Past Simple ćwiczenia

Change the sentences into Past Simple.

  1. She usually drinks tea with lemon. [Yesterday]


  1. Do you sometimes play cards with friends?


  1. I often get up early and make coffee for my family. [Yesterday]


  1. I don't go to church every Sunday.


  1. He writes articles to a local paper.


  1. They do the cooking every day.


  1. I spend much time in the fitness club.


  1. I often find money on the pavement.


  1. Does she park near his house very often?


  1. Jane cleans windows every Saturday.


  1. He always puts on his father's jacket.


  1. Nothing happends here.


  1. I don't think much about my ex-husband.


  1. Why does Mary usually stay at his place?


  1. He always waits for her half an hour and then he leaves.


  1. Jim doesn't know how to spend his free time.


  1. Mike always tries to be the best at pool.


  1. She sometimes plays chess but she loses. [Yesterday]


  1. It costs us a lot of money to make a party.


  1. I live and work in the capital of Hungary. [Last year]


Wstaw właściwą formę czasownika.

  1. My son ........(clean) his room.

  2. She...............(not/ get) the prize.

  3. I ............(be) late for the meeting yesterday.

  4. ..................(you/go) swimming last week?

  5. We.............(take) our dog for a walk some time ago.

  6. When I was five I.............(can) ride a bike.

  7. Jason..........(repair) that old clock last Sunday.

  8. In 1890 I...........(leave) Paris.

  9. Two months ago my father..........(sell) his old car.

  10. He........(have) a very good job as a manager. 

Wybierz poprawną odpowiedz.

1. Jack, Kate and I ............... in this competition.
a. taked part              b. took part         c. did took part

2. my company in 1989.
     a. worked            b. is worked      c. workd

3. My money for a new computer
     a. don't gave              b. didn't gave                c. didn't give

4. ................. supper yesterday evening?
     a.did you eat            b. ate you                c. did you ate

5. I..................Spanish when I ................ten
                a. understood,   be       b. understood, was                    c. understood, were

6. My a lot.                          b. didn't liked                   c. didn't like

7.Yesterday we all the cinema to watch a nice comedy
  a. went                       b.goed                         c. did go

8. As a child he................polite, so she punished him a lot.
  a. didn't be                     b. weren't                c. wasn't

9. Last year Italy and ............many famous places.
   a. go, visit                                b. goed, visited                       c. went, visited

10. .........she .........this beautiful dress in London?
  a.                    b.                  c. did.....bought

Write five actions that you did yesterday.






Ułóż po jednym zdaniu do każdego wersu tabeli używając Past Simple.


No one





Nothing nic Anything cokolwiek
nowhere nigdzie Anywhere gdziekolwiek














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