Information On Black Libraries

                                                                 Namibia Resource Centre
                                                                   Southern Africa Library

The Library

The library's collection of books focuses primarily on southern Africa and publications originating from the region. Its
holdings of publications printed in Namibia since the early 1950s are probably the most extensive outside Africa. The
collection contains publications in European and African languages and emphasises the social sciences and humanities. The
rare-book collection of early accounts of European explorations covers the whole of sub-Saharan Africa. Special attention is
being given to material documenting the history of the Swiss in Africa. 

The collection of periodicals includes both colonial and current titles, some of which are not to be found in other institutions in
Switzerland. Current periodicals from southern Africa include newspapers, community newsletters, business bulletins and
scientific journals. 

The collection of bibliographies is intended to cover all major geographic regions and subject issues concerning sub-Saharan
Africa. They enable us to maintain the original purpose of the institution, i.e. to provide bibliographical information to
researchers and others interested in Africa. 

The Archives

The archival collection consists of several sections. One section primarily holds personal papers of individuals from Namibia
and Switzerland. Another section consists of press cuttings and grey literature (pamphlets, reports, posters, etc.) from
southern Africa and includes material from various Anti-Apartheid movements. Printed material concerning "SWAPO of
Namibia" is regarded as extensive. In addition, a small collection of historical photographs from Namibia is being kept. The
map collection contains 800 maps on Namibia, at present on loan to the Institute of Geography of the University of Basel.
Reference guides on all archival holdings are available to researchers. 

The Publications

Our own publications form part of our effort to promote knowledge and encourage research on Africa. Since 1971 more than
70 titles have been published, some of which are now considered to be standard texts on their subject. 

The series published by the BAB are:

              "Communications from the Basel Africa Bibliography" 
              "Beitraege zur Afrikakunde" 
              Reference guides on the archival holdings of the BAB. 

Occasional publications include dissertations, reprints, and working papers. 

Bibliophiles will find out second-hand bookshop particularly attractive. It has become a meeting point of people interested in
Africa and a window ot the street inviting passers-by to come in, browse through the shelves and have a chat. 

Basler Afrika Bibliographien

The Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB) houses the only Namibia Resource Centre in Europe and the only Southern Africa
Library in Switzerland. Established in 1971 by Carl Schlettwein as a private research institution, it forms today part of a
foundation whose aim it is to encourage research on Africa in general and southern Africa in particular. 

Our institution collects a wide range of published and unpublished materials and publishes scholarly works on Africa. We
maintain links with scholars and institutions in and outside Africa and regularly invite researchers for lectures. 

Opening Hours

The premises of the Basler Afrika Bibliographien are open to the public:
Tuesday - Friday: 14:00 - 18:00
By prior arrangement the premises can be visited at other times as well. 

All materials from the library and archives must be used on the premises. Books are not issued on loan. On request, the staff
will photocopy material. 



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