phrasal verbs od anki), studia, remedial

Allow for - To make provision for: Program allows for treatment of parents.[przewidywać, pozwalać na]

Bear on - Influence, affect: This information may bear on the case. [wpływać, oddziaływać]

Break up - Break into many pieces, He broke up the vase and denied doing it. [rozbić]
- Close an educational institution for the holidays; The school broke up for the summer break.
- Finish a relationship; We will have to bbreak up because we are a total mismatch. [rozstać sie, zrywać]

Carry out - performed

Catch up - Get work, etc, up to date.

Cater for - To provide what is necessary

Clean out - Tidy up thoroughly and throw away unwanted things.
- Cause someone to spend all their money

Come from - Country or town where you were born

Come on - Encouragement
- Start an illness
- Start functioninng (machines, etc)

Come through - Arrive (messages and information)
- Communicate an emotion
- Produce a result

Come up - Appearr
- Rise (the sun)

Cut down on - Reduce

Cut out - Exclude
- When an engine or motor stops
- Cut a picture or similar from a magazine, etc

Draw in - Get dark earlier
- Arrive at a station (for trains)

Draw on - Pass slowly (time)

- Inhale smoke from a cigerette, cigar, etc

Enter for - Join or enter a competition

Enter into - Become involved in or accept

Find out - Discover

Feed up - Give someone a lot of food to restore their health, make them bigger, etc

Get sth across- communicated

Get back - Return

Get down - start

Get in - Arrange for someone to do a job

- Arrive (train, plane, etc.)

- Arrive home

- Enter a car or taxi

Get into - join eg. a fight (wdawać się w)

- get to a vehicle (wsiadać do)

Get on - Continue doing something
- Enter a bus, train, plane, etc.
- Make progress

Get off - Escape punishment
- Leave a bus, train, etc

Get through - Contact
- Consume
- Finish

Get together - Meet socially

Give yourself up - Surrender to the police or authorities

Go in - Go to hospital for treatment, surgery, etc.; to enter (wchodzić)

Go in for - Enter a competition

Go over - Look at something, revise
- Visit

Go through - Experience
- Read again

Hang in -gave to a person in charge

Hang on - Wait

Head for - Move or travel towards

Hit on - Have an idea
- Talk to someone to try to attract them sexually
- Ask for money

Hold on - Wait
- To hold tightly

Hold on to - Hold tightly

Jot down - Make a quick note

Keep from - Control yourself, refrain

Keep in - Not allow someone out

Keep on - Continue

Keep up - Not let someone go to bed

Keep up with - stay level with

Look after - Take care

Look for - Try to find

Let down - Disappoint, fail to keep an arrangement
- Make clothes longer

Look up - search for a specific piece of information
- Improve
- Find, trace an old friend

Make up - Stop being angry with someone
- Put on cosmetics
- Invent a story

Make it up to - Try to compensate for doing something wrong

Pick up - Improve
- Learn quickly

- collect

Put down - Kill an animal because it's old, ill, etc.

Put off -Postpone,

-Stop liking something or somebody

Put out - Broadcast
- Disturb or trouble someone
- Extinguish a cigarette, fire, etc

Put up - Allow someone to stay at your house for a night or a few days.
- Increase prices, taxes, duties, etc.

Put up with - Tolerate

Run down - Hit a pedestrian with a vehicle
- Lose energy or power

See through - Continue with something to the end
- Realise someone is lying or being deceitful

See to - Deal with something

Show up - Attend something or arrive somewhere
- Become clear or apparent
- Make someone feel embarrassed or ashamed

Stand down - Leave a job or position so that someone else can take it
- Finish being asked questions in a court

Stand in for - Substitute someone temporarily

Stand out - Be extraordinary and different

Stand up - Move from a sitting or lying down to a vertical position

Stay on - remain

Strike on - Have a good idea

Take away - Remove

Take in - Absorb information
- Deceive
- Make clothes smaller

Take over - Assume control of a company or organization.

Take up - Fill or occupy time or space

- Make clothes shorter

- Start a new hobby, pastime, etc.

Turn up - Appear
- Increase volume, temperature, etc.

- arrive

Wipe out - Make someone very tired
- Kill all of a population, make extinct

Went over - examined

Work out - End nicely
- Find the answer or solution

- manage to understand



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