisabeth Though Tannhauser loved the virtuous Elisabeth, he left her to wander the world in search of adventure. During these travels, Tannhauser enchanted Venus, the goddess of love. She quickly seduced the minnesinger and brought him to her magical kingdom. In time, he longed for his true love, Elisabeth. Unable to prove himself worthy of her to others, he went on a journey to repent. Upon his return Elisabeth collapsed into his embrace and expired, leaving only her pure love behind. MEANINGS: Choosing between sacred and profane love.Important decisions or news. Movement into the next phase of life. Time for a major and necessary change in life—often welcome, but frightening because of its magnitude.</Notes>

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  <Notes>XXI - TRIUMPH LOVERS: Ariadne and Dionysus Princess Ariadne helped Theseus slay the Minotaur by teaching him to use a golden thread as a path within the labyrinth where the Minotaur lived. Ariadne thought they would live together forever, but Theseus abandoned her upon the island of Naxos. Bereft as she was, Ariadne did not know she was fated for a greater love: Dionysus, god of divine intoxication. He loved Ariadne for her passionate bravery and loyalty. Now a goddess by marriage, she went on to live in blissful triumph with her immortal husband. MEANINGS: Experiencing connection with the universe, the source which nurtures us all. A sense of expansion and hope. Travel and communications. Career expansions. Hope.</Notes>

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  <Notes>ACE OF WANDS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. MEANING: Great energy that flows unbounded. Beginning of a focused, creative period. Inspiration that inspires action. New opportunities. The active, or yang, aspect of life. Growth.</Notes>

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  <Notes>Two of Staves In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. MEANING: Beginnings of a new venture, possibly business oriented in nature. Dynamic partnership. New ideas that transform lives and energizes people. Transforming inspiration into action.</Notes>

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  <Notes>THREE OF STAVES In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. MEANING: An enterprise about to cumulate in success. The ability to transform goals into realistic action. Business success after a successful launching. Activity with clear intent.</Notes>

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  <Notes>In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. MEANING: Stability of ventures. A new home. Accomplishing goals, and enjoying them with satisfaction. First success of a new venture. .Putting down roots.</Notes>

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  <Notes>FIVE OF STAVES In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. MEANING: Dissension that may be within the psyche or personified in the people around you. Conflict for the sake of conflict. Losing sight of what's important because of petty disagreements.</Notes>

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  <Notes>SIX OF STAVES In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. MEANING: Victory! Enjoying success after much hard work and struggle. Acknowledgement and honor from those around you. The fruits of courage and integrity</Notes>

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  <Notes>SEVEN OF STAVES In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. MEANING: Instability and struggle. While you may have the ultimate advantage in this situation, there is still conflict. Success is possible, but only after dealing with difficult people who oppose your plans.</Notes>

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  <Notes>EIGHT OF STAVES In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. MEANING: Energetic movement. Quickness and suddenness. Important communications, such as unexpected telephone calls, surprise letters, which release uncertainties and end waiting.</Notes>

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  <Notes>NINE OF STAVES In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. MEANING: A pause in work to rest, to reconsider plans. Completion is so close, yet so far away! Exhaustion or overresponsibility.</Notes>

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  <Notes>TEN OF STAVES In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. MEANING: Cumulation of a creative venture. Success that becomes overwhelming with its responsibility. Your final vision is within reach, but work can be oppressive.</Notes>

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  <Notes>PRINCESS OF STAVES In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. Brunnhilde, the brave valkyrie warrior, represents the fiery Princess of Staves. The personification of her father Wotan's will, Brunnhilde suggests the forcefulness offered by the Princess of Staves. Charging ever forward, the Princess of Staves is enthusiasm personified. Those who come into contact with this intense young woman are energized by her passionate example. Though she may not be pragmatic when it comes to the details involved in an endeavor, she offers the valuable gift of inspiration—without inspiration, nothing can come into existence. MEANING: Important communications, or the need to listen to inspiration, new ideas. However, these should be weighed according to practicality. An inexperienced young person who may be very passionate but not very pragmatic because of inexperience.</Notes>

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  <Notes>PRINCE OF STAVES In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. Siegfried, the conquering hero, represents the Prince of Staves, a young man filled with passion and strength. Lacking fear, Siegfried valiantly woke Brunnhilde from her enchanted sleep. The Prince of Staves' stalwart character offers an example of integrity that will not buckle under pressure. Unafraid to use his stave for protection, this young man carries within himself the knowledge necessary to take action without fear. MEANING: Energy, integrity, and creativity. Initiative. New ideas or ventures that must be acted upon immediately. A person who inspires others to live this mission.</Notes>

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  <Notes>QUEEN OF STAVES In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. The goddess Fricka symbolizes the clever Queen of Staves. Strong of mind and will, it was Fricka's demand for Wotan to honor her vows which brought about the love of Siegfried and Brunnhilde. Dressed in fiery red, the Queen of Staves holds her power within herself, represented by the simmering vessel resting upon her lap. Her enthusiasm is focused only toward those projects and people she finds worthy of attention. She is wise enough to understand that action for the sake of action leads to nothing—this older woman wants results, not excitement. MEANING: Dynamic, stable enthusiasm. The ability to bring ideas to fruition. Someone who symbolizes these strengths. Creative inspiration and help.</Notes>

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  <Notes>KING OF STAVES In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of staves is associated with Brunnhilde and Siegfried, represented upon Strength (VIII), the ninth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Brunnhilde and Siegfried shows how the force of love can spur us to great deeds, making us strong where we were once weak. Wotan, the Norse god of all, represents the masterful King of Staves. It is Wotan's will which creates action; all others must follow his lead.Filled with authority, the King of Staves has the charismatic ability to sweep others along with his inspiring ideas. This older man's honest and warm character wins loyalty from all who meet him, for they instinctively trust his open ways. Through fiery but supportive words, the King of Staves creates growth opportunities for those he cares about. His encouragement provides a stable foundation for creative and business endeavors to flourish. Few can resist his expansive, generous temperament. MEANING: Cleverness. Wit and wisdom. Enthusiasm and action. Support. A woman who embodies these ideas and inspires action from others.</Notes>

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  <Notes>ACE OF CUPS A silver cup, crowned with gold, floats above a calm ocean. Light, glowing from a full moon, falls into the generous bowl of the cup, while stars shimmer around it. This mysterious nightscape offers a vision of expectant serenity where anything can happen. The cup is engraved with a winged heart, glowing with warmth. Carved below the heart are waves fromt he sea. Both decorative motifs suggest the emotional riches and transformations this cup will inspire in its recipients - for this is the cup that will join Tristan and Isolde in love everlasting. MEANING: The beginning of a new cycle ripe with potential for happiness and satisfacttion. Joy. Receptivity. Start of an important love relationship or nurturing friendship. Creative inspiration - a visitiation from the muses.</Notes>

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  <Notes>TWO OF CUPS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. MEANING: Harmony. Love. Enchantment. Integration of masculine and feminine aspects within oneself. An attraction that may become an important friendship or love relationship.</Notes>

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  <Notes>THREE OF CUPS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. MEANING: Great satisfaction. A reason to celebrate. Peace between family generations. A celebration involving women. Possibly a wedding feast.</Notes>

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  <Notes>FOUR OF CUPS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. MEANING: Too much of a good thing. Taking something for granted—love, talents, beauty. Discontent. Need for reevaluation of a relationship. Narcissism.</Notes>

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  <Notes>FIVE OF CUPS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. MEANING: Disappointment or disillusionment with intimate relationships. Concentrating on problems instead of assets. Desire to move on. Creative blockage or infertility. Pessimism or depression.</Notes>

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  <Notes>SIX OF CUPS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. MEANING: Harmonious home. Nostalgia. Children and childhood memories. Longing for the sweetness of the past, and its innocence. The ability to create sweetness within the home, incorporating the strengths of the past into the present.</Notes>

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  <Notes>SEVEN OF CUPS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. MEANING: Overindulging in thoughts of what the future may bring. Daydreams. A choice is needed, a decision made in order to move forward and rejoin the world.</Notes>

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  <Notes>EIGHT OF CUPS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. MEANING: Time to move on. Need for more substance in life -- whether that be more satisfying relationships, a more authentic way of life. Leavetakings.</Notes>

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  <Notes>NINE OF CUPS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. MEANING: Great satisfaction. Contentment. Some consider this card the “wish” card -- meaning a wish will be granted if this card appears in a spread. Earthly delights</Notes>

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  <Notes>TEN OF CUPS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. MEANING: Joyful completion. Happy family life. Abundance. Great emotional satisfaction. Endurance in love relationships. Happiness and joy. Fertility and expansion.</Notes>

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  <Notes>PRINCESS OF CUPS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. Bragwene, Isolde's maid, symbolizes the Princess of Cups, an adolescent girl awaiting the fullness of womanhood. A loyal messenger to her queen, Bragwene suggests the devotion inherent in the Princess of Cups. Anticipating love, pleasure, and inspiration, the Princess of Cups offers her cup's refreshing contents to any who would drink of it. Those who accept her invitation will experience the best the suit of cups offers: emotional satisfaction, artistic talent, and compassion. The Princess of Cups' kind ways entice those who meet her. She represents the gentle qualities of inspiration, the ability to influence others with consideration. Because her innocence makes her a little immature, she can become dependent upon other's approval. Nonetheless, she is a loyal and charming companion. MEANING: An invitation or offer. Gentleness. Children whose open hearts allow one to experience innocence anew. Intuition. Prophetic or inspiring dreams.</Notes>

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  <Notes>PRINCE OF CUPS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. Tristan represents the romantic Prince of Cups. Just as Tristan won Mark's affection with his grace and artistry, the Prince of Cups brings pleasure to the hearts of all he meets. A dreamer of happier places and times, the force of his muse-like presence inspires artists to creation, poets to eloquence, and musicians to song. The Prince of Cups reminds us that life's riches can only be gained through emotional risk: by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable to those we care about, by choosing to be receptive to our desires. Often elusive but always charming, the Prince of Cups reveals the best way to do this. MEANING: Artistic inspiration and receptivity. Movement in these areas of life. Grace and talent. A young man who symbolizes love, beauty, and emotional richness, and inspires others to appreciation.</Notes>

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  <Notes>Queen of Cups In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. Isolde, beloved of Tristan and wife of Mark, symbolizes the ethereal Queen of Cups. Like Isolde, the Queen of Cups experiences life as most meaningful when it is infused with feeling. Soulful and sensitive, the Queen of Cups has mastery over the realm of emotions. The Queen of Cups is as receptive to her inner life as she is to inspiration. This makes her a gifted artist who can move others with her talents, the nurturing friend who truly listens. The Queen of Cups is like a body of water, ever flowing onward as she brings inspiration and feeling to the world. Her stalwart loyalty to what she feels encourages others to be just as emotionally honest. This honesty can help us to love more truly. MEANING: Mastery of all the suit of cups represents: art, beauty, intimacy, love. The ability to express love, to nurture others. An older woman who inspires others to live harmoniously.</Notes>

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  <Notes>KING OF CUPS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of cups represents the path of emotion. It is associated with Tristan and Isolde, represented upon Desire (VII), the eighth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The story of Tristan and Isolde presents a heady example of lives ruled by extreme emotions such as love, desire, sorrow, yearning, and anger. King Mark, husband of Isolde and liege to Tristan, symbolizes the King of Cups. Though the King of Cups has been battered by his feelings, he is all the wiser for them. His experiences, good and difficult, grant him a quiet mastery. Introspective in nature, the King of Cups expresses himself best through the medium of relationships and artistry. He acts as a supportive mentor to those who would follow their creative dreams, offering practical suggestions culled from years of experience. MEANING: Ability to live up to ideals and dreams. Combining artistic integrity with the needs of the marketplace. Emotional maturity and integrity. Someone who symbolizes these forces.</Notes>

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  <Notes>ACE OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. MEANING: Pure understanding and wisdom. The ability to wield your “sword” wisely. Knowing the difference between right and wrong. Truth. Beginning of a cycle of intellectual growth.</Notes>

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  <Notes>TWO OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. MEANING: Peaceful truce. Balance attained, but eventually issues will have to be confronted. Understanding a difficult situation. Emotional control.</Notes>

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  <Notes>THREE OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. MEANING: A sharp pain to the heart — disappointment, end of a love relationship, separation. Oversensitivity. The need to transform grief into understanding.</Notes>

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  <Notes>FOUR OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. MEANING: Introspection. Need for time to heal or rest. Detachment from the everyday world to regain balance. Recuperation from illness.</Notes>

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  <Notes>FIVE OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. MEANING: “Arming” oneself just in case of attack. Lack of trust. Possible defeat, or feelings of defeat. Discomfort or struggle with a situation. Need for self-protection.</Notes>

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  <Notes>SIX OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. MEANING: New knowledge that help one grow and move beyond current limitations. The lessening of difficulties. Travel in order to gain distance from difficulties.</Notes>

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  <Notes>SEVEN OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. MEANING: Feeling vulnerable. The ability to defend oneself in a difficult situation. Need for caution and examination. Be careful about using words that can be turned against you.</Notes>

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  <Notes>EIGHT OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. MEANING: Inability to move. Feeling victimized or misunderstood by others. Feeling rejection. Entrapped by emotions and sorrow.</Notes>

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  <Notes>NINE OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. MEANING: Worries that keep one awake. An issue that needs to be looked at more closely; only then will it be transformed. Fear or nagging anxiety.</Notes>

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  <Notes>TEN OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. MEANING: Wisdom gained after struggle. The ending of a difficult situation. Experience as the best teacher, for better and for worse. Sharing knowledge with others.</Notes>

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  <Notes>PRINCESS OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. Psyche, the beloved of Cupid, represents the Princess of Arrows. Before she could be reunited with Cupid, Psyche needed to gain wisdom, represented by the tasks set to her by Venus. Similarly, the Princess of Arrows desperately seeks wisdom. As she travels to and fro in search of it, this young woman shares what news she has gathered with others, hoping the more knowledge she shares, the more she will gain.In time she will gain the maturity and education she seeks. For now, her strongest talent is for spreading ideas and concepts about the world, similar to the way a butterfly pollinates flowers so they may bloom. The Princess of Arrows is a welcome friend to those who wield ideas for a living. MEANING: News that brings sense to a situation. Messages, communications, often written. The ability to create influence, bring understanding, using the power of the word. Someone who personifies this role.</Notes>

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  <Notes>PRINCE OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. Cupid, the powerful son of Venus, represents the incisive Prince of Arrows. Described as a monster no human or god could resist, Cupid and his enchanted arrows are a force not to be underestimated. The Prince of Arrows knows what he wants, and is willing to do what's necessary to obtain it. He has enough integrity to see and speak the truth as it is, no matter how harsh it may seem. Impatient with those who would rather talk than act, the Prince of Arrows is a good archer, intelligently using his bow to send arrows where he sees fit. These arrows can defend the innocent and intimidate the guilty. They can also bring desperately needed new ideas, transforming minds too stubborn to see the light. MEANING: Cutting through confusion. Being able to defend oneself brilliantly. Focus and clarity of understanding. A person who symbolizes these forces.</Notes>

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  <Notes>QUEEN OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. The goddess Venus, mother of Cupid, represents the brilliant Queen of Arrows. Though Venus loved many, only the mortal Adonis was able to break her heart. This loss, painful as it was, granted the goddess a wisdom greater than beauty. Cleverest of all when it comes to affairs of the heart, the Queen of Arrows should be treated with great respect. She fully understands the complexities of human nature under every situation. She also knows that this education can only be obtained through experiences both sweet and sour. This worldly view of hers may make her impatient with those less experienced. However, if approached correctly, the Queen of Arrows will generously share her wisdom, using her arrows to tell it like it is. MEANING: Perfect understanding. The ability to clarify through language. Brilliance in writing, speaking, or anything else transmitted with words. An older woman who has these qualities</Notes>

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  <Notes>KING OF ARROWS In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of arrows is associated with Cupid and Psyche, represented upon Awakening (XIX), the twentieth of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Cupid and Psyche depicts how love grants wisdom. Love changes us, just as Cupid's magical arrows change all who are struck by them. They prick our consciousness into awakening. Adonis, the only man capable of breaking Venus's heart, represents the King of Arrows. Adonis was taken from Venus when a boar attacked him in the forest, gouging his heart. To ease her pain, she sprinkled his blood upon the earth, thus creating the anemone. From his throne set high in the clouds, the King of Swords is able to view any situation with clarity and detachment. He will not allow his feelings to get in the way of truly seeing things as they are. A brilliant force of intellect which must be admired and honored, the King of Arrows is the expert to consult when a judgment must be made. He represents the high standards we must meet to truly see our lives as they are. MEANING: Calm authority and integrity. A helpful older man who won't sugarcoat words to protect feelings. Incisive intellect. High values that demand hard work.</Notes>

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  <Notes>ACE OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. MEANING: A new phase of life that promises prosperity, fertility and generosity. Attainment of material goals as well as contentment in personal life. Pleasures of the material world.</Notes>

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  <Notes>TWO OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. MEANING: The ability to juggle several situations at once — jobs, opportunities, ideas. Balance between the earthly and the spiritual.</Notes>

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  <Notes>THREE OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. MEANING: Constructive and pragmatic building. The ability to transform talents into material goods or business success. Cooperating with others to create such a venture.</Notes>

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  <Notes>FOUR OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. MEANING: Wealth and prosperity. Stability of material forces in one's life. Holding onto worldly goods. Self-satisfaction.</Notes>

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  <Notes>FIVE OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. MEANING: An experience of poverty that forces one to look within for greater resources. This poverty may be personified as a lack of wealth or in a sense of emotional sterility.</Notes>

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  <Notes>SIX OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. MEANING: True generosity and philanthropy. Sharing talents with the world, and hoping they'll be received gracefully. Trusting in the prosperity of the universe.</Notes>

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  <Notes>SEVEN OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. MEANING: Expectations of reward. Waiting for a harvest, be that a creative project, money, personal relationship, or any venture that time and work is invested in. Nurturing others.</Notes>

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  <Notes>EIGHT OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. MEANING: Creative work. Fair payment for hard work. Meeting deadlines. Developing talents for the marketplace. The appearance of this card in a reading for an artist or craftsperson is an affirmation of skill and talent.</Notes>

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  <Notes>NINE OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. MEANING: Pleasure or sensuality. Feeling blessed by life. Enjoying the fruits of one's labors. Fertility and luxury. Material prosperity.</Notes>

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  <Notes>TEN OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. MEANING: Great satisfaction. Prosperity and the construction of a home that reflects this state. Creating a family to share wealth with. Joy and pleasure.</Notes>

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  <Notes>PRINCESS OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. Princess Danae represents the fecund Princess of Coins. As the lover of Zeus and mother of Perseus, Danae exemplifies the ability to make the best of what life brings us. As she looks within herself, the Princess of Coins is satisfied with all the world offers her. She is also pregnant, symbolizing wonderful possibilities held within herself. She is a beautiful force of inspiration, constructively showing us where opportunities await. To acknowledge the Princess of Coins is to acknowledge that life can be good, if we are willing to work hard and take responsibility. MEANING: Practical planning. Mail or messages that bring possibilities for expansion. Money on the way or business opportunities.</Notes>

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  <Notes>PRINCE OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. Perseus, the hero son of Danae and Zeus, symbolizes the pragmatic Prince of Coins. Just as Perseus bravely used his strength to rid the world of the monstrous Medusa, the Prince of Coins can manifest change on the physical plane. All that is required is focus and determination. Surrounded by trees which bloom with spring, symbolizing the eventual fruition of his plans, the Prince of Coins is surprisingly grounded for his young years. He fully understands that hard work will create all he yearns for: prosperity, success, a family. MEANING: The ability, hard work, and wisdom necessary for creating opportunities for growth, beauty. Movement in this direction. The ability to work hard to create prosperity.</Notes>

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  <Notes>QUEEN OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. Hera, the wife and sister of Zeus, represents the earthy Queen of Coins. Despite Zeus's many affairs, the goddess of marriage remained loyal to him, just as the Queen of Coins is loyal to the generous forces of the ever-fruitful earth. From her green vantage point, the Queen of Coins holds domain over the realm of the physical. Her beauty and repose suggests luxury in its purest form. She has the rare ability to create heaven upon earth. Like the earth itself, she is a fertile force of nature, bringing beauty and harmony to every corner of life. MEANING: Fertility, possibly parenthood. Creating prosperity and harmony. Beauty, wealth, the home. A woman who is nurturing and accepting.</Notes>

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  <Notes>KING OF COINS Coins symbolize the best the world can offer us. In The Lover's Path Tarot, the suit of coins are associated with Danae and Zeus, represented upon Fortune (X), the eleventh of the twenty-two major arcana cards. The myth of Danae was considered during the Italian Renaissance to be a metaphor for the courtesan, a woman, much like a geisha, who was able to create her own independent fortune by accepting coin for conversation and affection. Danae's journey, as she grows from an innocent princess to the wealthy respected mother of a hero, depicts the power of the suit of coins to transform lives. Zeus, lover of Danae and husband to Hera, represents the powerful King of Coins. Honored as the supreme ruler upon Mount Olympus, Zeus was often beseeched by humans to judge their affairs and create peace. As the pragmatic King of Coins, he has the gift to manifest the best that the physical world can offer. Persistent and hardworking, the King of Coins is able to concretely create prosperity in whatever form he chooses: real estate, wealth, business success. His practical wisdom invites us to create wealth for ourselves, so we can take advantage of the bounty offered us by the material world. MEANING: The forces of worldly prosperity. The ability to create wealth. Real estate transactions. Investments—money or emotional. Steadfastness. Someone who personifies these forces.</Notes>

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