Texts literature


- Author is unknown

- Composition is dated between 8th and 11th century

- Action set in Scandinavia

- Beowulf is a great hero who comes to the mead hall in Heorot that has been under attack by a monster called Grendel. Beowulf slays him and he defeats also monster’s mother. After his victory he comes back to Sweden and later becomes a king. After a 50 years he defeats a dragon but is mortally wounded and dies. His attendants bury him and make him a burial mound.

-  themes and subject matter are rooted in Germanic heroic poetry, recited and cultivated by Old English poets called scops

- Beowulf wanted to be famous, he wanted to last forever in history


THE SEAFARER (Exeter Book 10th century)

DREAM OF THE ROOD (10th century, Vercelli Book)


LAYAMON’S BRUT (12th /13th century, Layamon)

SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT (Geoffrey Chaucer, 14th century)

PROLOGUE TO THE CANTERBURY TALES (Geoffrey Chaucer, 14th century)


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