Panic At The Disco

Panic! At The Disco - But It's Better If You Do

Now I'm of consenting age
To be forgetting you in a cabaret
Somewhere downtown where a burlesque queen
May even ask my name

As she sheds her skin on stage
I'm seated and sweating to a dance song on the club's PA.
And the strip joint veteran sweeps you away
Smirking between dignified sips of his dignified peach and lime daiquiri

And isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me you know
where's the love in a lap dance
And paying in naivety

Oh isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
where's the love in a lap dance
And paying in naivety

Oh, but I'm afraid that I,
Well I may have faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead-d-dead-d-dead-d-dead in this place

Well, I'm afraid that I,
That's right, well I may have faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead in this place

And isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me you know
where's the love in a lap dance
And paying in naivety

Oh, isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me you know
where's the love in a lap dance
And paying in naivety

Well, I'm afraid that I,
Well I may have faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead-d-dead-d-dead-d-dead in this place

Well, I'm afraid that I,
Well that's right, well I may have faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead in this place

And isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me you know
where's the love in a lap dance
And paying in naivety

Oh, isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me you know
where's the love in a lap dance
And paying in naivety

where's the love and paying in naivety
where's the love and paying in naivety, oh
Teraz dorosłem do tego
Żeby zapomnieć cię w kabarecie
Gdzieś w centrum, gdzie karykaturalna królowa
Pozwala nawet zapytać się o moje imię

Ponieważ ona zrzuca swoją skórę na scenie
Jestem osadzony i pocę się w rytm tanecznej piosenki w klubie
I rozbiera się razem z weteranem wymiatania ciebie daleko
Uśmiechając się z afektem między uszlachetnionymi łykami jego dostojnego owocu brzoskwini i wapiennego koktajlu

I to nie jest dokładnie tu, gdzie polubiłabyś mnie
Jestem dokładnie, gdzie polubiłabyś mnie, którego znasz
Gdzie miłość jest w tańcu kolan
I płacisz w naiwności

Och to nie jest dokładnie tu, gdzie polubiłabyś mnie
Jestem dokładnie tu, gdzie polubiłabyś mnie, wiesz

Gdzie miłość jest w tańcu kolan
I płacisz w naiwności

Och, ale niestety, że ja,
Dobrze mogłem sfałszować to
I nie byłbym złapany martwym w tym miejscu

Dobrze, niestety, że ja,
To się zgadza, dobrze mogłem sfałszować to
I nie byłbym złapany martwy w tym miejscu

I to nie jest dokładnie tu, gdzie polubiłabyś mnie
Jestem dokładnie, gdzie polubiłabyś mnie, którego znasz
Gdzie miłość jest w tańcu kolan
I płacisz w naiwności

Gdzie miłość jest w tańcu kolan i płacisz w naiwności,
Gdzie miłość jest w tańcu kolan i płacisz w naiwności, och

Panic! At The Disco - I Constantly Thank God For Esteban

Give us this day our daily dose of faux affliction
Forgive our sins
Forged at the pulpit with forked tongues selling faux sermons.
Because I am a new wave gospel sharp, and you'll be thy witness
So gentlemen, if you are going to preach then for God sakes preach with conviction!

Strike up the band!
Whoa-oh, the conductor is beckoning
Come congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
No. Don't you get it, don't you get it? Now don't you move.
Strike up the band!
Whoa-oh, the conductor is beckoning
Come congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
No. Don't you get it, don't you get it? Now don't you move.

Just stay where I can see you.
Douse the lights!
We sure are in for a show tonight

In this little number we are graced by two displays of character,
We've got: the gunslinger extraordinaire walking contradictions
And I for one can see no blood from the hearts and the wrists you allegedly slit
And I for one wont stand for this if this scene were a parish you'd all be condemned.

Strike up the band!
Whoa-oh, the conductor is beckoning
Come congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
No. Don't you get it, don't you get it? Now don't you move.
Strike up the band!
Whoa-oh, the conductor is beckoning
Come congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
No. Don't you get it, don't you get it? Now don't you, don't you move.

Just stay where I can see you
Douse the lights!
We sure are in for a show tonight
Just stay where I can see you
Douse the lights!
We sure are in for a show tonight

Stay where I can see you
Douse the lights!

Strike up the band!
Whoa-oh, the conductor is beckoning
Come congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
No. Don't you get it, don't you get it? Now don't you move.
Strike up the band!
Whoa-oh, the conductor is beckoning
Come congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
No. Don't you get it, don't you get it? Now don't you move.
Don't you move
Don't you move
Strike up the band!
Zaaplikuj nam tego dnia codzienną dawkę naszego fałszywego nieszczęścia,
Wybacz nasze grzechy
Podrobiłeś w pulpicie z rozwidlonymi językami sprzedającymi fałszywych kazań
Ponieważ jestem nową ewangelią ostrej fali i będziesz swoim świadkiem
Tak panowie, jeśli będziecie wygłaszali kazanie,
Dla Boga względy wygłaszają kazanie z przekonaniem!

Zacznijmy orkiestrę!
WoOw hej! dyrygent kiwa
Przyjdź kongregacjo, zaśpiewaj to tak jak to oznaczyłaś
Nie. Nie masz tego nie masz tego? Teraz nie ruszaj się

Tylko pozostań, gdzie mogę zobaczyć ciebie.
Zanurz się w światłach!
My pewni czekamy na pokaz dzisiaj wieczorem

W tym małym numerze my jesteśmy zaszczyceni do dwóch pokazów charakteru,
Mamy niezwykłe zwlekanie broni, chodzące zaprzeczenie;
I ja przez to mogę nie zobaczyć żadnej krwi
Od serc i przegubów rzekomo pękłeś
I ja dla tego przyzwyczajony oznaczać to
Jeśli scena byłaby parafią ty zupełnie byłbyś potępiony

Zacznijmy orkiestrę!
WoOw hej! dyrygent kiwa
Przyjdź kongregacjo, zaśpiewaj to tak jak to oznaczyłaś
Nie. Nie masz tego nie masz tego? Teraz nie... ruszaj się

Zacznijmy orkiestrę!
WoOw hej! dyrygent kiwa
Przyjdź kongregacjo, zaśpiewaj to tak jak to oznaczyłaś
Nie. Nie masz tego nie masz tego? Teraz nie... nie... nie ruszaj się

Tylko pozostań, gdzie mogę zobaczyć ciebie.
Zanurz się w światłach!
...My pewni czekamy na pokaz dzisiaj wieczorem

Tylko pozostawać, gdzie mogę zobaczyć ciebie.
Zanurz się w światłach!
La da ta ta la da ta ta la da ta ta....

Zacznijmy orkiestrę!
WoOw hej! dyrygent kiwa
Przyjdź kongregacjo, zaśpiewaj to tak jak to oznaczyłaś
Nie. Nie masz tego nie masz tego? Teraz nie ruszaj się...

Nie ruszaj się
Nie ruszaj się!
Zacznijmy orkiestrę!

London beckond songs about money written by machin

Stop stalling, make a name for yourself.
Boy you better put that pen to paper and charm your way out.
If you talk you better walk you better back your shit up
With more than good hooks while you're all under the gun

Start talking "a sensationalist"
Oh he's slightly clever to just a certain extent
If you talk you better walk you better keep your mouth shut
With more than good hooks while you're all under the gun

It's time for us to take a chance
It's time for us to take a chance

It's time for us to take a chance
It's time for us...

Well we're just a wet dream for the webzines,
Make us it, make us hip, make us scene
Or shrug us off your shoulders
Don't approve a single word that we wrote

Well we're just a wet dream for the webzines,
Make us it, make us hip, make us scene
Or shrug us off your shoulders
Don't approve a single word that we wrote

I'm burning and I'm blacking my lungs
Boy you know it feels good with fire back on your tongue
If you talk you better walk you better back your shit up
With more than good hooks while you're all under the gun

Start talking "a sensationalist"
Oh he's slightly clever to just a certain extent
Well keep quiet let us sing like the doves
Then decide if it's done with purpose or lack thereof.

Just for the record,
The weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of:
A. Indifference or
B. Disinterest in what the critics say

It's time for us to take a chance
It's time for us...

Well we're just a wet dream for the webzines,
Make us it, make us hip, make us scene
Or shrug us off your shoulders
Don't approve a single word that we wrote

Well we're just a wet dream for the webzines,
Make us it, make us hip, make us scene
Or shrug us off your shoulders
Don't approve a single word that we wrote

Just for the record,
The weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of:
A. Indifference or
B. Disinterest in what the critics say

Well we're just a wet dream for the webzines,
Make us it, make us hip, make us scene
Or shrug us off your shoulders
Don't approve a single word that we wrote

Well we're just a wet dream for the webzines,
Make us it, make us hip, make us scene
Or shrug us off your shoulders
Don't approve a single word that we wrote

Just for the record,
The weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of:
A. Indifference or
B. Disinterest in what the critics say

"Baby One More Time"

Oh baby baby,
How was I supposed to know?
That something wasn't right here,
Oh baby baby,
I shouldn't have let you go,
And now you're out of sight, yeah,
Show me how you want it to be,
Tell me baby 'cause I need to know now,
Oh because.

My loneliness is killing me,
I must confess I still believe (Whoaoa)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind,
Give me a sign,
Hit me baby one more time!

Oh baby baby,
The reason I breathe is you,
Boy you've got me blinded,
Oh pretty baby,
Theres nothin' that I wouldn't do,
Thats not the way I planned it.

Show me how you want it to be,
Tell me baby 'cause I need to know now,
Oh because.

My loneliness is killing me,
I must confess I still believe (Whoaoa)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind,
Give me a sign,
Hit me baby one more time!

Oh baby baby,
How was I supposed to know,
Oh pretty baby,
I shouldn't have let you go,
I must confess that my loneliness,
Is killing me now,
Don't you know I still believe,
That you will be here,
And give me a sign,
Hit me baby one more time.

My loneliness is killing me,
I must confess I still believe (Whoaoa)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind,
Give me a sign,
Hit me baby one more time!

I must confess,
(My loneliness)
That my loneliness,
(Is killing me)
Is killing me now,
(I must confess)
Don't you,
(I still believe)
Know I still believe,
That you will be here,
(I lose my mind)
And give me a sign...
Hit me baby one more time!

"Behind The Sea (Alternate Version)"

 - tekst

A daydream spills from my corked head
Breaks free of my wooden neck
Left a nod over sleeping waves
Like bobbing bait for bathing cod
Floating flocks of candled swans
Slowly drift across wax ponds

The men all played along
To marching drums
And boy did they have fun
Behind the sea
They sang
So our matching legs
Are marching clocks
And we're all too small
To talk to God
Yes, we're all too smart
To talk to God

Toast the fine folks casting silver crumbs
To us from the dock
Jinxed things ringing as they leak
Through tiny cracks in the boardwalk
Scarecrow, now it's time to hatch
Sprouting suns and ageless daughters

Those watermelon smiles
Just can't ripen underwater
Just can't ripen underwater

The men all played along
To marching drums
And boy did they have fun
Behind the sea
They sang
So our matching legs
Are marching clocks
And we're all too small
To talk to God
Yeah, we're all too smart
To talk to God
Oh, we're all too smart
To talk to God

"But It's Better If You Do"

Now I'm of consenting age
to be forgetting you in a cabaret
Somewhere downtown where a burlesque queen
may even ask my name
As she sheds her skin on stage,
I'm seated and sweating to a dance song on the club's P.A.
The strip joint veteran sits two away,
smirking between dignified sips of his dignified
peach and lime daiquiri

Isn't this exactly where you'd like me,
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance,
and paying in naivety
Oh, isn't this exactly where you'd like me,
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance,
and paying in naivety

Oh, but I'm afraid that I,
well I may have faked it,
and I wouldn't be caught dead, d-dead, d-dead, d-dead in this place
Well I'm afraid that I,
well that's right, well I may have faked it,
and I wouldn't be caught dead in this place

Isn't this exactly where you'd like me,
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance,
and paying in naivety
Oh, isn't this exactly where you'd like me,
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance, and paying in naivety

Well, I'm afraid that I
well, I may have faked it,
and I wouldn't be caught dead, d-dead, d-dead, d-dead in this place
Well, I'm afraid that I,
well that's right, well I may have faked it,
and I wouldn't be caught dead in this place

Isn't this exactly where you'd like me,
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance,
and paying in naivety
Oh, isn't this exactly where you'd like me,
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance,
and paying in naivety

Praying for love and paying in naivety
Praying for love and paying in naivety, oh

"Do You Know What I'm Seeing?"

 - tekst

Clouds are marching along, singing a song, just like they do
If the clouds were singing a song, I'd sing along
Wouldn't you too?
If you just knew, what they could do
Oh if you just knew, what would they do?

And if the birds are just hollow words
Flying along, singing a song
What would they do
If they just knew what we could do?
Oh, if they just knew

I know it's sad that I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me
I know it's sad that I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me
No, it never gave a damn about me

I know it's mad, but if I go to hell
Will you come with me? Or just leave?
I know it's mad, but if the world were ending
Would you kiss me? Or just leave me?
Just leave me?

Clouds are singing a song, marching along, just like they do
If the clouds were playing a song, I'd play along
Wouldn't you too?
If you just knew, what they could do
Oh if you just knew, what would they do?

And if words are just hollow birds
Flying along, singing a song
What would they do
If they just knew what we could do?
Oh if they just knew

I know it's sad that I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me
I know it's sad that I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me
No, it never gave a damn about me

I know it's mad, but if I go to hell
Will you come with me? Or just leave?
I know it's mad, but if the world were ending
Would you kiss me? Or just leave me?
Just leave me?

I know it's sad that I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me
I know it's sad that I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me
I know it's sad that I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me
I know it's sad that I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me
No, it never gave a damn about me

"Folkin' Around"

 - tekst

Allow me to exaggerate a memory or two
Where summers lasted longer than, longer than we do
Where nothing really matter except for me to be with you
But in time we all forgot and we all grew

Your melody sounds as sweet as the first time it was sung
With a little bit more character for show
And by the time your father's learned of all the wrong you've done
I'm putting out the lantern, find your own way back home

If I've forgotten how to sing before I've sung this song
I'll write it all across the wall before my job is done
And I'll even have the courtesy of admitting I was wrong
As the final words before I'm dead and gone

You've never been so divine in accepting your defeat
And I've never been more scared to be alone
If love is not enough to put my enemies to sleep
Then I'm putting out the lantern, find your own way back home


The I. V. and your hospital bed
This was no accident
This was a therapeutic chain of events

This is the scent of dead skin on a linoleum floor
This is the scent of quarantine wings in a hospital
It's not so pleasant
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal

The anesthetic never set in and I'm wondering where
The apathy and urgency is that I thought I phoned in
It's not so pleasant
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal

Just sit back, just sit back
Just sit back and relax
Just sit back, just sit back
Just sit back and relapse

Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Sit back, relax
Sit back, relapse again
Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Just sit back, just sit back

You're a regular decorated emergency
You're a regular decorated emergency

This is the scent of dead skin on a linoleum floor
This is the scent of quarantine wings in a hospital
It's not so pleasant
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal

The anesthetic never set in and I'm wondering where
The apathy and urgency is that I thought I phoned in
It's not so pleasant
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal

Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Sit back, relax
Sit back, relapse again
Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid

Just sit back, just sit back
Sit back, sit back, relax, relapse
Sit back, sit back, bababada
You can take the kid out of the fight

You're a regular decorated emergency
The bruises and contusions will remind me what you did when you wake
You've earned your place atop the ICU's hall of fame
The camera caught you causing a commotion on the gurney again

You're a regular decorated emergency
The bruises and contusions will remind me what you did when you wake
You've earned your place atop the ICU's hall of fame
The camera caught you causing a commotion on the gurney again

Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Sit back, relax
Sit back, relapse again
Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Just sit back, just sit back
Sit back, sit back, relax, relapse
Sit back, sit back, bababada
You can't take the kid out of the fight

The I. V. and your hospital bed
This was no accident
This was a therapeutic chain of events

"I Constantly Thank God For Esteban"

 - tekst

Give us this day our daily dose of faux affliction
Forgive our sins
Forged at the pulpit with forked tongues selling false sermons
Because I am a new wave gospel sharp, and you'll be thy witness
So gentlemen, if you're gonna preach
Then for God sakes preach with conviction!

Strike up the band!
Whoa! The conductor is beckoning
Come congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
No, don't you get it don't you get it? Now don't you move

Strike up the band!
Whoa! The conductor is beckoning
Come congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
No, don't you get it don't you get it? Now don't you...move

Just stay where I can see you
Douse the lights!
We sure are in for a show tonight

In this little number, we are graced by two displays of character
We've got: the gunslinger extraordinaire, a walking contradiction
And I for one can see no blood
From the hearts and the wrists you allegedly slit
And I for one wont stand for this
If the scene were a parish, you'd all be condemned

Strike up the band!
Whoa! The conductor is beckoning
Come congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
No, don't you get it don't you get it? Now don't you move

Strike up the band!
Whoa! The conductor is beckoning
Come congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
No, don't you get it don't you get it? Now don't, don't you...move

Just stay where I can see you
Douse the lights!
We sure are in for a show tonight

Just stay where I can see you
Douse the lights!
We sure are in for a show tonight

Just stay where I can see you
Douse the lights!
La da ta ta, la da ta ta, la da ta ta....

Strike up the band!
Whoa! The conductor is beckoning
Come congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
No, don't you get it don't you get it? Now don't you move

Strike up the band!
Whoa! The conductor is beckoning
Come congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
No, don't you get it don't you get it? Now don't you...move

Don't you move
Don't you move!
Strike up the band!

"I Write Sins Not Tragedies"

 - tekst

Oh, well imagine
As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor
And I can't help but to hear
No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words

"What a beautiful wedding
What a beautiful wedding," says a bridesmaid to a waiter
"Oh yes, but what a shame
What a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore"

I chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of
Closing the goddamn door?"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality

I chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of
Closing the goddamn door?"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of

Oh, well in fact
Well, I'll look at it this way
I mean technically our marriage is saved
Well this calls for a toast, so pour the champagne

Oh, well in fact
Well, I'll look at it this way
I mean technically our marriage is saved
Well this calls for a toast
So pour the champagne, pour the champagne

I chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of
Closing the goddamn door?"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality

I chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of
Closing the goddamn door?"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality

I chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of
Closing the goddamn door?"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality

I chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of
Closing the goddamn door?"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality


(''...niemieckich spotkało się z szerokim rozgłosem w samych...'') (Polish for ''...gained significant popularity...'')

(''Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present, a picturesque score of passing fantasy.'')

"Karma Police"

 - tekst

Karma police, arrest this man
He talks in maths
He buzzes like a fridge
He's like a detuned radio

Karma police, arrest this girl
Her Hitler hairdo
Is making me feel ill
And we have crashed her party

This is what you'll get
This is what you'll get
This is what you'll get when you mess with us

Karma police, I've given all I can
It's not enough
I've given all I can
But we're still on the payroll

This is what you'll get
This is what you'll get
This is what you'll get when you mess with us

For a minute there
I lost myself
I lost myself
Phew, for a minute there
I lost myself
I lost myself

Oh for a minute there
I lost myself
I lost myself
Phew, for a minute there
I lost myself
I lost myself

"Behind The Sea"

 - tekst

A daydream spills from my corked head and
Breaks free of my wooden neck
Left a nod over sleeping waves
Like bobbing bait for bathing cod
Floating flocks of candle swans
Slowly drift across wax ponds

The men all played along to marching drums
And boy did they have fun behind the sea
They sang, so our matching legs are marching clocks
And we're all too small to talk to god
Yes, we're all too smart to talk to god

Toast the fine folks casting silver crumbs
To us from the dock
Jinxed things ringing as they leak
Through tiny cracks in the boardwalk
Scarecrow now it's time to hatch
Sprouting sons and ageless daughters

Don't you know, don't you know that
Those watermelon smiles just can't ripen underwater?
Just can't ripen underwater?

The men all played along to marching drums
And boy did they have fun behind the sea
They sang, so our matching legs are marching clocks
And we're all too small to talk to god
Yeah, we're all too smart to talk to god
Oh, we're all too smart to talk to god

Legs of wood waves
Waves of wooden legs
Waves of wooden legs
Legs of wood waves
Waves of wooden legs
Waves of wooden legs
Legs of wood waves
Waves of wooden legs
Waves of wooden legs
Legs of wood waves
Waves of wooden legs
Waves of wooden legs

"Build God, Then We'll Talk"

 - tekst

It's these substandard motels on the (lalalalala) corner of 4th and Fremont Street
Appealing only because they are just that unappealing
Any practiced catholic would cross themselves upon entering
The rooms have a hint of asbestos and maybe just a dash of formaldehyde
And the habit of decomposing right before your very (lalalalala) eyes

Along with the people inside
What a wonderful caricature of intimacy
Inside, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy

Tonight tenants range from: a lawyer and a virgin
Accessorizing with a rosary tucked inside her lingerie
She's getting a job at the firm come Monday
The Mrs. will stay with the cheating attorney
Moonlighting aside, she really needs his money
Oh, wonderful caricature of intimacy

Yeah (Yeah)

And not to mention, the constable, and his proposition, for that "virgin"
Yes, the one the lawyer met with on "strictly business"
As he said to the Mrs.
Well, only hours before
After he had left, she was fixing her face in a compact
There was a terrible crash, there was a terrible crash
Between her and the badge
She spilled her purse and her bag
And held a "purse" of a different kind

Along with the people inside
What a wonderful caricature of intimacy
Inside, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy

There are no raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses
It's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains
And a few more of your least favorite things

Raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses
It's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains
And a few more of your least favorite things

Inside, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy
Inside, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy

Raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses
It's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains
And a few more of your least favorite things

Raindrops on roses and the girls in white dresses
And the sleeping with the roaches and the taking best guesses
At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains
And a few more of your least favorite things

"From A Mountain In The Middle Of ..."

Lying there with a halo in her hair she cried
There are feathers everywhere, but it's fine
You do this all the time

Crying now, through a rusted smile she knows
This isn't how he paid the bills before
Drug farm entrepreneur

Go, spin circles for me
Wound relentlessly around the words we used to sling
Oh such torturous things always chewing up the only ones
I ever mean

If you're going then go. Go, go, go
If you're going then go. Go, go, go

Watch love get strangled by a kite's cold strings
Fall comes early and summer leaves
As a storm with the car keys

Spark your heels up against the picket fence I built
All your wishes they will sink like stones
Slowly down a lonely well

Go, spin circles for me
Wound relentlessly around the words we used to sling
Oh such torturous things always chewing up the only ones
I ever mean

If you're going then go. Go, go, go
If you're going then go. Go, go, go

"I Have Friends In Holy Spaces"

You remind me of a former love, that I once knew
And you carry a little piece with you
We were holding hands walking though the middle of the street
It's fine with me, I'm just taking in the scenery

You remind me of a few of my famous friends
Well that all depends, what you qualify as friends
You remind me of a few of my famous friends
Well that all depends, what you qualify as friends

Take a chance, take your shoes off, dance in the rain
Yea we're splashing around, and the news spread all over town

I'm not complaining that its raining
I'm just saying, I'd like it a lot more than you think
If the sun would come out and sing with me

You remind me of a few of my famous friends
Well that all depends, what you qualify as friends
You remind me of a few of my famous friends
Well that all depends, what you qualify as friends

"It's Almost Halloween"

 - tekst

I'm carving pumpkins, It's almost Halloween
and all my friends are wondering what they're going to be
The monster mash is playing, you're moving to the beat
and now we're going to teach you to do the trick or treat

Everybody scream, Everybody scream
It's almost Halloween
do the trick or treat, do the trick or treat
It's almost Halloween, everybody scream

There's a devil in the corner, in candy apple red
dressed up like a fire, burning through my head
I got a little closer, and offered her a drink
she took me to the graveyard and we did the trick or treat

Everybody scream, Everybody scream
It's only Halloween
do the trick or treat, do the trick or treat
It's only Halloween, everybody scream

Before I learned her name, we were already asleep
when I woke up in my coffin, she was nowhere to be seen
was it all a dream?
who can I believe?
it can't be what it seems, it was only Halloween
what does it all mean?

Everybody scream, Everybody scream
It was Halloween
do the trick or treat, do the trick or treat
It was only Halloween, everybody scream
Everybody scream
It was Halloween
do the trick or treat, do the trick or treat
It's only Halloween, everybody scream


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