Napisz list do kolegi / koleżanki z Anglii, którą wcześnej zaprosileś/łaś na ferie zimowe.
W liście:
-przeproś, że nie odbierzesz jej/jego z dworca/lotniska podając powód
-wyjaśnij jak dostać się z dworca/lotniska do twojego domu i poinformuj ile czasu to zajmie
-zaproponuj przynajmniej 2 formy spędzenia czasu podczas pobytu kolegi/koleżanki w Polsce
-poradź jakie rzeczy powinien/powinna ze sobą zabrać i wyraź radość z planowanego spotkania
Dear Kate ,
I'm writting to you because I have to change my plans.
I can't take you from the airport tomorrow because I have a very important exam. Sorry, I forgot to write about it in the last letter.
Don't worry, take a taxi and come to XXX Street. It will take about 15 minutes.
I have planned your stay in my country. On Friday we are going to go to the XXX Exihitbion and then to the party. Next week I want to take you to XXX. You should see this city. We can also go to XXX and see polish mountains.
You should take some warm clothes because the weather is rather cold. I hope we will spend the best winter holiday time in our life.
Hope to see you soon.
Dear John
I’m writing to you to apologize for my absence at the airport to you. When you came to Poland I must go to a hospital with my sister.
You can take a taxi to my house from the airport or if you want, you can take a bus number 501. If you take the taxi you will go for about 20 minutes and by bus about 40.
I’m still thinking what we can do in Poland. We can go skiing to CXXX because in Poland we don’t have too many good ski areas. If you don’t like skiing, we can travel to some city in my country, for example to XXX or XXX.
You should take warm clothes to Poland because we have very cold winters.
I’m very happy thinking that you are going to come..
Best wishes