Drug Smuggling


					Drug Smuggling

	Drug  smuggling is on a current up raise and there seems to be no way of
stunting it growth.  But here a some ways some states are trying to slow the rate of
drug smuggling.

	In Illinois there is a program called "Operation Cash Crop" or the OCC. 
This is a combine of the ISP and the DEA.  It's goal is to locate places where
marijuana is grown then destroy all of it's gardens.  During the span of 1983-88
these "OCC" led to 442 arrest and destroyed over 2 million marijuana plants. And
in 1984 there was 64,300 plants destroyed along.

	There is also a program called Operation Valkritre or O.V., this program
arrested 633 suspected drug smugglers and seized nearly 3,000 Kilograms of
marijuana and 2,000 kilograms of crack that was being brought into Illinois.  More
then 3 quarters of these arrest were in 1988 alone.

	Some of the thing that the government are trying to do to help stop this
horrible thing are sending the army out in the streets to help seize some of the
drugs on the streets, and the government is also putting more money into protect
the boarders from all immigrants bringing illegal drugs into the United States of
America. There is also a lot of money put into a huge wall/fence going across most
of the whole southern boarder line.  Along the coast of the east side and the west
side are hundreds of check in places to help stop from letting in illegal drugs.

 	Here is a case about 21 sailors that were arrested for smuggling cocaine and
heroin to Italy.  They have been doing those on a regular basis because most navy
trips can go through boarders without being check for illegal drugs.  The sailors
were caught with 20 pounds of illegal drugs which had street value of thousands
of dollars.  The reason there are not a lot of illegal drugs coming into the U.S.
boarders is cause we have high tech aircraft's and vessels and surveillance to
detect drugs.

	Some of the places where crack is a problem are where a country does not
have money to support a high tech drug resistance around the borders of there
country.  That is the reason that there is such a huge drug problem in countries like
Mexico and some of the poorer counties in Russia.  Most of the drugs that seep
into American  are usually brought into from Mexico.

	The government is trying to build a more resistant border line to stop all
flow of drugs coming into the American boarder line.

	After the drugs make it into America they go to California and Arizona. 
Then there are allot of people that will buy the illegal substance.  After it start in
California  the drug goes to the whole country.  The reason there is not allot of
drugs coming in from the east coast is because we have numerous check in places
where all items on the ship or boat are thoroughly checked to make sure there are
no illegal substances.

	But on the border line in Mexico there are some places where there are no
check in places and that is why more drugs are illegally transported in the United

	Some of the ways people can illegally but secretly bring in the drugs are in
different forms.  Like inside Tums, frozen foods, and in baking soda boxes.  The
reason this works is because at the check in posts they don't usually check foods
and other everyday things.

	 There are now allot more programs trying to help stop drugs from coming
into the U.S.A. here are some names of these programs, C.I.A., D.E.A., and the
C.E.O.'s and there is also allot of local drug resistance groups.

	Now you wonder where all of crack and illegal drugs are made.  It all starts
in places like Mexico where drugs can be grown and you don't even get in trouble
for it. Then they bring it to the U.S. where the poorest person that brings the drug
in can get what seems to be a large amount of money for the illegal substance, and
that is why there are so many illegal drugs in the United States. Over half of the
drugs that make it into America are from place's like Colombia in Central

	Some of the techniques that the police attempt to do are going out into the
streets to act like they are people buying drugs.  So what they do is approach a
seller then they ask how much for the product and what they are getting and then
they show there badges and make the bust.  This is one of the best techniques there
is because there is no way of being detected by the drug dealer, that's why there
were over 1,000 arrests in the year nineteen-ninety five.  After all of the arrest are
made you may wonder where all of the substances and money end up,  well the
police intake them to the police station the money is used to either purchase new
equipment or given to charity.  The drugs are usually destroyed or taken to a local
hospital for medical use.

	Most drugs are sold and bought in poor suburbs.  This location is meant to
be an areas where very few police drive through.  But the police are starting to
catch on.

	Although there are allot of new high tech ways of locating and stooping
drug transfers from happening.

	there still are allot of illegal drugs out on the streets of this greatly populated
country.  There has been a slight uprise of all drug smuggling arrests., which
means there are still allot  of drugs out there.  But the War Against Drugs is still
going on and maybe one day in our future these country really will be DRUG
	Now about the legalization of drugs and what Richard Nixon the president
in '72 thought when he came into office about the drug problem startin to expand
so he thought about legalizin all drugs except heroin.  But he didn't and I think he
did the right thing.	

	The percentage of 12-17 year olds has doubled from 1.6 mil. to 2.9 mil.  1 in
three high school seniors now smoke marijuana and 48.4% of the class of 1995
has tried it.
	L.S.D. use has been soaring in the last 25 year it went up 11.7%
	The rate of cocaine and heroin related hospitalizations reports have went to
65% since 1990 to 1994.
	The place most of the drugs have the most problem is in the western part of
America properly cause most of the drug comes from the Mexican borders.

					Title Page


Where I got my information

				Internet:   www.altavista.com
					21 saliors 
					illionis prevention
					drug title 4

					By robert long

					What next?
					by  frank  loinheart
