

Gridding Report


Fri Oct 22 15:59:51 2010

Elasped time for gridding: 0.00 seconds

Data Source

Source Data File Name: F:\STEREO.MAS

X Column: B

Y Column: C

Z Column: D

Data Counts

Active Data: 72

Original Data: 72

Excluded Data: 0

Deleted Duplicates: 0

Retained Duplicates: 0

Artificial Data: 0

Superseded Data: 0

Univariate Statistics




Minimum: 353866.305 626720.044 377.668

25%-tile: 353969.394 626818.203 389.081

Median: 354073.817 626916.31 396.484

75%-tile: 354181.808 627015.273 403.533

Maximum: 354276.946 627089.732 424.782

Midrange: 354071.6255 626904.888 401.225

Range: 410.641 369.68799999997 47.114

Interquartile Range: 212.41400000005 197.07000000007 14.452

Median Abs. Deviation: 106.03599999996 98.962999999989 7.303

Mean: 354073.32086111 626904.43441667 396.333

Trim Mean (10%): 354073.53375758 626904.39380303 395.97607575758

Standard Deviation: 128.82177996852 114.11719928333 10.749861606344

Variance: 16595.050994258 13022.735172271 115.55952455556

Coef. of Variation: 0.027123306932161

Coef. of Skewness: 0.28964029651742


Inter-Variable Correlation




X: 1.000 0.026 0.336

Y: 1.000 -0.707

Z: 1.000


Inter-Variable Covariance




X: 16595.050994258 383.51152184904 464.96601048613

Y: 13022.735172271 -867.53370676389

Z: 115.55952455556


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters




Parameter Value: 0.029432669198886 -0.067107615364958 32045.071716051

Standard Error: 0.0061581452377168 0.0069516535778115 4821.9149185515


Inter-Parameter Correlations




A: 1.000 0.026 -0.429

B: 1.000 0.892

C: 1.000




Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F


Regression: 2 5176.6298151631 2588.3149075815 56.811

Residual: 69 3143.6559528485 45.560231200703

Total: 71 8320.2857680116


Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.62216971381744

Nearest Neighbor Statistics


Separation |Delta Z|


Minimum: 43.18407175108 0.245

25%-tile: 48.778532675761 3.819

Median: 48.985297590124 5.184

75%-tile: 49.554646129331 7.17

Maximum: 50.989885428367 27.642

Midrange: 47.086978589723 13.9435

Range: 7.8058136772876 27.397

Interquartile Range: 0.77611345357009 3.351

Median Abs. Deviation: 0.46319095820049 1.475

Mean: 48.778621020921 6.1447222222222

Trim Mean (10%): 48.922447872794 5.4980454545455

Standard Deviation: 1.4426119942962 5.2229195624835

Variance: 2.0811293660872 27.278888756173

Coef. of Variation: 0.029574677678515 0.84998464919943

Coef. of Skewness: -2.2777370743176 2.7604914673235

Root Mean Square: 48.799948750678 8.0645210610702

Mean Square: 2381.4349980688 65.036499944444


Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 0.00047428002478253

Clark and Evans: 2.1245987967752

Skellam: 510.95885564793

Exclusion Filtering

Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering

Duplicate Points to Keep: First

X Duplicate Tolerance: 4.8E-005

Y Duplicate Tolerance: 4.4E-005

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering

Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Gridding Rules

Gridding Method: Triangulation with Linear Interpolation

Anisotropy Ratio: 1

Anisotropy Angle: 0

Output Grid

Grid File Name: F:\STEREO.grd

Grid Size: 75 rows x 83 columns

Total Nodes: 6225

Filled Nodes: 5613

Blanked Nodes: 612

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 353866

X Maximum: 354276

X Spacing: 5

Y Minimum: 626720

Y Maximum: 627090

Y Spacing: 5

Grid Statistics

Z Minimum: 377.78749513074

Z 25%-tile: 389.89967467097

Z Median: 397.16526810947

Z 75%-tile: 403.32623251163

Z Maximum: 424.28693021681

Z Midrange: 401.03721267378

Z Range: 46.499435086068

Z Interquartile Range: 13.426557840657

Z Median Abs. Deviation: 6.4670220852077

Z Mean: 396.53376023699

Z Trim Mean (10%): 396.48112423379

Z Standard Deviation: 9.0095656276652

Z Variance: 81.172272799206

Z Coef. of Variation: 0.022720803450078

Z Coef. of Skewness: -0.032996799346044

Z Root Mean Square: 396.63609931585

Z Mean Square: 157320.19528049
