broken computer job

Napisz opowiadanie, w którym awaria jakiegoś urządzenia technicznego sprawia, że główny bohater nieoczekiwanie otrzymuje ciekawą propozycję pracy.

It was Monday's morning, the weather was awful and this day begun series of unfortunate events. I was spending half night in front of computer playing games. At 3 pm. my mother unexpected came in my room. She was furious, and she said, that she was so disillusionment my behavior. I had to go bed. I hate sleeping, becaouse I waste my precious time. Few hours later I overslept for the school. I got up fastly and while I was showering all at once I heard some noisy voices. At first I thought that it was my mother, but I realised that she went out earlier. For a moment I felt odor smell. At the same time I understood that I had switched on cook before I went to take shower. Immediately I went to my kitchen, but it wasn't a burnt milk. I ran to my room and I saw red computer's cables, which were stinking. I was shocked and I begun yell. I understood that I have to do whatever, I pulled out cables from current . I took my father's tool and I opened my computer. A half hours later it begun good work. It turned out that it was only failure and I fixed it. At night I forgot switch off this computer. and it overheated. I didn't notice that my neighbour was observing me through the window while I was repairing my equipment. He told me that I had been great and I had a lot of experience with computers. He asked me if I wanted to work in his firm as an infomatic at weekends. I was really elated this proposal, because I need some money for new computer games. When my mother came back home, and when I told her this story she said to me that I had been brave and she was so proud of me.
