7 Zakupy i uslugi


1.How often do you go shopping?

-I do shopping every day.

2.What kind of shops do you go to most often?

-I often do shopping in clothes shops.

3.Do you ever buy things at street markets? (Why? / Why not?)

-Yes, I do because there are usually original things.

4.What's your opinion of online shopping?

-I think that online shopping is easy and I don't have to leave my house.

5.Have you ever complained about a product you've bought? (What was it?)

-I bought a CD player. The button did not work.

Zadanie 1.

A few days ago I bought in your shop a CD player.

I bought it because the shop assistant told me that the player is a very good brand.

It didn’t work properly from the beginning. The CD player is faulty and it worked only two days.

The play button didn’t work. I couldn’t rewind of fast-forward the tape . I must assure you that I am not to blame for what happened . I demand a full refund.

Zadanie 2. Opis obrazka:

In the picture I can see a situation in a shop. In the foreground I can see two clients, probably mother and daughter and probably a shop assistant . They are in the clothes shop. Behind clients there are a lot of clothes. The daughter is holding some clothes. They are buying something and they want to pay by credit card. They are smiling and they look like satisfied.

Zadanie 3.

I would choose picture number 2 because my friend loves good films and books. I think in the book shops I can find a lot of good films and books and my friend will be satisfied. My friend loves crime stories, gangster films , crime novel and I would look for something like that. I wouldn’t choose picture number 1 and 3 because If I buy a plant for him I would expose him to risk of his health , he is allergic. I wouldn’t buy anything for his apartment , because he has his own extravagant style.

Pytania :

  1. What kinds of gifts are suitable for teenagers? (Why?)

-I think the teenagers like gifts which develop their interest. These things are the most suitable for them.

2.Should parents buy their children very expensive gifts? (Why?\Why not?)

-I think that expensive gifts don’t express true love of parents to children. So they should not buy anything expensive. You can’t buy feelings.

3. What are the pros and cons of buying gifts on the net?

-Buying on-line is comfortable and quick, I don’t have to leave the house when I go shopping on-line . There is a wide variety of products in online shops.

4. Is it a good idea to ask people what kind of presents they would like to get? (Why?\Why not?)

-Yes, I think that it helps to decide what to buy for somebody . We avoid a situation that we buy something which is not useful and this person throws it away.
