Kartkówka z czytania, Repetytorium longman

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Houses of the future

An interesting exhibition is opening at the Newport Centre this weekend called `Houses of the Future'. It shows different buildings and designs which use unusual materials and colours. We can also learn about new technology and how this can change the houses we live in. Designers, builders and scientists will be at the exhibition to talk about these things. There is one special house at the exhibition. It is a very strange shape and colour and is made of types of grass and earth but it is modern and very strong! We can go inside this house to look around. Everything in the house is on a computer programme. The computer does everything. It opens the doors and switches on the lights when we ask it to. It does the shopping when the fridge is empty! The computer knows when someone is walking in the house and garden and can telephone the police. It can make your bed warm and can cook your meals. When you are watching television it asks you if you want to change programme because it knows what you like to watch! It's a very interesting house but I don't think I would like to live there. Would you?

1 This exhibition is new.

2 The house is different from most houses today.

3 We can go inside all the houses.

4 The computer phones the police when the fridge is empty.

5 The writer wants to buy a house like this.

Przeczytaj tekst i do poszczególnych paragrafów dopasuj nagłówek. Jeden nagłówek nie pasuje.

A For tourists

b The scientists' opinion

c a British mystery

d What is Loch Ness?

E Who is `Nessie'?

f The loch museum

The Loch Ness Monster


One of the most famous natural mysteries in Great Britain is the `Loch Ness Monster'. People all over the world know about it. There are books, films and television programmes about it but it is still a great mystery. Is `Nessie' real or not?


Loch Ness is a large lake in Scotland. The water is very cold and very deep. Around the lake there are mountains, forests and farms. It is a beautiful part of Scotland and many people go there for holidays and to walk in the countryside.


People say that a large monster lives in the loch and there are lots of photographs of it. The people who believe in the monster think it is like a sea dinosaur and lives at the bottom of the loch. When it's hungry it comes up and takes sheep and cows from the farms. Some people think it has a family of little monsters that it gives food to.


The people who live near the loch say that it is real. But `Nessie' is good for tourists. A lot of people come to Loch Ness to try to see the monster and spend lots of money there. You can buy everything from clothes to towels with `Nessie' on them! This is good for the area.


Most scientists don't believe in `Nessie'. A few years ago some scientists looked at the bottom of the loch with special cameras but they didn't find anything. They say it's all a joke. Who is right? People like mysteries. It's good to know that nature still has some secrets!

Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania.

Best friends

Jenna and Beth met when they were three years old. Now they are both 24 and they are still best friends. This is what they say about each other.


I liked Beth a lot when we were at school. She was very relaxed, and she was the prettiest girl in the school! She was also very good and hard-working. Not like me! Today we're still very different. Beth is more artistic than I am and she works for a photographer. Every day she has the same routine. She's married and has her own house. She likes staying at home with her husband or going for walks with her dog. She's still very pretty and popular and she's still my best friend.


Jenna is an intelligent girl. She's also more active than I am. I'm the laziest person in my family! Jenna goes swimming and does a lot of exercise. I sometimes go for a walk with my dog but that's all. Jenna has a dog too but she's so busy that she doesn't have time to go for walks - her mum takes the dog out. She lives at home with her mum and dad. Jenna is always out. She likes

dancing and going out with her friends. She's very popular and more confident than I am. She's also very kind and I can talk to her about my problems. I think we'll be friends until we're very old grandmothers!

1 Who uses a camera in her work? Jenna / Beth / both

2 Who isn't home very much? Jenna / Beth / both

3 Who has a dog? Jenna / Beth / both

4 Who isn't married? Jenna / Beth / both

5 Who wasn't good at school? Jenna / Beth / both

Przeczytaj tekst i zdecyduj czy zdania 1-5 są prawdziwe czy fałszywe. Zaznacz fragment tekstu na poparcie swojej odpowiedzi.

Transport in the future

People are getting very worried about how we can travel in the future. In England a lot of people live in a small area and so there are lots of motorways and main roads. More and more cars are using these roads every day and they are so crowded that there are always traffic jams

and accidents. Thirty years ago, many families had a car. Now, families often have three or four, and the cars are getting bigger and faster. It's not a surprise that our roads are so

crowded. So, what will happen in the future? Perhaps people can travel together, sharing one car rather than taking two. Perhaps we can walk or cycle more and get fitter! Perhaps we can have a better public transport system so that people can travel to work by bus or train and not by car. For this, the trains and buses need to be faster, bigger and cleaner than they are now and we need more of them. The trains today are dirty, crowded and expensive. They are also often late so people don't want to travel on them. We can't continue to put more cars on the roads. If we do, one day in the future England will be just one big traffic jam and no one will move!

1 A lot of people drive cars in England.

2 Most families don't have a car.

3 More people can go in one car.

4 The trains in England are very cheap.

5 The trains in England are often late.

Przeczytaj tekst i zdecyduj czy zdania 1-5 są prawdziwe czy fałszywe. Zaznacz fragment tekstu na poparcie swojej odpowiedzi.


Tricia's job

Tricia has a very unusual job. She spends the day in bed, then works while other people are watching television or sleeping. She's a nightclub manager and her job is hard but very interesting, and she loves it. `I got the job here when I left college,' says Tricia `I didn't know what to do. I love music, I love dancing and people and going out at night. I knew I didn't want to work in a shop or have a job that was the same every day. I also wanted a job where I had some responsibility.' Now Tricia manages two nightclubs with more than 30 employees.

`Of course, there are problems,' she tells us. `I can't go out often with my friends because I have to work when they're free! I also have to work very late at weekends. I don't have to work every night but when I'm not working I just want to sleep! Another problem is that sometimes we have customers who are very rude and I mustn't get angry with them. I have to be calm all the time. Sometimes that's difficult! But I love my work. Every night is different and I meet some very interesting people! I don't think I'll leave this company but I'd like to get more qualifications and maybe move up to a better position.'

1 Tricia's job is at night.

2 Tricia didn't want a job which was always the same.

3 One problem for Tricia is that she works days and nights.

4 Another problem is that her employees are rude.

5 In the future, Tricia wants to work in a shop.

Przeczytaj tekst i do poszczególnych paragrafów dopasuj nagłówek. Jeden nagłówek nie pasuje.

a A quiet life

b Plan ahead

c Where we are

d A holiday for all

e The journey to Glynford

f Exciting activities

A good holiday choice


Are you looking for a holiday with a difference? Come to Glynford in the beautiful Welsh mountains and you'll spend a week you'll never forget. At Glynford there is something for everyone: young or old, active or lazy.


Glynford is a modern holiday centre with four hotels and eight restaurants. From your bedroom you will see green fields, blue water and wonderful mountains. If you like looking around old towns, you'll love nearby Tarcastle, a historic town with old buildings, narrow streets and little

shops. Also nearby is the modern shopping centre of Stalmouth.


For active guests Glynford has nearly every sport you can think of. Go sailing on the lakes or, if you want excitement, in small boats down the fast river! Go climbing in the Welsh mountains or race fast cars on our special roads. You can even jump out of a plane - with a parachute of course!


Or, if you don't like too much excitement, relax by our swimming pools with a quiet drink, listening to gentle music. We know you'll love the atmosphere. Or go for an easy walk along the country paths and enjoy the healthy fresh air. We at Glynford promise that you'll go home happy and relaxed and ready to plan your next holiday with us.


Book now for next summer and you'll save 20%. Don't wait! You won't get another offer like this. See you then!


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