Kindergarten (Przedszkole)
A program for six-year-old children that serves as an introduction to school
Elementary / Primary school (Szkoła podstawowa)
A school for the first 6 to 12 years of a child's formal education, often including kindergarten. (Grade school, grammar school).
Secondary school (Szkoła średnia)
A school that is intermediate in level between elementary school and university. It usually offers general, technical, vocational, or college-preparatory curricula.
Vocational / Trade school (Szkoła zawodowa)
A school that offers instruction and practical experience in skilled trades such as mechanics, carpentry, plumbing, or construction.
Private school
A school where parants have to pay tuition
Public school
A school own by the government
Boarding school
A school where students learn and live
University and College (Uniwersytet)
An institution for higher learning with teaching and research facilities constituting a graduate school and professional schools that award master's degrees and doctorates and an undergraduate division that awards bachelor's degrees
Bacheler's degree (Licencjat)
A degree held by someone who has completed the undergraduate curriculum of a college or university.
BA (Bacheler of Arts) - Licencjat z przedmiotów humanistycznych.
BSc (Bachelor of Science) - Licencjat z przedmiotów ścisłych.
Reccess (Przerwa)
The break time between classes
Semester - Term (Okres, Semestr)
The two or more divisions in the academic year
Textbook (Podręcznik)
The bound volume to study from
Principal (Dyrektor)
The head teacher of a school
Subject (Przedmiot)
A branch of knowledge as a course of study.
Arts - przedmioty humanistyczne
Sciences - przedmioty ścisłe
Volunatary / Optional subjects - przedmioty nieobowiązkowe
Compulsory subjects - przedmioty obowiązkowe
Polish (język polski)
English (język angielski)
Mathematics (matematyka) - Math, Maths
Geography (geografia)
Biology (biologia)
Chemistry (chemia)
Physics (fizyka)
Physical Education (wychowanie fizyczne)
History (historia)
Social studies (o społeczeństwie)
IT lub Computer studies (informatyka)
Crafts (Roboty ręczne)
Music (wychowanie muzyczne)
Dormatory (akademik, bursa, internat)
A place where students live.
Someone who has successfully finished studies.
SAT (Matura)
(Standardized college entrance examinations) - amerykańska matura
A-levels (Matura)
Brytyjska matura
(General Certificat of Seconary Education) - a test taken by British students at the age of 16.
Scholarship (stypendium)
A sum of money or other aid granted to a student, because of merit, need, etc.
Tuition (Czesne)
The charge or fee for instruction, as at a private school or university.
Study (Uczyć się)
To apply one's mind purposefully to the acquisition of knowledge
Revise (Powtarzać)
Review previously studied materials in preparation for an exam.
Matura - Różne
Do homework - odrabiać pracę domową
Do an exercise - wykonywać ćwiczenie
Do a task - wykonywać zadanie
Make an error / mistake - popełnić bład
Make progress - robić postępy
Private lessons - korepetycje
Tutor - korepetytor
Take an exam - pisać egzamin
Take notes - robić notatki
Entrance exam - egzamin wstępny
Crib - ściąga
Copy - ściągać, przepisywać
Cheat -ściągać , oszukiwać
Marks / grades - oceny
Uniform - mundurek
Cram - kuć
Grind - kuć
Fail - nie zdać
Pass - zdać