AL LO Thorins Company


Weapon Special Strikes


Two-handed hammer/mace/maul



two-handed axe/pick




Gandalf the Grey
Thorin Oakenshield
Dwalin the Dwarf
Glóin the Dwarf
Nori the Dwarf
Dori the Dwarf
Fili the Dwarf
Kili the Dwarf
Bifur the Dwarf
Bofur the Dwarf
Bombur the Dwarf
Balin the Dwarf
Oin the Dwarf
Ori the Dwarf
Bilbo Baggins


Minas Tirith Fiefdoms Rohan Arnor and Grey Company Numenor Eregion and Rivendell Lothlorien and Mirkwood Durin's Folk White Council Shire Fellowship Wanderers in the Wild Thorin's Company Army of Thror Dale and Laketown Thranduil's Halls
Thorin's Company                                

Army special rule:

Thorin’s Company is always treated as one warband.


GANDALF THE GREY (Wizard) Point value: 170

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Gandalf the Grey 5/4+ 4(5) 5 1 3 7 3 6+1* 3 6”
Shadowfax 0 3 5 0 1 5 - - - 12”


Staff of Power (two-handed weapon), Glamdring (sword) and Elven Ring Narya.

Glamdring: When Gandalf fights with Glamdring (rather than his staff), he adds +1 to his Strength statistic, giving him a Strength value of 5.

*Staff of Power: Gandalf can expend 1 point of Will per turn without reducing his own Will store.

Narya: Gandalf can re-roll his dice when using Fate points.

Magical Powers:

Sorcerous Blast 5+ 12”

Command 4+ 12”

Strengthen Will 4+ 12”

Immobilise 3+ 12”

Blinding Light 2+ 6”

Terrifying Aura 2+ self


THORIN OAKENSHIELD (Dwarf) Point value: 100

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Thorin Oakenshield 6/4+ 4 7 3 3 6 3 3 3 5”


Dwarf armour.

The Oakenshield: The Oakenshield is a shield. Additionally, should Thorin opt to use it for Shielding during a Fight and he wins, he may make a single Strike at his Strength (receiving no bonuses from any weapons).

Orcrist: Orcrist is an Elven blade. When Orcrist causes a Wound on an Orc, Goblin or Uruk-hai it causes not 1 Wound but D3 Wounds instead (determine the number of Wounds before Fate points are used). Additionally, the bearer of Orcrist has the Terror (Goblins, Orcs & Urukhai) special rule.


DWALIN THE DWARF (Dwarf) Point value: 95

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Dwalin the Dwarf 6/4+ 5 6 3 2 6 2 2 2 5”


Two-handed hammer.

Special Rules:

Burly: When fighting a two-handed weapon, a model with this special rule does not suffer a penalty to his Duel rolls. Additionally, Burly models can carry a Heavy Object and still move their full move distance.

Fearless: This model automatically passes Courage tests, but cannot use the rules for Shielding.

Weapon Master: This model is never considered unarmed, and never suffer the usual -1 penalty to the Duel roll for fighting two-handed weapon.


GLÓIN THE DWARF (Dwarf) Point value: 65

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Glóin the Dwarf 6/4+ 4 7 3 2 6 2 1 1 5”


Dwarf armour and throwing axes.

Special Rules:

A Warrior Born: Glóin must re-roll scores of 1 To Wound in combat.


NORI THE DWARF (Dwarf) Point value: 60

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Nori the Dwarf 5/4+ 4 5 2 2 5 2 1 1 5”


Two-handed mace.

Special Rules:

Weapon Master: see Dwalin the Dwarf’s entry.


DORI THE DWARF (Dwarf) Point value: 55

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Dori the Dwarf 5/4+ 4 5 3 2 5 2 1 1 5”



Special Rules:

A Good Sort Really: If Bilbo is within 3” of Dori, he may spend Dori’s Might, Will and Fate points as they were his own.


FILI THE DWARF (Dwarf) Point value: 55

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Fili the Dwarf 5/3+ 4 5 2 2 5 2 1 1 5”


Throwing axes.

Special Rules:

Bodyguard (Thorin): As long as Thorin is alive and on the board, models with this special rule automatically pass all Courage tests they have to take.

Combat Synergy: If they are in base contact, Fili and Kili may choose to swap places with another one at the start of any Phase – this does not count as moving.


KILI THE DWARF (Dwarf) Point value: 55

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Kili the Dwarf 5/3+ 4 5 2 2 5 2 1 1 5”


Dwarf bow.

Special Rules:

Bodyguard (Thorin), Combat Synergy – see Fili the Dwarf’s entry.


BIFUR THE DWARF (Dwarf) Point value: 50

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Bifur the Dwarf 4/3+ 4 5 2 2 5 2 1 1 5”


Boar spear.

Boar spear: A boar spear can be used as either a spear or a two-handed weapon.

Special Rules:

Resistant to Magic – If this model is targeted by a magical power and has no Will points to resist it with, it may still take a Resist test with a single dice.

Battle Damage: Once Bifur is reduced to 1 Wound, he may use a single Heroic Action each turn without reducing his store of Might. However, only Bifur may benefit from this Heroic Action.


BOFUR THE DWARF (Dwarf) Point value: 50

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Bofur the Dwarf 4/3+ 4 5 2 2 5 2 1 1 5”



Mattock: A mattock is a two-handed weapon, which can be used as either a hammer or a pick (choose which at the start of each Fight).

Special Rules:

Steadfast: Each time Bofur is targeted by a magical power or special ability he may try to ignore its effects. Roll a D6; on a score of 2+, its effect are ignored. This roll may be modified by a Might. If you wish to try a Resist a magical power you must do so before making Bofur’s Steadfast roll.


BOMBUR THE DWARF (Dwarf) Point value: 45

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Bombur the Dwarf 4/4+ 4 4 2 3 5 2 1 1 5”


Axe and mace.

Special Rules:

Lumbering: When making Jump or Climb tests, Bombur must re-roll scores of 6. Additionally, he may not call Heroic Moves or Heroic Marches.

Beefy: When Bombur makes Strikes, he may choose to use the Bash special strike (pg 70) just as if he if he were using a mace.

Raising Spirits: Once each turn, at any point in his Move phase, choose a friendly model in base contact with Bombur and roll a D6. On a score of 4+, the chosen model regains a point of Will spent earlier in the battle (or campaign).


BALIN THE DWARF (Dwarf) Point value: 45

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Balin the Dwarf 4/4+ 3 5 1 2 6 1 3 2 5”



Sword-mace: his weapon may use the Feint or Bash Special Strikes.

Special Rules:

Longbeard: In the Priority phase, Balin may spend a Will point to enable his side to re-roll their D6 in the Priority roll.


OIN THE DWARF (Dwarf) Point value: 45

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Oin the Dwarf 4/4+ 4 4 1 2 6 1 4 1 5”


Two-handed staff.

Special Rules:

Healing Herbs: In the Move phase, instead of moving, Oin may attempt to heal a friend in base contact. Roll a D6. On a 1-3 there is no effect. On score of a 4 or 5, the model regains a Wound lost previously in the game (or campaign). On a 6, the model regains all its lost Wounds.

Prognostication: Once per turn, in the Fight phase, Oin can expend a Will point to enable a friendly model within 3" to re-roll a single dice in a Fight.


ORI THE DWARF (Dwarf) Point value: 40

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Ori the Dwarf 3/3+ 3 4 1 2 5 1 3 1 5”



Special Rules:

Chronicler: Any time a member of Thorin’s Company slays an enemy Hero or Monster within 3" of Ori, that model immediately regains a point of Might, Will or Fate (your choice) that has previously been spent in that game (or campaign).

Deadeye: If Ori scores 6 when rolling To Hit, do not take any In The Way tests, and do not roll To Wound. His target automatically suffers a single Wound.


BILBO BAGGINS (Hobbit) Point value: 60

Fight Strength Defence Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Movement
Bilbo Baggins 3/3+ 2 3 1 2 6 1 3 1 4”

Sting: The bearer of Sting has +1 Strength.

The Ring:

Wearing The Ring: The model with the Ring (the Ringbearer) can put him in any time during his Move phase. As soon as he does so, he becomes Invisible.

Invisible: Whilst he wears the Ring, the Ringbearer cannot be targeted by shooting attacks (and does not count as In The Way). The Ringbearer have no Control Zone while invisible and enemy models may even move ‘through’ the Ringbearer. If an enemy model wishes to end its movement on the space the Ringbearer is taking up, move the Ringbearer the minimum distance to place him out of the way – this could involve hopping low walls, moving through foes or being shoved off cliffs.

If an enemy wishes to Charge the Ringbearer while he wears the Ring, it must pass a Courage test, applying a penalty of -1 to the roll for every full inch that the Ringbearer is away from the foe. During the Fight phase, any enemy model engaged in combat with an invisible Ringbearer halves its Fight value for the duration of the duel.

Removing the Ring: If the controlling player wishes the Ringbearer to take off the Ring, he needs to pass a Courage test to remove it. This test can be taken at any point during the Ringbearer’s Move phase. If the test is failed, the Ringbearer must wear the Ring until the next turn, when he will have another chance to remove it. The Ringbearer cannot both put on and take off the Ring in the same turn.

Sauron’s Will: If the Ring is already being worn, then the Good player must test to see if the Ringbearer can overcome Sauron’s will. To do so, he must roll a dice immediately before he moves the Ringbearer in the Move phase. If the player does not wish to move the Ringbearer, he must still roll a dice – but can do so at any time during the Move phase. The roll is made on behalf of the Ringbearer himself so we allow the Good player to use the Ringbearer’s Might points to modify this dice roll if he wishes to do so. On a roll of 3, 4, 5 or 6, the Good player moves the Ringbearer as usual. On a score of a 1 or 2, the Evil player moves the Ringbearer instead of the Good player.

Regardless of which side moves the Ringbearer, he is still part of the Good side and all other actions, such as shooting and fighting, remain under the control of the Good player. This means that when the Evil player moves the Ringbearer, all he can do is move the model, including charging (in this case, the Ringbearer does not need to take Courage test to Charge terrifying foes). He cannot perform Heroic Actions and cannot pick up or put down other items. He cannot be forced to perform actions that would cause direct harm to the model (such as jumping down a cliff…) or be moved off the table (if the Scenario allows). This represents the struggle between the Ringbearer and the will of Sauron.

My Precious!: If the Ringbearer is the only model left on the Good side and he’s wearing the Ring, he counts as a casualty.

Special Rules:

Resistant to Magic – If this model is targeted by a magical power and has no Will points to resist it with, it may still take a Resist test with a single dice.

Throw Stones: If the hobbit does not move at all, he can throw a stone in subsequent Shoot phase. This work exactly like a crossbow with a range of 8” and a Strength of 1.

It Has Not Yet Awaken: Bilbo Baggins ignores My Precious an Sauron’s Will section of the Ring’s rules.

