Lassen Peak volcano

     Volcanoes  are  some  of  the  most 
beautiful  and  dangerous  things  to  observe 
in  the  world. Volcanoes  are  some  of  the 
most  amazing  things  to  watch,  they  make 
you  want  to  be close  to  them  but  it's  to 
dangerous.The  volcano  I  chose  was  "Lassen
Peak"  located  in  California,USA.I  chose 
this  volcano  because  it's  located  in 
California, and  California  is  one  of  my 
favourite  places  in  the  world.

     Now  I'am  going  to  tell  you  a  little 
bit  about  Lassen  Peak.This  volcano  is 
located  in  Northern California.The  volcano 
consists  of  a  chain  of  vents  aligned 
roughly  north  to  south, extending at  least 
8km  north.Volcanism  began  at  Lassen Peak 
between  600,000  and  350,000  years  ago. The 
people  that  studied  this volcano  only  use 
the  last  35,000  years  to predict  the 
volcanoes  next  eruption.

     The  most  recent  eruption  at  Lassen  Peak 
was  in  1914-1917 A.D. The  eruption  began  on 
May,30,1914  when  a  small   eruption  occurred 
in  a  new  vent  near  the  summit  of  the 
Peak. During  the  following  year  1915 more 
than  150  explosions  occurred  in  various 
sizes. The  explosions  ended  in  about  the 
middle  of  the  year  1917.

     I  did  not  find  out  how  many  people 
were  killed  by  this  volcano  or  if  anyone 
was  killed.I  fell  this  volcano  most  likely 
killed  some  people  and  destroyed  plenty  of 
land.I  would  love  to  live  in  California 
that  would  be   my  dream,but  than  again  it 
could  be  a  nightmare  with  all  the 
earthquakes  and  volcanoes  the  state  has.

     In  conclusion  I  think  we  are  lucky  to 
live  in  Nova Scotia, because  we  have  no 
real  danger  it's  just  foggy  and  cold. 
