Physio Final 14 With answers

Physio Final 2014

  1. Human RBCs and Rabbit RBCs are put on in a saline solution NaCl of 300 mosm/l. They have time to equilibrate. Then the human RBCs are put into a solution of 300 mosm/l Glycerol. They swell and burst. The rabbit RBCs are put into a 300 mosm/l glycerol solution, but they keep their shape. What can be said about the properties of the glycerol solution?
    Human RBC Rabbit RBC
    a. Isotonic Hyperosmotic Isotonic hypoosmotic
    b. Hypotonic Isoosmotic Hypertnoic isosmotic
    c. Hypotonic Isoosmotic Isotonic Isoosmotic

  2. Hypertonic fluid is injected into a patient. What happens with the fluid compartments?
    increase in extracellular fluid, decrease in intracellular

  3. Patient is treated with diuretics. Her blood pressure is 70/40, her pulse is 120. What is the best treatment?
    a. Sympathetic stimulating drugs
    b. Isotonic fluid replacement
    c. whole plasma transfer

  4. What has the highest extracellular to intracellular ratio?
    a. Glucose
    b. Calcium
    c. Sodium
    d. Potassium

  5. A person donates one of his kidneys. What of the following values decreases in this person?
    a. Decrease filtration of creatinine
    b. decrease excretion of Sodium
    c. Decrease blood concentration of creatinine
    d. decrease excretion of creatine

  6. Diarrhea, mechanisms, causes and consequences
    a. is always related to inability to absorb water in the large intestine
    b. causes hypokalemia and acidosis

  7. What adds least to the Interstitial fluid osmotic pressure?
    a. Albumin
    b. Glucose
    c. Sodium
    d. Chloride

  8. Pressure in the upper part of the airways is measured at the end of quiet expiration.
    a. Pressure is same as atmospheric pressure
    b. pressure is slightly negative compared with atmospheric pressure
    c. pressure is slightly positive compared with atmospheric pressure

  9. What is the biggest value?
    a. Vital capacity
    b. Expiratory reserve volume
    c. Expiration during exercise

  10. Rh+ mother has her second child with a Rh- father, what is the treatment?
    a. Do nothing
    b. Give mother Rh antibodies
    c. Give mother Rh antigen

  11. You want to take bonemarrow of a 60-year old patient, which place would you recommend taking it from?
    a. Tibia
    b. Sternum
    c. Vertebrae
    d. Ribs

  12. A person goes from lying position to standing
    a. Increase in driving pressure to about 100 mmHg
    b. increase blood pressure by 50 mmHg
    c. Can’t say, because we don’t have information about how fast the person got up

  13. Low pressure baroreceptors are responsible for all of the following except:
    a. Brainbrige reflex
    b. Increase venous return
    c. increase in systemic blood pressure

  14. A patient with anemia, and about his physiologic shunt.
    a. Decreased saturation of RBC

  15. Extrinsic clotting pathway correct order:
    a. Injury to tissue, thrombin activation, polymerization of fibrin
    b. Collagen exposes, thrombin activation, polymerization of fibrin
    c. Activation of platelets, thrombin activation, fibrin

  16. Which of the following is not a neuropeptide of GI
    a. PYY petide
    b. Epinephrine
    c. Acetylcholine
    d. Histamine

  17. What innervates the cappilaries
    a. Adrenergic alpha
    b. Muscarinic acetylcholine
    c. nothing
    d. Adrenergic beta

  18. Which of the following stays the same in high altitude?
    a. Partial pressure O2
    b. Partial pressure CO2
    c. Water vapor pressure
    d. None, they all have a decrease at high altitude

  19. What is true about emphysema?
    a. decrease in cross sectional area of the lung

  20. Patient has increased osmolarity of blood, increased ADH levels, hypotonic urine.
    a. Nephrogenic diabetes

  21. Patient who secretes hypotonic urine is checked with Vasopressin, changes to hypertonic.
    a. Central Diabetes

  22. Picture of second degree heart block

  23. Pressure volume curve, arrow at opening of AV valve

  24. Doctor is controlling heart on patient, the volume of the heart is decreasing, while the pressure stays the same, and the first heart sound just happened, when are we?
    Rapid Ejection

  25. When we hear murmur during systolic part of heart rhythm, we have damage where?
    a. Aortic valve
    b. Mitral valve
    c. Pulmonic valve
    d. Tricuspid valve

  26. Increased refractory time in heart muscle is due to:
    a. Voltage-gated Calcium channels

  27. Patient has been in a car accident, and has ischemia to the cerebrum, he has to be put on a ventilator to control his breathing. What caused the decrease in this patients respiration?
    a. Central H+ receptors
    b. Peripheral H+ receptors
    c. Central CO receptors
    d. central H+ receptors

  28. What is responsible for depolarization of smooth muscle?
    a. inward flux of Calcium

  29. Which one of these increase gastric emptying
    decrease in CKK

  30. In a normal person when would you have the highest concentration of Cortisol?
    Right after we get up in the morning

  31. A patient has High levels of ACTH and higher levels of cortisol
    Cushing’s disease

  32. Person is in a hot 38’C place, 48% humidity, what is the best way to loose heat?
    a. Evaporation
    b. convection
    c. radiation
    d. conduction

  33. How long does it take for the whole volume of blood to be pumped through the systemic circulation? (Volume=5 liters, normal cardiac output=5 liter.)
    a. 1 minute

  34. Doctor who drinks himself selfles,he has live cirrhosis, which problems does he have?
    Ascites Peripheral edema Jaundice

  35. Whats true about Prostaglandins?
    Produced in different amounts in all organs

  36. Which hormone is produced, but not stored in the body?
    a. aldosterone

  37. SA-node has stopped working in a patient, what will be the new heart beat?
    50 beats/min

  38. At the hospital, you meet the patient with diagnosed aortic insuffienciency (blood flows backward), Which statement correctly characterized this pathology?

    1. It increases aortic pulse and diastolic pressure

    2. In decreases aortic pulse and diastolic pressure

    3. It increases pulse pressure and decreases diastolic pressure

    4. It is similar to vasoconstriction in that it decreases pulse pressure and increases diastolic pressure.

    5. It is similar to vasodilation in that it decreases pulse pressure and increases diastolic pressure

  39. A 16-year-old girl experiences fainting episodes before exams or in other stressful circumstances. Very probably reason of such symtoms is

    1. Vasovagal syncope because of massive parasympathetic activation

    2. Vasovagal syncope being the effect of massive sympathetic activation

    3. Herring_breuer reflex

    4. Sudden increase of cardiac output

    5. Paroxysmal tachycardia being an effect of parasympathetic stimulation

  40. Blood flow in vessels is laminar, and

    1. All layers flow with the same velocity

    2. The layer of blood adjacent to the vessel wall flows fastest

    3. Is the reason of axial accumulation of RBCs…….

    4. Laminar flow never chan…….

    5. Is audible……..

  41. Which of the following changes in the blood of the right atrium is most likely to be seen in anemia as compared with a healthy subject?

  1. An increase in O₂ carrying capacity

  2. An increase in O₂ content

  3. A and B

  4. A decrease in hemoglobin oxygen saturation

42) In the course of so-called “crash syndrome” we are dealing with injury of skeletal muscle fibers. What changes in blood plasma composition might we expect?

a. HCO3- concentration > 35 mmol/L

b. K+ concentration > 4.5 mmol/L

c. Na+ concentration > 160 mmol/L

d. K+ concentration < 3.5 mmol/L

e. Cl- K+ concentration > 104 mmol/L

  1. Amount of nitrogen in urine
    is lowest in a person on a low-protein diet

A 35 year old soldier after contusive injury of abdominal cavity without intraperitoneal bleeding is not defecating and has low blood pressure and dry mucosa. In such circumstance , you can suspect

  1. Extracellular fluid volume bigger than 30% of body mass

  2. Increase of transcellular body fluid because of GIT motility paralysis

  3. Decrease of intracellular fluid volume because of intestinal edema

  4. Stimulation of sympathetic nervous system decreasing heart rate and saliva production

  5. Sudden decrease of transcellular fluid because of water accumulation in the lumen of GIT

In the kidney producing urine with an osmolality of 1200 mOsm//kg H20 the osmolality of fluid collected from the end of cortical duct is about

  1. 100 mOsm/kg H20

  2. 300 mOsm/kg H20

  3. 900 mOsm/kg H20

  4. 1200 mOsm/kg H20

Which of the following IS NOT an important mechanism for increasing the blood flow to activate skeletal muscle during exercise?

  1. The action of metabolites on skeletal muslce

  2. An increased cardiac output

  3. An increased concentration of epinephrine in the vicinity of the blood vessels of active skeletal muscle

  4. Increased concentration of acetylcholine in the vicinity at the blood vessels of active skeletal muscle

  5. An increased concentration of norepinephrine in the vicinity of the blood vessels of active skeletal muscle

which of the following hormones manifests action antagonist to insulin

  1. Glucagon

  2. Growth hormone

  3. Thyroxin

  4. All

  5. None

  1. Woman goes to gym, increased blood flow to skeletal muscle, due to sympatheic stimulation

  2. Difference between plasma and serum

  3. Increased basal metabolic rate when a guy eats raw steak.

  4. Lactase answer


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