1. The Conservative Party:
- party of the right,
- party of the establishment (heads of the most important industries, public boards, economy, education, media),
- the party of upper-middle and middle class,
- party for economic freedom (minimum government’s interventions),
- party for protection of national interests (against the European Union, strong defence, loyalty to Queen),
- party for loyalty to family, Queen (they don’t want changes in society; it keeps all traditional values).
2. How is Conservative Party financed?:
Conservative Party gets a lot of money from businesses (private companies) and also from members of party.
3. Association for a constituency: (you should go there, pay some money if you want to be member of the Conservative Party):
- to choose party candidate for next election,
- to keep in touch with him as an MP.
4. Conservative Party Conference:
- each political party has conference,
- Bournemouth is the most favourite place where they organize conference,
- it takes place in October in a seaside town,
- it is attended by:
representatives of local associations,
national leaders,
- during the meeting they don’t make party policy,
- during the conference they talk, share views/opinions – MEETINGS AND DISCUSSIONS,
- party leader decides about everything,
- it takes four days.
5. Conservative Party is popular mainly in Southern England.
6. The symbol of Conservative Party: