odd jobs

Uczniowie i studenci podejmują niekiedy prace dorywcze, żeby zarobić na swoje drobne wydatki. Napisz negatywne jak i pozytywne strony tego zjawiska

Nowadays a lot of difficult decisions are made by a teenagers or studens. The most popular issues are connected with money. This essay is about odd jobs, which are took up by a young people. Working after school has got some merits and drawbacks.

The most important advantage of odd job is earnings. Money is so essential issue particulary in student's life, because each of them want to have enough money for clothes or tickets to cinema. However work is connected with experience, which is second merits of this phenomenon. If students have job during their education, they know that it is not easy activity, and they know what they can expect in the future. What is more, they have got any experience how looking for a job.

On the other hand odd jobs could be really tiring for studens. There is no denying that it is not easy connect work and study. Education is more important than money. Not all young people are able have odd jobs. Moreover teenagers are naive, and could be deceived by employer. For instance suddenly that can be dismissed or they can not get earnings for job. Students should not be trusting.

On balance it seems that odd jobs, which are took up by students, teenagers have as many disadvantages as positive aspects. However the decision of odd jobs should be made by every students alone.

145 słów.
