Journal: Teens Vs. Law
I was about to leave my algebra class one day when the teacher
asked me a question. "Could you do help me out with my rollbook
program?" he asked. "Sure, how can I help?" I replied. "I'm not sure
about how to save back-up copies of my work. Could you show me
how?" he said.
At this moment, I realized the scope of his question. I would be
able to acess the grades for all of his classes. "Ok, Where are your
disks?" I answered. "Right here. I really appreciate this." he said. I began
to show him how to copy files from one disk to another. He thanked me
and sent me on my way.
A few days later he asked me to show him how to do it again,
because he forgot. When I began to demonstrate this to him, several of
the other students noticed and began to talk quietly amongst
themselves. Later that day, at lunch time, I was approached by some of
the other students in my class.
"Hey, could you help us change our gradesin algebra?" They
asked. "I dont know... I might get caught..." I answered reluctantly.
"Aww... come on.... what are you, chicken?" they taunted. "We'll pay
At that moment I began to think. I could not believe what I was
hearing. I could get paid for something very simple. "Alright. I'll do it.
What were your last names again?" I said.
The next day my algebra teacher got me to help him out with his
rollbook program. When he was not paying attention, I began to change
their grades from F's to A's. Later on that day one of studens approched
"Hey, did you do it?" he asked. "Yes, and I expect to be paid in
full." I replied. "Dope!!! alright, Here's my money. I'll get the others to
pay you next time they see you."
I began to become very popular among my peers. They began to
treat me like a god with a magical power. I began to change the grades
of students in my teachers other classes. Word spread quickly and I
became very rich.
Everything was going fine untill I was called into the Dean's
offfice. When I got there, my teacher was very furious, and the Dean
had a angry look in his eyes. "I have known you for 3 years now. I dont
want to believe what your teacher says, but Im afraid that I must. He has
to much evidence." he said. "Evidence of what?" I replied, trying to play
innocent. "You know perfectly well what Im talking about. Do you have
anything to say for yourself?" He asked. "No." I said finnaly.
"Im afraid I have no choice but to suspend you for the rest of the
day. Tommorow we'll have a conferance with your parents to dissuss
your punnishment, which will probably be expulsion. I hope you now
realize the ramifications of what you have done."
When he said this, I did not realize how serious my actions had
been. I had violated the trust of my teacher, and the dean. And there
was no way back.
I was expelled from my school and transfered to another local
high school. I hope that I actually learned my lesson.