Whats Wrong With Communism

A Speaking Engagement
Aaron Dummer
Period 5

I would go to   Russia. 

I would speak on   Government.  

This is what I would say:    	I am here today to tell you about freedom.  I am here to tell you about independence.  I am here to let you know about something called a Constitutional Democracy.                                                                                                               
          This form of government, very unlike yours, puts the power to the people.  Communism is a very old, and decaying way of rule.  Communism, in a broad definition, puts the ownership of farms, mines, factories, etc. in the hands of a group of people.  This leaves the individual with less freedoms.  This also weakens the economy.  The Democracy is much the opposite.                                                                     
          The Constitutional Democracy in particular, is exceptionally effective.  Under this government many things are accomplished.  A person has the ability to make what they want of their life.  They may succeed with flying colors, or fail profusely.  This demonstrates another aspect of the Constitutional Democracy.  A citizen is left to their own future.  An American citizen also holds many rights true to him.  Freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms are just a few.                                                     
          Your country, on the other hand, is greatly hindered by your malignant ruling.  A citizen owns virtually nothing he can call his own.  Jobs are government-provided, bringing about a poor population.  Most of the rights Americans think of as "a given" are neglected in your area.  I know I cannot change the way you govern your country, but I hope I have been able to change the way some of you think. 
