03 Prasówka Pytania, Słownictwo

This is how your Gmail account got hacked


  1. How much accounts gets stolen on an average day?


  1. Where are concentrated the criminals?


  1. Why the people hack Gmail account?



average ['ævərɪʤ] - przeciętny

worldwide ['wə:ldwaɪd] -światowy

handing ['hændɪŋ] - przekazanie

alert [ə'lə:t] – czujny

safety ['seɪftɪ] - bezpieczeństwo

bank account [bæŋk ə'kaunt] - konto bankowe

concentrate ['kɔnsəntreɪt] - koncentrować

emergency [ɪ'mə:ʤənsɪ] – awaria

ahead [ə'hɛd] - do przodu

swift [swɪft] - prędki

ensure [ɪn'ʃuə(r)] – zabezpieczać

lying ['laɪɪŋ] - leżący

perform [pə'fɔ:m] - wykonywać

This is how your Gmail account got hacked


  1. How much accounts gets stolen on an average day?


  1. Where are concentrated the criminals?


  1. Why the people hack Gmail account?



average ['ævərɪʤ] - przeciętny

worldwide ['wə:ldwaɪd] -światowy

handing ['hændɪŋ] - przekazanie

alert [ə'lə:t] – czujny

safety ['seɪftɪ] - bezpieczeństwo

bank account [bæŋk ə'kaunt] - konto bankowe

concentrate ['kɔnsəntreɪt] - koncentrować

emergency [ɪ'mə:ʤənsɪ] – awaria

ahead [ə'hɛd] - do przodu

swift [swɪft] - prędki

ensure [ɪn'ʃuə(r)] – zabezpieczać

lying ['laɪɪŋ] - leżący

perform [pə'fɔ:m] - wykonywać

This is how your Gmail account got hacked


  1. How much accounts gets stolen on an average day?

Only nine in 1 million accounts gets stolen_________________________________________________________

  1. Where are concentrated the criminals?

Most of them live in China, Ivory Coast, Malaysia, Nigeria and South Africa._____________________________________

  1. Why the people hack Gmail account?

because they would like to steal bank account information ___________________________________________


average ['ævərɪʤ] - przeciętny

worldwide ['wə:ldwaɪd] -światowy

handing ['hændɪŋ] - przekazanie

alert [ə'lə:t] – czujny

safety ['seɪftɪ] - bezpieczeństwo

bank account [bæŋk ə'kaunt] - konto bankowe

concentrate ['kɔnsəntreɪt] - koncentrować

emergency [ɪ'mə:ʤənsɪ] – awaria

ahead [ə'hɛd] - do przodu

swift [swɪft] - prędki

ensure [ɪn'ʃuə(r)] – zabezpieczać

lying ['laɪɪŋ] - leżący

perform [pə'fɔ:m] - wykonywać
