ESSAY jezyki obce

ESSAY: Everyone should learn at least one foreign language

We are learning in our entire life. I agree with the main statement and I would like to improve that opinion.

First of all, if you want to find a good job in Poland you have to know a foreign language. The important companies make deals with foreign investors. It is without difference if they are German or Japanese you have to talk with them about business.

Nowadays, world is a big village where people can travel without problems. In every country is different language and if you want to ask about anything you have to know their language or English. For Polish people English is a foreign language.

However, learn take some time. If you have special skills it is easier for you but for many people it can be a hard work. Many times you need an extra help for example an English lessons in school which cost.

In conclusion, if should learn as long as they can. Foreign language are very useful in many different situations and we do not know when it can be helpful for us.


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