The soul

Open Letter of Apology:

	I have come to the conclusion that we are all responsible for the destruction of the human mind. We are all at fault for breeding hate, ignorance, and worst of all any known and/or association to an --ism. Should we all band as one and focus on a better future or let the mind fester in its own propaganda filled atmosphere? Are we really to blame, for not being able to see what truly is rising in today's society? 
	The acceptance of brainwashing of America's youth should not go unspoken. They stand on the corner of every block wishing they were someone else; and due to this they form their own falsified family of "friends"; to which they all drink, smoke and/or do other mind altering drugs in which they choose to escape reality or just plain "relax". This should not be going on; not now, not tomorrow, not ever.
	Hostility grows from within to which an entity of peace can force upon such utopia, with just that; force. It shouldn't be sugar coated, but just bluntly said; as with a philosophy or certain thought pattern. The weak will not grasp onto an idea, but learn slowly as the strong teach them and lead them by their hands to acceptance within themselves.
	Hard times have approached, I know this; but to embrace a crutch that serves as an excuse should not be tolerated. A crutch such as no respect for other's bodies or your own to which you engage in promiscuous sex is deemed as ignorant; plain and simple. Unfortunately if such actions were to partake and an unwanted pregnancy was to occur "In cases of incest or rape, obviously the mother should not have to expose herself to further emotional trauma of carrying the child full term. However, we feel the view and use of abortion as a means of birth control is wrong"-Earth Crisis 
	I stand up for what I believe in, try to do my best and stick to my own corner. I am not a vegan, but I do have respect for every living organism: animal or plant, and I try to educate as many people as can on many topics as possible. The underlined theme should only be, do what you feel is fit, and accomplish what you can, push yourself to what you think your potential is. Just because you're not a certain categorization doesn't mean that you shouldn't educate.


II. Statement of The Soul:

	I've spoken many times before, but it seems that people are refusing to listen. The message is clear, yet utterly spoken. It should be taught in more socially deflectable places, but oddly enough no one seems it's appropriate anymore.
	I'm physically tired of the fight I had to endure throughout the years, and I still refuse to give in to their faction of a biased thought pattern: stupidity or pride? I tend to think it might be both, but I urge all the ones who comprehend to heed the words of which I speak and search for your reliable, true, and fire of a destiny.
	Search throughout the spirit and mind and drag out what drives you to survive. The same that moves certain unearthed ones to reside on a throne instead of a jury. The same factor that serves as a model for the weaker ones and the same which has the merit of a golden soul within divine flesh.
	Finally through days and nights, memories of a better time seep into the present that serves as a crutch to which people strive to get by on. Yet they are lost when those memories are gone and they have nowhere to turn; but little do they know that those times aren't gone, they're just suspended in time. It's up to the person to fetch them out and relive them to their fullest potential, and what shall our destiny hold; but an empty crystal ball.
	The chose shall be just to the cause of which you defend, or better the fight of which you lead. The path is cleared and hopefully your ears and eyes are and will be open; from time to end, and your comprehension with your sense opened and clear.

	A man.

Written for my philosophy class, under an pen-name of the non-existent-A man
