1. World Economy: 1830 – WWII

  2. „father” of international economics: Charles Kindleberg

  3. International Economics:

  1. Pre-theoretical: Ancient times, Mercantilism

  2. Classical models of international trade:

-“The wealth of nations” 1776
- Country’s Absolute advantage in cost of production of one good needed in order to produce sth

-“The principles of political economy and taxation” 1817

- Country’s at least Comparative advantage in cost of production of one good needed in order to produce sth

  1. Neoclassical approach

  1. New trade theories

  1. Services

  1. Economic growth

  1. In a small country – doesn’t affect prices

    • Balanced: more production of both goods (because of growth of technology or production factor)

    • Biased towards production of the good A (in which production we are more effective): EXPORT EXPANDING GROWTH

    • Biased towards production of the good B (in which production we are less effective): IMPORT REPLACING GROWTH

    • Deindustrialization “Dutch disease” (Rybczyński 1977) – growth of only one factor of production leads to investing only in “that-factor-intensive” production and restricts development of all other branches (production of the second good decreases)

  2. In a big country – affects prices

    • IMPORT REPLACING GROWTH reduces relative world prices of imported goods (we gain twice – we export more of expensive good, import more of the cheaper and cheaper good)

    • Immiserizing growth concept (Bhagwati 1958) – a big poor country can be worse off (at a worse consumer indifference curve) after growth than before (extracting more natural resources affects prices too much)

  1. International factor movement

  1. Capital movement:

  1. Labour force movement

  1. Trade policy




  1. Environment

  1. Organizations

  1. International Financial Relations

  1. Others

  1. Adjustment measures: there is no obligation

  2. Multiplier effect (gains from export) is bigger, when tendency to consumption is higher ?????

  3. The most advanced form of integration: economic union

  4. Foreign investment: worse situation of country’s balance of payments in the short run, better in the long

  5. Strong currency – the stable one

  6. EFTA – free trade association

  7. Most Favoured Nation – trade terms with all the countries should be the same

  8. Conditionalities – conditions for taking out a loan from International Monetary Fund IMF

  9. Bilans płatniczy kraju:

- bilans obrotów bieżących ( current account balance )

- bilans obrotów kapitałowych (pomoc bezzwrotna na finansowanie środków trwałych, umorzenie długów, kupno/sprzedaż aktywów: patentów, licencji)

- bilans obrotów finansowych

- saldo błędów i opuszczeni

- oficjalne aktywa rezerwowe: operacje BC i sektora rządowego

  1. Western Europe: 50% of global trade

  2. London Club and Paris Club: organization restructuring state debts in private banks

  3. Paying interests for foreign countries: deterioration of balance of payments

  4. Optimal rate of tariff: maximization: marginal gain from terms of trade = marginal loss of consumers

  5. Equador, Camerun, Nigeria – only exporters of oil

  6. Industrialized countries: can contribute to maintaining ecological balance by aiding developing countries attempts to save the environment

  7. Foreign capital flowed out of Latin America: because of overvalued currencies and low interest rate

  8. Appropriate theory (zawłaszczalności) – Magee – companies want to have an access to foreign technology

  9. IMF and World Bank headquarters – Washington

  10. Mariginal tendency to import ~ marginal rate of import ~ income elasticity of import ?

  11. Adjustment mechanism in Rigid Exchange rate: by adjusting interest rates

  12. Taxes on imported goods are similar to tariffs (e.g. coffee in Poland)

  13. WTO doesn’t pay attention to exchange rates and doesn’t grant loans

  14. Import tariff: loss of consumers and foreign producers, gain of domestic producers

  15. If we use dumping: lower prices when high elasticity of demand, higher when low elasticity of d.

  16. When Japan exports much do the USA and USA exports little to Japan: yen appreciates, $ depreciates

  17. Terms of Trade Index: TOT= $\frac{\text{export}}{\text{import}}*100\%$. When <100 (in comparison to the previous year) – we have to export more goods to buy previous amount of imported commodities (import more expensive)

  18. American embargo on selling crops to ZSRR: protest of American farmers

  19. LIBOR – London Interbank Offer Rate

  20. Maastricht treaty – about creating monetary union (€ zone)

  21. Technological development & international trade: increase Gross National Product

  22. The biggest exporter: China, the biggest importer: USA/China?

  23. Adam Smith: every country taking part in international trade can gain

  24. If one country has comparative advantage in production of one good, it does not have to have absolute advantage

  25. Adjustment charge (dopłata wyrównawcza) – in Poland: to protect farmers

  26. If country A has absolute advantage in production of most goods, it should export those in which production it has comperative advantage and import the other

  27. Deterioration of developed countries economy: lower prices of resources used in their industry (e.g. cooper)

  28. Polish state debt: most creditors are foreign states

  29. Main aim of IMF: supporting monetary cooperation of states

  30. Most foreign investments of developed countries: to other developed countries

  31. Deterioration of indebted countries: mainly because of worse TOT

  32. Limitation of exchange rates fluctuation: European Monetary System (?)

  33. Country importing labour force gains more than country exporting

  34. Rate of protecting agriculture: low in Australia, higher in the USA, EU

  35. Debt for nature swap: country conducts some programs saving the environment in exchange for debt reduction

  36. Mutual clearing: limited to the amount of less developed country export

  37. Urugruay Round (GATT): conflict between Europe and developing countries in terms of agriculture trade

  38. Interest charge paid to foreign investors (e.g. for shares): debit on current account balance

  39. Long term effect of monetary union: economies of scale ???

  40. Total loss:


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