My TOU(8)

TOU (Terms Of Use)

This alpha is for personal use ONLY. My alphas are NOT for commercial use.

My alphas may be resized. You can make tags with my alphas, however you may

not change the file extension (example‐from a PNG to a GIF or JPG). You may

share the alpha with other groups as long as the TOU is included in the alpha,

however, you may NOT put them on any blog, site or in any store for sale or

offered for FREE. My alphas are not to be used with any other graphic and

claimed as your own. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this alpha is distributed under fair use without profit or payment. I have created this alpha from a FREE font. I use tubes, commercial use clip art, Paint Shop Pro scripts and Adobe Photoshop actions for my graphics. I also use Eye Candy, Photoshop CU Styles, CU Gradients and my own Photoshop Styles and Gradients (which are not CU) on my alphas. This TOU (Terms Of Use) and Made By Tag must stay with this alpha if it is shared with any one or any group. Please respect these terms of use.



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