Translatoryka bibliografia

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  1. Chesterman, Andrew - Emma Wagner (2002) Can theory help translators?: A dialogue between the ivory tower and the wordface. Manchester: St. Jerome Pub.

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  1. Cook, Guy (2010) Translation in language teaching. London: Oxford University Press.

  1. Cintas, Jorge Diaz (ed.) (2008) The didactics of audiovisual translation. Amsterdam - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

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  1. Flotow, Louise von (2011) Translating women. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

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  1. Franco, Eliana - Pilar Opero (eds.) (2010) Voice-over translation: An overview. Bern: Peter Lang.

  1. Gambier, Yves - Luc van Doorslaer (eds.) (2010) Handbook of translation studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  1. Gouadec, Daniel (2007) Translation as a profession. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  1. Hatim, Basil - Jeremy Munday (2004) Translation: An advanced resource book. London: Routledge.

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  1. Mahadi, Tengku Sepora Tengku, Helia Vaezian, Mahmoud Akbari (2010) Corpora in translation. Bern: Peter Lang.

  1. Malmkjaer, Kristen - Kevin Windle (2011) The Oxford handbook of translation studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  1. McLoughlin, Laura Incalcaterra - Mary Biscio - Maire Aine Ni Mhainnin (2011) Audiovisual translation subtitles and subtitling: Theory and practice. Bern: Peter Lang.

  1. Munday, Jeremy (2008) The Routledge companion to translation studies. New York: Routledge.

  1. Munday, Jeremy (2008) Introducing translation studies: Theories and applications. Abingdon: Routledge.

  1. Naaijkens, Antonius Bernardus Maria (ed.) (2010) Event or incident: On the role of translation in the dynamics of cultural exchange. Bern: Peter Lang.

  1. Neubert, Albrecht, Gregory M. Shreve (1992) Translation as text. Kent: Kent State University Press.

  1. Nicodemus, Brenda - Laurie A. Swabey (eds.) (2011) Advances in interpreting research: Inquiry in action. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  1. Nida, Eugene Albert (2001) Contexts in translating. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  1. Nida, Eugene Albert (2003) Toward a science of translating: With special reference to principles and procedures involved in Bible translating. Leiden: Brill.

  1. Oakes, Michael - Meng Ji (eds.) (2012) Quantitative methods in corpus-based translation studies: A practical guide to descriptive translation research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  1. O'Sullivan, Carol (2011) Translating popular film. Houndmills - New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

  1. Olohan, Maeve (2004) Introducing corpora in translation studies. London: Routledge.

  1. Păarlog, Hortensia - Pia Brinzeu - Aba-Carina Păarlog (2007) Translating the body. nchen: Lincom Europa.

  1. Palumbo, Giuseppe (2009) Key terms in translation studies. London: Continuum.

  1. Pellatt, Valerie (ed.) (2010) Teaching and testing interpreting and translating. Bern: Peter Lang.

  1. Pym, Anthony (2009) Exploring translation theories. London: Routledge.

  1. Quah, C. K (2006) Translation and technology. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

  1. Ricoeur, Paul (2006) On translation. Abingdon: Routledge.

  1. Riccardi, Aleksandra (2002) Translation studies: Perspectives on an emerging discipline. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  1. Robinson, Douglas (2003) Becoming a translator: An introduction to the theory and practice of translation. London: Routledge.

  1. Robinson, Douglas (2011) Translation and the problem of sway. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  1. Rozan, Jean-Francois (2004) Note-taking in consecutive interpreting (Notatki w tłumaczeniu konsekutywnym). Kraków: Tertium.

  1. Schäffner, Christina - Beverly Adab (eds.) (2000) Developing translation competence. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  1. Schulte, Reiner - John Biguenet (1992) Theories of translation: An antgology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

  1. Sequeiros, Xose Rosales (2005) Effects of pragmatic interpretation on translation: Communicative gaps and textual discrepancies. Muenchen: Lincom Europa.

  1. Snell-Hornby, Mary (2006) The turns of translation studies: New paradigms or shifting viewpoints? Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  1. Somers, Harold (2003) Computers and translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  1. Tomaszkiewicz, Teresa (2006) Przekład audiowizualny. Warszawa: PWN.

  1. Trosborg, Anna, Text Typology and Translation, Amsterdam : J. Benjamins, c1997.

  1. Tryuk, Małgorzata (2007) Przekład ustny konferencyjny. Warszawa: PWN.

  1. Tryuk, Małgorzata (2006) Przekład ustny środowiskowy. Warszawa: PWN.

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  1. Venuti, Lawrence (1998) The scandals of translation: Towards an ethics of difference. London - New York: Routledge

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