Present continuous future use

Present continuous future use

To talk about definite plans/arrangements in the near future we use the Present Continuous. We usually mention the time/or place as well.


We're flying to London in four hours.

We're coming home on Friday.

I Complete the text. Use the verbs from the box.


come back





We________ on holiday to Ireland tomorrow. We ___________ at 10.30 in the morning. We_________ by plane. We__________ in a B&B in Dublin. We __________ the city on a guided bus tour. We __________ home on Saturday evening.

II Use the prompts to write sentences in the Present Continuous

III Finish the sentences. Don't change the meaning!

1. We don't plan to go on holidays this year.

We aren't ______________________. (going on holidays this year.)

2. Tom's party is on Saturday.

Tom____________________________. (is having a party on Saturday.)

3. Are you free this weekend?

Are you _________________________? (doing anything this weekend?)

4. I've arranged a game of squash with Mary on Friday.

I ______________________________. (am playing squash with Mary on Friday.)

IV Andrew is a sports journalist. Look at his diary. What's he doing next week? Write a sentence about each day, using suitable verb.

Monday Rafael Nadal (tennis player)

Tuesday press conference (next Olympic Games)

Wednesday train to Manchester

Thursday basketball tournament

Friday return to London (plane)

Saturday lunch with England football team


He's going to press conference on the next Olympic Games on Tuesday.

He's travelling to Manchester by train on Wednesday.

He's watching a basketball tournament on Thursday.

He's flying back to London on Friday.

He's having lunch with the England football team on Saturday.

IV Pair work. You are Student A and your partner is Student B.

Below you will see a copy of your diary. DO NOT SHOW IT TO STUDENT B. You and Student B are brother and sister. It's the first week of the holidays and your mother wants you to help her with the housework. You and Student B both have three free periods during the first week of the holidays. You must find all 3 of Student B's free periods by asking him/her questions e.g. What are you doing on Friday morning? What are you doing on Tuesday evening? Take it in turns - Student A asks a question, then, Student B asks a question. You are the winner if you find all of Student B's free periods before he/she finds yours.

The loser has to help your mother with the housework!

0x01 graphic

Write Student B's answers here.

0x01 graphic


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