EXAM Kultura Piskorz

07.10.13 - Piskorz



- ethnic

- geographical

- class

- gender


- land of tradition

- conservatism

- suspicion of high culture

- sense of humor

- religion and politics

- the family


- education

- legal and welfare systems

- banknotes

- way of speaking English


- life similar to the English one

- Welsh identity - language

- not many symbols of Welshness

Northern Ireland

- polarized society

- ethnicity, family, politics, religion -> interrelated 

- minor role of social class

- Protestants -> UK, Catholics -> Irish Republic

- little distinction between English and British

- 2005 -> website launched titled Icons of England (Stonehenge, Angel of the North, Routemaster London, the SS Empire Windrush, a cup of tea, the King James’ Bible, a portrait of Henry VIII by Holbein)


- Not very patriotic

- 50% would emigrate (2007 poll)

- 75% “proud to be British”

- not actively patriotic

- do not personally represent the country

- patriotic when British identity is threatened from the outside


Black Carribbeans


The North South Divide

The South

  • Soft

  • Hypocritical

  • Unfriendly

  • Lower rates of unemployment

  • More expensive houses

The North

  • Proud

  • Tougher

  • Honest

  • Decline of heavy industry

  • Large – scale migration to the South

Sense of identification with a city (Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, London)

The class identity

  1. Different classes = different:

Class indicator = language

28.10.13 - Piskorz


discrimination on the basis of sex illegal


- men acceptable to look scruffy

- women express emotions and care for children


Public life:

- occupations not associated with anyone

- one of the first European countries to have female Prime Minister

- female chairperson in Parliament


Britain: “land of tradition”

The British = too individualistic to follow tradition

Observing formalities vs. being formal

Public vs. private role

Formalities vs. formality

A sense of humor

Religion and politics


LAT – Living Apart Together (couple in different flats)

Mongrel Nation – Immigration

1948 – Caribbean emigrants (The Empire Windrush)

Jewish: hologram, fish in fish ‘n chips

Irish: infrastructure, The Royal Ballet, The Duke of Wellington, Oscar Wilde, many popular words come from Irish

Caribbean people

1750 – 1/20 in London were black

18.11.2013 - Piskorz

Social fears:

Five interconnected fears:

The English ignore the silver lining and go for the cloud – Jeremy Paxman. (chronic pessimism – Kate Fox)

Broken Britain

Underclass – unskilled working class, skilled working class (they support the British National Party and are far-right)

Murder of James Bulgar (1993) – murdered by two 10-year-olds

Chavs – aggressive teenagers (white working class), ghetto rap, hip hop & R’n’B, from suburbs, amoral

Death of childhood – children pushed to dress like mini-adults, too much homework, grow up too quickly, too protected from the world (cotton wool culture)

Feral youth – violent, illiterate, gangs, 40% of street crime (aged 10-16), most likely to have a knife (aged 14-19)

Reasons for feral youth:

Booze Britain

1689 – first cheap gin distilled

Nowadays: highest level of drunkenness

2009-2010 – underage drinkers jump to 40%

4% of 15-16 year-olds have trouble with the police

800.000 below 15 drinking regularly

69% in 2009 increase in hospitalization

2000 permanently excluded from school

40.000 temporarily

Alcopop – wine or beer with flavoring

2,7 billion pounds of the annual alcohol misuse in Britain

02.12.2013 – Piskorz

Fear of crime

90% support CCTV

4 million CCTV cameras in Great Britian

British most fearful of crime and happiest to be under surveillance

Baltic Exchange – 1992 (IRA)

Bishopgate – 1993 (IRA)

Ring of Steel – Square Mile protection in 1990s

Fear of cultural fragmentation

2060 – population increase by 25% (61 to 77 million)

24.7% new babies born to mothers born outside of UK

Muslims: (general islamophobia)


Multiculturalism vs. assimilation


1936: Cable Street

1948 – The Empire Windrush – the symbol of immigration


16.12.2013 – Piskorz

Race Relation Acts

1965: Making Yourself at Home – language practicalities of everyday life

1965: illegal to discriminate in public places (hotels restaurants)

1968: illegal to refuse housing, employment and public services on ground of ethnic background


Enter Enoch Powell

1958: The Notting Hill Race Riots

1981: Brixton Riots

1981: Scarman Report

1993: Stephen Lawrence case

1999: MacPherson Report

2001: Indians

Bangladeshis – at the bottom

Pakistanis – poor rural communities, self-enclosed, aggressive, lack of integration

Post-2001: (WTC)

2005 – Bomb attacks on London Transport


Political correctness

20.01.2014 PISKORZ

British Fashion

Isaac Singer – sewing machine (1851)

Charles Worth (1825-99)

Mass-produced clothing based on standard sizes pioneered in the United States in the 1900s

Britain slow to follow

Changes by the late 1920s

Wartime period:

Causes of change:

Other influences


Cinema stars

Department stores (ready-to-wear fashion)


1950s – explosion of youth culture

Casual trinity of unisex clothing

1960s – the street invades salons

Mary Quant (blamed for objectification of women with her introduction of miniskirt)

Laura Ashley

Women’s clothing – shaped by the sexual imperatives

Fashion – an important element of British pop-culture

1930s – Burton established

1946 – bikini patented by Louis Reard

1950s – Victorian corset, Afro-Caribbean influences

1959 – London Fashion Week

1960s – fashion continues to undermine social convention

1969 – ‘wonderbra’ launched

1970s/1980s – Rastafarian influence

2000s – dominance of black subcultures

Savile Row – fashion street

Dress codes: crucial to understanding the divisions between identities in Britain (smart vs. scruffy)


British fashion = no longer ‘made in England’

English dress:

Iconography of tradition:

London fashion:

London designers:

03.02.2014 Piskorz

British Pop: music and fashion

Early popular music:

19thc. :decline in England

Tin Pan Alley -> collection of NYC music publishers and songwriters, concentration of music shops

1920s – Traditional jazz and ‘ragtime’ music

1930s – smooth, sophisticated music, relaxed, glamorous and seductive songs

Crooning – slow and sentimental way of singing

1940s – slow, sentimental ballads, stories of unrequited love

New technology – gramophones, records, transistor radio by Sony (1955)

‘Record Mirror’ – top twenty bestselling singles (1955)

The Hit Parade (top twenty)



‘Blackboard Jungle’ (1955) – ‘Rock around the clock’ song used (movie about aggressive young students)

Rock’n’roll – to have sex, make love

New Edwardians (teds, teddy boys)

Skiffle (punk of 1950s)

The Beatles (The Quarrymen)

Beatlemania: 1967 – Sgt. Pepper’s – departure from earlier material, lost fans, about drugs and mysticism, 1970 break up

Pop music as an object of serious comment

Rhtym and blues

1962-1967 (The Animals, Yardbirds, Spencer Davis Group, Fleetwood Mac

Rolling Stones:

Mods (1960s) – modernists

Rockers (1960s)


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