reflections on liberation

Reflections on Liberation

1)  Right understanding [12]
In following this path one would not experience feelings of envy or arrogance

2)	Right thought or motives [15]
Kindness towards the unenlightened brings a selfless mind set for both

3)  Right speech [13-14]
Rebuff the urge to speak wickedly for true peace of mind

4)  Right action [9]
Having a clear understanding of the fools mentality leads your actions opposite

5)  Right livelihood [28-29]
Reside within free space, live within your mind, do not possess greedily

6)  Right effort [3]
One must give up desires in order to gain free mind

7)  Right mindfulness [38]
Untroubled solitude of the mind suppresses distractions by allowing total awareness of them

8)  Right meditation [33]
When the mind is stilled such as at the occurrence of birth and death, one is truly alone and all is perceived clearly

By zonk
