Heart ofÚrkness Essay

Heart of Darkness Essay  (Received an B on this essay, by Idaho's Teacher of the year 1996)

	It seems like everywhere there is something in life that seems to be left behind.  In the books I read about mystery or suspense, this always seems to be the case in such.  The Heart of Darkness draws me into such depths of suspense and unknown that seem to assciate with my life.
	This whole book is full of mysteries.  Marlow has a heart that is full of mytery when he is stuck in Africa, and looking for a man named Kurtz.  Marlow is waiting, he learns about where the place is at, what could be coming ahead.  Maybe he was just acquiring some ideas of what was ahead, or who he would be working with.  Why is all this senselessness happening around him?
	Marlow is enthralled with mystery.  You wouldn't think that somebody would be simply crazy to go and take a trip down the Congo river.  He has heard some aspects about the place, and the way it seems to suck the visitors in.  All the people getting diseases.  One would go insane there, so why?  Why would he wnat to go do this?  Again, it's full of mystery, and that makes an interesting book.
	Kurtz, with this person, I can not express how much mystery applies to him and his personality.  People haven't heard from him for quite a long time, because h eis up the river from the station where Marlow is at.  People are wanting the boss, and they're getting restless.  Is Kurtz, sick?  Could one of these people get a new promotion in their job?  The people don't want Marlow to go explore up the river a ways and kind Kurtz, suppling him with help that he might need.  And yet, Marlow needs Kurtz.
	Yet, there is the mystery of the Congo river.  It has a way with the people that come into it and try to explore it's orgins.  It seems to drag you in, and not let you go.  All of this, because they were curious and brave.  But not all brave men will make it through this jungle that the Congo river lays on.
	Eventually, Marlow fixes his steamboat, and carefully goes to meet the mysterious man he has heard so much from the people, back in the station.  Who knows what he'll find, or hear, or feel on his way.  It's a mystery that follows him.  Seems to be his shadow, but Marlow avoids them because they get in his way all the time.
	Then comes the infamouse scene of the package.  Marlow finally finds Kurtz, and he gives Marlow a package.  This was confusing part on my behalf.  Kurtz dies, then gives the package away.  I mean, this is a total mystery to me, and what was in the package.  Maybe Kurtz saw hope in Marlow, and that he was strong enough to survive.
	The Hear of Darkness, a book full of unknown.  I've never read a book with so many unknown containing in it's pages.  But again, the mystery part of it makes that a good book, which is suspenseful.  This was definately a "Heart of Darkness." 
