SCANNERS missing words

SCANNERS – Read the text carefully and find the missing words.

variations , image, benefit , depth, scan, pick out, hardware, recognise, program, 600dpi, blending, maximum, transferring, successful , line, downside, good, sharpening, created, grain, closeness, resolution, scan, alternatively , lines, large, not improve, manipulation, burns, digital, usable

Basically what they do is image …………………..…… whatever is on the tray, digitally scan each ……………………………. like a barcode, stores each line as an …………………………………. of pixels and attaches the lines back as a solid image when complete. Scanners do not know or care what they ……………………………………. until the software with them or an external .................................. is requested.

Image ………………………………..on scanners is about how much of the ………………………………….they scan, the higher the resolution, the smaller the lines are in length but not width. 4800 dpi for instance is……………………………….but can grow larger to 9600dpi when set to 64bit colour depth. Either way this will be a ………………………………….. file size and good quality.

At the end of the day scanners are there to…………………………………..something that is already …………………………………….., a 9600 dpi scan of an image in a magazine will ………………………………. its quality if the image is published at ………………………………... The scanned image will pick out the ………………………………….. of the paper, the tonal ………………………………………….. of the bind but not change the …………………………………………… of the pixels. Image ………………………………………. can take care of a little of that by …………………………………(blurring) or …………………………………………… (adding missing pixels) to the image.

……………………………………scanning a digital image will not make it better but scanning a 35mm published photo can. This will …………………………………….. the depth and …………………………………. of the image that will be there because it is a real image that………………………………….. the picture onto film in …………………………………………….resolution. This is their greatest ………………………….. and one of the few ……………………………..ways of ………………………………….. an image from printed to ……………………………form without the loss of quality. The ……………………………………is time and ………………………………………, scanners are rare in companies, the user needs to be logged in to the connected machine and the file needs to be saved to a …………………………………. location afterwards.
