New Moon Unofficial Film Script Shattered Pieces (Part 2)

New Moon Unofficial Film Script — Shattered Pieces (Part 2)

DISCLAIMER The Twilight saga is owned and created by Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown and Company and Summit Entertainment. This site and its content are in no way affiliated or associated with and/or or it’s respective companies.

To read Part 4 — Romeo Must Not Die, please click here.

To read Part 3 — Close to Home, please click here.

To read Part 1 — Severed Ties, please click here.

SEQ . EXT. Shot of Forks mountains and forest to suggest passage of time.

SEQ . EXT. Forest. Shot of running of what appears to be “human” legs, closely followed by the four-legged kind. More join the hunt until there are at least 5 wolves.

SEQ . EXT. La Push beach. The “human” legs run into the water. Wolf Jacob follows then halts abruptly, turns back, acknowledges the Alpha, and stands at his side. The whole pack stares out to the open sea where the silhouette of a strong swimmer is visible. The pack howls a warning for the intruder.

SEQ . EXT. Open sea. Edward Cullen is driving a powerful motorboat and approaching the harbor.

SEQ . INT. Bella’s Bedroom. Bella lies catatonic on her bed, hugging her torso, staring at nothing. Charlie and Dr. Gerandy talk in hushed whispers just outside her door.

What’s wrong with her, doc? It’s been a week since Jacob Black found her in the forest. She doesn’t want to eat or sleep. I’m going crazy here. I don’t know what to do. Do we need to hospitalize her?

There’s nothing physically wrong with her. I think what she needs more is someone to talk to.

SEQ . INT. Bella’s Bedroom. Bella is talking to Renee on the mobile phone.

I’m fine, Mom.

Are you eating? Sleeping well?

Yes, mom.

I really miss you.

Miss you too.

How about coming over to Jacksonville, sweetheart?

Sure, mom.

Well, actually, I didn’t mean just for a vacation. Charlie and I have been talking. We thought it would be best if you moved back in with me. Phil’s really excited to see you.

What?!! How dare you make a decision about my life? I’m eighteen, and I can choose what to do! It’s my life! You have no right! I want to stay here in Forks.

Bella cuts off the connection. Charlie knocks on the door. Bella flings it open.

Do you want me out of this house? Why didn’t you say anything? Just give me a little time to look for a place, and –

Bells, Bells… You’ve got it all wrong. Of course, I want you to stay here. I was just worried that I can’t seem to help you. I just thought your mother can take better good care of you at this time.

I’m sorry, Dad. I know I’m being a pain right now.

Charlie awkwardly hugs Bella.

I wish I can make the pain go away. It’s going to be okay, baby. You’ll be okay.

SEQ . INT. Biology Classroom. Bella automatically goes to the same table that she and Edward used to occupy. She pauses then deliberately sits somewhere else.

Hey, Bella. That’s my spot.

Bella doesn’t move.

It’s cool. I’ll just go and tell Mr. Molina we’re trading places. It’s okay. You’re still my home girl.

SEQ . EXT. School Hallway. Bell rings. Bella is the first out of the classroom as the hallway fills with students.

SEQ . EXT. School Parking Lot. Bella hurriedly boards her truck. Mike and Angela break away from the group and try to run after her.


Bells! Wait up!

Jessica jealously pulls Mike back.

What are you doing? You’re making a spectacle of yourself.

Bella ignores them and drives away. Angela stares after her truck.

SEQ a. INT. Bella’s truck. She suddenly spies the new radio / CD player. She pulls over, and tries to remove it. In her attempts, she accidentally presses the play button. Edward’s lullaby fills the truck, which makes her even more frantic to rip out the radio / CD player.

(seated on passenger side) Bella, stop it. You’ll hurt yourself.

Bella pauses, and then continues trying to pull it before finally succeeding.

Love, your hands. You’re bleeding.

Bella reaches towards the passenger side.

No, Bella!

SEQ b. EXT Bella is alone in the truck, crying with her arms wrapped around her torso.

SEQ . EXT. Forest. Dream Sequence. Bella is running after Edward until the darkness engulfs her.

SEQ . INT. Bella’s Bedroom. Bella wakes up screaming. Charlie knocks and talks to her through thee door

Bells, you okay, honey?

Bella opens the door.

Sorry, dad. It was just a nightmare.

The same one?


Bella. When your mom and I divorced, I went to– uhm, you know. A shrink.

(reluctantly) I’ll check out the school’s guidance counselor tomorrow after my last class.

SEQ . INT. English classroom.

Even better than seeing Shakespeare being performed is performing it yourselves.

You mean the guys have to wear tights?!? Oohhh… Nice.

The whole class laughs and jeers. The boys tease and taunt each other.

(shakes his head) No need. We can make a modern version of Romeo and Juliet with everybody in jeans and shirts. We’ll study it in class first.

SEQ . EXT. School grounds. Baseball class.

Bella, don’t hit the ball, okay? Bella, did you hear me?

Bella nods.

(to the pitcher) Let’s just go for a walk. (under his breath) For safety’s sake.

Bella stands still as the ball passes her. Bella has a flashback of Edward and she driving to the baseball field, Edward fixing the cap on her hair, laughing, etc. During the fourth pitch, she remembers James and his hunt. She accidentally drops the bat on the catcher’s head.


I’m sorry.

It’s okay. I’m okay!

SEQ . INT. Guidance Counselor’s Office.

So, Bella, how did your day go? Is there anything you wanted to talk about?

Is it normal to have, uhm, hallucinations? I think there’s something wrong with my brain.

Well, it’s very normal to daydream. What do you mean by hallucinations? Would you like to tell me what you saw?

Bella remains silent.

That’s alright, dear. When you’re ready.

SEQ a. EXT. Forest campsite.

Matt, are you sure you cleaned the pans? If a bear smells them…

Yeah, yeah. Hannah, it’s not exactly my first time, you know.

Sorry, there has just been a lot of talk lately about giant grizzly sightings. It’s making me jumpy.

(teases) And, just like it says in the ‘Top 10 Things to Do to Avoid Bear Attacks,’ I will now go 200 yards away from the campsite to hang the food and pans on a tree.

I’ll go with you.

Don’t be silly. I’ll be back in a sec.

Hurry back, okay?

(soothingly) I’ll whistle so you’ll know where I am.

SEQ b. EXT. Forest. An indeterminate shadow is stalking Matt. The shadow attacks. The whistling abruptly stops.

SEQ c. EXT. Forest campsite.

Matt? Matt? That’s not funny!

Hannah hears rustling and assumes it’s Matt coming back.

I hate you. Don’t do that e —

Hannah screams as she is attacked as well.

SEQ . INT. Bella’s Bedroom. Bella wakes up screaming. Charlie knocks.

I’m okay, dad.

(through the door) You sure?

(sharply) I said I’m okay! Sorry, dad.

SEQ . EXT. Forest in autumn. Leaves falling from the trees to indicate change of season.

SEQ . EXT. Forest. Wolf Jacob is in pursuit of a vampire. A babble of wolf voices can be heard.

Get that bloodsucker!

Careful, Jake!

We’re right behind you.

Close in fast and corner him.

SEQ . EXT. Swan house’s street. Children are running about in Halloween costumes.

SEQ . INT. Swan house hallway. Doorbell chimes. Charlie is in the living room watching TV.

(from the living room) Where’s the candy bowl?

Bella goes down the stairs towards the front door.

I’ll do it, Dad.

Bella steels herself and opens the door and sees the three children dressed as a vampire, princess and werewolf.

Trick or treat!

Bella is visibly shaken at the sight of the child vampire. She hurriedly gives them candy.

Here you go.

Thank you!

SEQ b. INT. Swan House Living Room. Charlie hears the sound of breaking glass.


SEQ c. INT. Swan House Hallway. Charlie sees the broken glass bowl with candies strewn all over the floor. Running feet going up the stairs and then a slammed door are heard.

SEQ . EXT. Forest. Shot of wolf legs phasing into “human” ones. Agitated whispers are heard from everyone as they get dressed.

We lost the damned bloodsucker!

The pack becomes silent as soon as the Alpha speaks.

Jake, where did you smell this new vampire trail?

He’s from the north. It’s not the same female we chased into the sea a couple of months ago.

Do you think this new one is the female’s mate?

If we kill either one of them, the remaining leech will come back for revenge for sure.

If those bloodsuckers think that they can just go into our territory, they’re dead wrong. We’ll teach them not to mess with us or they’ll end up in pieces in a blazing bonfire!

Let them come! More fun for us!

Brothers and sister, remember to follow our rules. Make sure it’s not one of the Cullens. We must uphold the treaty.

A chorus of protesting growls are emitted by the pack members.

I am the Alpha! You will obey!

The pack acquiesce reluctantly.

SEQ . INT. Cullens dining room.

Alice has seen the possibility of Edward going to the Volturi…


Esme starts to moan incessantly. Alice tries to comfort her.

Esme, it’s not certain yet. It’s just one of the many possibilities of the future. But, I do know what will cause it. Whether it’s going to happen when she’s 18 or 85, it doesn’t matter. There can only be one reason behind it — Bella’s death.

(suspiciously) Why isn’t Emmett here?

He’s out hunting at my request. I’m sorry, Rosalie, but I’ve asked Emmett to help Edward track Victoria down. I’m hoping that the search will go faster with Emmett assisting Edward. When that is accomplished, I’m also hoping that Edward will come home with Emmett so that we can watch over him.

Yes! Carlisle, please bring him home.

That isn’t all, is it?

Please understand, Rosalie. Emmett is the only one who might be strong enough to stop Edward if he suddenly decides to act foolishly, such as provoking the Volturi. I told him to follow Edward to South America. (warningly) And nothing else.

Rosalie goes into an attack crouching position in front of Carlisle. Jasper goes into an offensive position as well. Carlisle holds up a hand to restrain Jasper. Esme watches, horrified at the scene, while Alice is in the middle of a vision to view the possible outcomes of the confrontation.

You don’t want Edward to know that you intend to stop him if he decides to commit suicide by breaking the rules of the Volturi? Don’t you care about Emmett? He’ll be executed by the Volturi as an accomplice, even if he doesn’t help Edward with this idiocy.

It will not come to that. We can prevent it. Let me be very clear — I will NOT lose any of my sons! Even if it means biting Bella myself and turning her into a vampire despite Edward’s wishes!

Emmett arrives from his hunt and is oblivious to what has just transpired.

I’m now swimming in blood, ready to be around thirst quenching senoritas y senoritos. (laughs) That bear was no match for me.

Rosalie rushes to Emmett, crashes him against the wall, which breaks apart, all the while kissing him fiercely.

Wow! What brought that on? I’m not complaining, baby.

Emmett sees everyone’s strained expressions and mistakenly thinks it’s about his trip.

I didn’t realize you guys would miss me so much. Maybe I should go away more often.

SEQ . INT. School Canteen. Bella gets a soda and sees a group in the Cullens’ usual table. She gasps, having a flashback of the Cullens, until a movement of the group reveals it’s not them. Angela breaks away from the group and sits with her on a vacant table.

Bella, the guys are thinking of caroling during Christmas for extra pocket money. Would you like to join us?

I don’t sing.

Well, actually, none of the guys can really sing. That’s why we pulled in Tori. (refers to a girl with the group) That’s the blonde girl with the short hair. She’s the only one who can really carry a tune and she’s teaching the rest of us. She used to be part of their church choir or something. She just transferred here.

The rest of the group comes nearer.

C’mon, Bells, we haven’t seen you in ages.

We miss you.

(peevishly) Yeah, we miss you. And, Tyler here sorta feels left out with… You know. Because I’m with Mark, and Angela’s with Eric, and Tyler is…

Hey Bells, it’s cool. Just hang out with us. We’ll have a great time. We’ll sing jingle bells.

Tyler sings with gusto and gains the canteen school crowd’s attention. Bella just shakes her head and moves to an isolated spot in the canteen.

(to Jessica) Don’t you think that was a bit insensitive?

What did I say?

You know she’s trying to get over Edward.

Well, I’m sorry for trying to set her up with Tyler.

Thanks. I think.

Guys, it’s alright. At least we invited her.

SEQ . EXT Forks snow capped mountains to indicate the change from autumn to winter season.

SEQ . EXT Resort near Forks. A honeymoon couple is alone on a well-trodden path. The wife slips on the snow and her husband hurriedly catches her.

Ooops! Careful!

(teases) That was just an excuse for a hug.

The husband smiles then kisses her.

Maybe we should go back to our room..

They kiss again. The husband is suddenly pulled away. The wife screams as she sees her husband being attacked.

SEQ . EXT. Swan yard.

There’s been another attack. Whatever it is, it’s getting bolder. The attack was near a resort. A couple on their honeymoon.

(thinking of Victoria) Is it the same vamp– person as before? They never caught whoever it was, right?

The earlier murders are still open cases. The problem now is we can’t identify the prints. There’s human footprints, but there are animal imprints too that are way bigger than a bear. I’ve never seen anything like it before. It doesn’t match anything we have on file. I’m not sure if it’s a person or animals that attacked the campers and this couple.

Bells, when you go to town today for your errands, please stay on the highway and don’t stop or go near the woods for any reason. You still have that pepper spray?

Yeah, dad.

SEQ . EXT. Forks Street. Christmas decorations are everywhere. Bella exits the photo shop with a package and a grocery bag. She notices two groups of males in the midst of an argument. Sam Uley puts a hand on Paul’s chest and seems to be stopping Paul from attacking. When the two groups move away from each other, Jacob breaks away from the pack to join Bella. The pack notices and looks on disapprovingly.

Hey Bella. How you ‘doin?

Fine. (discreetly refers to pack) Is there a problem, Jake? We can call my dad.

Nah, everything’s cool. Sam’s on top of it. Besides, Paul has always been too much of a hothead.

Right. (refers to wolf necklace) Are you, like, part of a “wolf gang” now? Does Billy know?

Just a pack of guys keeping the peace. Don’t worry, we’re the good guys here.

(dubiously) If you say so. (changing subject and refers to his physicality) Jake, you’ve gotten so…

(teases) Muscular? Strong?

Anyway, I have to go. Dad just asked me to run errands.

Sure, sure. Hey, why don’t I drop by sometime?

At the house?

You know, just hang out. If you like, we can even do homework together. I am younger than you are. So you’re supposed to know more than I do. You can tutor me. How about it?

Did my dad ask you to do this? Just ignore him, okay? Or return the twenty bucks he gave you.

Nope. Thought of this all on my own. Pack’s honor.

Jacob touches his necklace.

Oh. I don’t know.

Pretty please? Argh! I can’t believe I just said that. Goes to show how desperate I am.

I’m only pretty good in English. I suck at Math.

SEQ . INT. Cullens’ Living Room. Alice gasps.

What’s wrong?

What did you see? Did something happen to Edward and Emmett?

Bella has disappeared.

What do you mean?

It’s like she never existed.

Focus, Alice. Your brother’s future depends on it.

SEQ. EXT. Forks Street. Bella goes to her truck. Jacob accompanies her and opens the door for her.

Sure, sure. I’ll call soon.

Well, it was great seeing you. ‘Bye.

Bella drives away. Passersby discreetly stare at Jacob while giving him a wide berth.

SEQ . INT. Cullens’ Living Room.

It’s okay. She’s back. Not clear as usual, but, at least, I can see flickers of her. (fretfully) I don’t understand this.

Well, when you’re sure she’s gone, make sure to let me know so I can tell Edward personally and bring back Emmett.

Please stop, Rosalie, I can’t bear it.

SEQ . EXT. Rainforest. Edward and Emmett are in a jeep.

SEQ . INT. Bella’s truck. Due to the truck’s movement, the developed pictures from the photo shop slide out of the envelope. The images show Bella’s 18th birthday. The one that catches her eye is the one that Alice took of Edward and her looking really happy. Agitated with the memories, Bella presses her foot on the accelerator. She passes a speed limit sign, and her speedometer shows she is way beyond the maximum speed.

(seated on passenger side) Sweetheart, slow down the truck. Aren’t you the one who’s always telling me to drive within the speed limit?

Something or somebody runs across the road. Bella swerves to avoid hitting it.

Brake gently! Keep the wheel steady! Easy, easy…

Truck stops violently on the side road.

Are you all right?

Bella recovers and puts her hand on the truck’s door handle.

Don’t go out. Stay in the truck.

(to herself) It’s against the law to leave the scene of an accident. I have to make sure I didn’t hit anybody.

To read Part 4 — Romeo Must Not Die, please click here.

To read Part 3 — Close to Home, please click here.

To read Part 1 — Severed Ties, please click here.

Lorna Lopez aka ATwilightKiss’ Notes This script version is my attempt to reconcile the literary world with the more visual medium of film. Just like in the Lord of the Rings, changes will be made to accommodate a driven story line, time constraints, and attention to character development.

Edward Cullen The concern regarding the presence of Edward Cullen in New Moon is partially solved with two devices. One is showing the real Edward and following his tracking attempts of Victoria to Texas then Brazil in South America.

To quote a line from Edward in New Moon, Chapter 23, The Truth, “I traced [Victoria] as far as Texas, but then I followed a false lead down to Brazil — and really she came here,” led to port and rain forest scenes that had the additional objective of letting the viewer think that the real Edward may still be in the vicinity of Forks.

The second device that increases the presence of Edward in New Moon is Bella’s subconscious Edward who comes out whenever she is doing something to hurt herself or being reckless and dangerous.

I also purposely included Bella’s birthday photos and Edward’s CD as devices that show Bella’s attempts to forget Edward, so I didn’t have Edward hide them under the floorboards.

These devices are not meant to succumb to fans’ clamor for more of Robert Pattinson, but, a means to help the audience remember the Bella-Edward relationship, so as to increase the tension when Jacob makes his intentions and feelings clearer.

Jacob and the Pack To keep the story moving forward, Bella’s efforts to recover from the depression are featured more prominently, instead of just showing the depression itself. This way, her relationship with Jacob can be introduced much earlier. As Stephenie Meyer wrote on her site, “Bella falls in love with Jacob in New Moon.”

The importance of developing the story of this romantic relationship is the major driving force behind the decision to have Jacob discover his wolf gene much earlier. When he meets Bella again during Christmas time, he already knows he is a werewolf and he has had more time to accept and adjust to his genetic heritage, thus, still being able to be the sunny Jacob that Bella needed, yet, with a dark tormented side.

I also felt that the werewolves or shape shifters’ abilities would be more exciting visually than putting in scenes of Jacob explaining to Bella what the pack can do.

The choice of wolves to be featured was largely dependent on Breaking Dawn. Since Seth and Leah Clearwater will become the pack members of Jacob, I thought it best to introduce their characters in New Moon so that they can already be familiar to the audience. Of course, Alpha Sam Uley is a must and Paul as well. Jared, Quil, Embry and any other members of the pack may be added, of course, but, the viewers’ attention should be focused on these five.

The Cullens I also tried to involve the Cullens as much as possible, since they are the future family of Bella. I thought it would be very interesting to watch the conflict that would be created with the knowledge of Edward’s plans with the Volturi; thus, I had Alice inform the Cullens regarding Edward’s intentions to “kill” himself. Carlisle’s desire to bring him home would be akin to a “suicide” watch.

The Vote chapter of New Moon, where the Cullens clarify their reasons for their yes / no vote whether they want Bella to become a part of their vampire family, became the basis of the lines from each of the family members.

Aside from shallow vanity and peevishness, I also gave Rosalie an added impetus for contacting Edward about Bella’s death by having Emmett with him in Brazil.

Although this script is based on the Twilight saga, it will be faithful to the spirit of the books, but, not necessarily be faithful in every way as to how it’s presented in the books per se.


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