The empty house
unexplainable events : they were affraid to turn around so they didnt know what followed them
Szli jak sie sciemnilo, Midnight, deep silence, jebało złem
Old house, story dating back in the past, murder, dead body zostało through the banister (poręcz), stableman was hanged,
Wszyscy dygali
Silence, deserted streets, shadows, whispers, feeling of being watched, whispers following them
Abandoned house
Decay of a family
Growing tension - silence around in the streets, moonlight
The train of the nerves increased, gloomy (posępny) house
Light of the moon
Creaking doors
Tunnels, passages, corridors, cos obok nich przebieglo
Ghosts - white face, dishevelled hair - rozczochrany, widely staring eyes
Scullery (komórka przy kuchni – pomywalnia), isolation, bare walls, ugly, rooms like prisons, closed windows and doors,
Sadness, gloom
Silent as the grave
When its midnight candles go out and they can hear sth moving and he saw a face
He was very close to the face and he heard the movement of feet
Sth was in the air - tension,
Depletion of the protagonists vital forces (chief horror of the whole experience)
Clock striking midnight
He heard the blood singing in his veins
Outside the house it was silent and the murmurs came from the inside
Everything was cold
Speechless amazement
Sth was wrong with the aunt, supernatural event - her face looked as if she had been a child (her face of 40 years ago)
She was trembling like a leaf, crying gently to herself, palsied (porażona) with terror
Stillness - candles were still