

Mysticism Defined by Rudolf Otto

Mysticism Defined by William James

Mysticism Defined by
Walter T. Stace

A Mystic is a Mystic

Some things which mysticism is not

The Central Characteristic

Two Types of Mystical

It is the pure unitary consciousness, wherein awareness of the world and of multiplicity is completely obliterated. It is ineffable peace. It is the Supreme Good. It is One without a second. It is the Self.

Mysticism Defined by D.T. Suzuki

Mysticism Defined by
Charles S. Grob

An individual may experience a fear of losing his hold on reality or his sense of self-control. In reaction, increased resistance to the experience may occur, causing an amplification of underlying anxiety.

Along with reduction in volitional or conscious control, intense emotional reactivity may occur, ranging from ecstasy to despair.

Alterations in body image are frequently reported, often associated with dissolution of boundaries between self and others and states of depersonalization and derealization where the usual sense of one's own reality is temporarily lost or changed. Such experiences may be regarded as strange and frightening, or as mystical, oceanic states of cosmic unity, particularly when sustained within the context of belief systems conditioned for spiritual emergent encounters.

Increased visual imagery, hyperacuteness of perceptions and overt hallucinations may occur. The content of these perceptual alterations are influenced by cultural expectations, group influences and individual wish-fulfillment fantasies. They may reflect the psychodynamic expression of underlying fears or conflicts, or simple neurophysiologic mechanisms inducing geometric patterns and alterations of light, colors and shapes. Synesthesias, the transformation of one form of sensory experience into another, such as seeing auditory stimuli, may be experienced.

An experience of great insight or profound sense of meaning may occur, their significance ranging from genuine wisdom to self-imposed delusion.

Because of the uniqueness of the subjective experience associated with these states and their divergence from ordinary states of consciousness, individuals often have great difficulty communicating the essence of their experience to those who have never had such an encounter.

Many individuals emerging from a profoundly altered state of consciousness report a new sense of hope, rejuvenation and rebirth. Such transformed states may be short-term, or conversely, may lead to sustained positive adjustments in mood and outlook.

While in the throes of altered state experience, individuals experience an enhanced susceptibility to accept or respond uncritically to specific statements. Nonspecific cues, reflecting cultural belief systems or group expectation, may similarly assume directives of weighty importance.

Mysticism Defined by
Walter Pahnke

Pseudo-Dionizy Areopagita


Grundlose grund
ukryta głębia duszy

Teresa z Avila: „twierdza wewnętrzna”


(szkoła Nadreńska)

(święty Augustyn)
