Czysty-duży, opracowania tematów

A letter

Dear Adam

Thank you for your last letter. I think it is great to have a pen-friend because can share your experiences , impressions and secrets. There fore, I would like to describe my last trip to the seaside to you. I and my friend from work have been playing this trip for along lime. We couldn't decide where to go: to the seaside or to the mountains. Finally, we went to Cetniewo one month ago. It is a big village on the middle coast of Poland. There are many pensions and pubs in this village but there aren't any monuments. Yet, a sightseeing wasn't our main purpose. We went to the seaside in order have some rest. During the day we “were going for long walks and we were changing the batteries” for further work. In the evenings we were drinking some beer, playing cards. After five days, we returned eagerly from the trip. I hope that you and I shall go on the trip some day together. See you soon, Marcin

The town when i live.

I live in Toruń. It is quite a big city in the centre of Poland. Toruń is situated on high banks of the Vistula River. Toruń is very beautiful and very old. It came in to being in 1270. there are many monuments in Toruń. There is a castle called ”Dybow” on the left bank of the river. The Town - hall from the 16th century; the battlements of the Teutonic castle with the bent tower a house where Nicholas Copernicus was born are the most precious monuments of the city. The city centre consists of the market square with the Town-hall and Szeroka street with arcades. This is my favourite part of the town, where there is William Horzyca theatre, Nicholas Copernicus University, same restaurants, bars and shops. Toruń developed into a big industrial center. Everybody knows corn flakes “Nestle Pacific” gingerbreads from Toruń or synthetic fibre from the textile factory “Elana”. I think that Toruń is the developed town.

Do you practice any sport regularly

I have practiced sport from youth. When I was twelve. I started practicing boxing. But when I was in first class of secondary school my tutor placed me in a different position . I had to choice between a school and a boxing. I choiced a school but immediately I started practicing football. As a junior I played in team called “Zawisza”. When I was in Military school I didn't practice real branch of sport. Now I steel like playing football. I am a member of amateur football team. We play football every Thursday and every Saturday. I love football but I know that some day I have to exchange football for another branch sport.

Advantages and disadvantages of living In a big city

There are many good and bad sides of living in the big city. If you live in a big city can go to a cinema, a theatre or an opera. There are many big shops, many schools and it is easier to find a job. But sometimes it is too noisy, the air is polluted. There are too many cars, and it is more dangerous than in the country. Life in the country is much healthier. The air is clean , it is peaceful and life isn't so fast. But there aren't so many cinemas or theaters. I live in a small town. I like it because it has good sides of both a big city and the country.

Advantages and disadvantages of living In a big city

There are many good and bad sides of living in the big city. If you live in a big city can go to a cinema, a theatre or an opera. There are many big shops, many schools and it is easier to find a job. But sometimes it is too noisy, the air is polluted. There are too many cars, and it is more dangerous than in the country. Life in the country is much healthier. The air is clean , it is peaceful and life isn't so fast. But there aren't so many cinemas or theaters. I live in a small town. I like it because it has good sides of both a big city and the country.

Advantages and disadvantages of living In a big city

There are many good and bad sides of living in the big city. If you live in a big city can go to a cinema, a theatre or an opera. There are many big shops, many schools and it is easier to find a job. But sometimes it is too noisy, the air is polluted. There are too many cars, and it is more dangerous than in the country. Life in the country is much healthier. The air is clean , it is peaceful and life isn't so fast. But there aren't so many cinemas or theaters. I live in a small town. I like it because it has good sides of both a big city and the country.

Good end bed sides of TV

I think that television is one of the most controversial inventions of the 20th century. Everybody gives quite sensible arguments for and against watching TV. I think that TV is great but I'm also aware of the dangers it my cause. When you have TV you get to know the news from all over the world. Thank to the programs such as Animal Planet or Discovery you get to know peculiarities on the earth and behind it. First of all the Television gives us a lot of entertainment and films. However TV has many disadvantages as well. First of all watching TV damages eye sight and limits our flexibility. Sometimes TV gives us bed patterns. Yet I think, that each should choose from TV what is best for him.

Is your lifestyle healthy

Unfortunately I am in such age in witch I have to take care of health. There fore I shoud keep fit all the time. I think that my lifestyle is healthy. First of all I have gone on a diet. I don't eat while bread, red meat and sauces. I try not to eat in the fast foods too. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. Ones a month, for 24 hours I drink only mineral water and I don't eat meal. However, I go to the swimming pool one a week. I practice football too. I have a training twice a week. In the end I don't smoke. I hope that I shall enjoy good health for a long times.

What food / drink do you like?

I like eating a lot. I especially like polish dishes. My favourite dish is steak with potatoes and a salad. I also like traditional cakes made by my wife. Every afternoon I drink coffee with my wife. It is my favourite drink. I don't like fast food dishes like hamburger or pizza. They are very unhealthy. However, sometimes when I travel I go to fast food places. In summer I like drinking cold drinks. My favourite one is orange juice on the rocks.

What sport do you like watching or playing

I think that each branch of sport is very exciting. Unlike films, each competition each match is different. In sport we can't foresee the result. My favourite sport is football. I like watching football matches on stadium. Especially I like Champions League. Unfortunately I can watch the matches of Champions League only on TV set. Yet, I like playing football more then watching. I am a member of amateur football team. We play football every Thursday and every Saturday.

My best friend

My best friend is Adam. He lives in center of Poland in Aleksandrów Kujawski. We met seven years ago when I started to exercise in sports club. Adam was a coach of athletics. He is very toll and well-built. He has got short straight dark hair and brown eyes. He is 38 years old. We often met at weekend when I'm at home. We played football and went to the pubs to drink same beer together. Unfortunately my present job doesn't let me meet with my friend. Yet I visit my friend as often as I can.

My biography

I was born on 6th April 1977 in Aleksandrów Kuj. I brought up at home until 1984. then I went to elementary school. From 1992 to 1997 I want to secondary school. I'm 1997 passed an exam to military school. It was a beginning of my military career. I finished the military school in 2001 and I have started my professional work in military unit in Giżyko. One year later I got married.

My family

There are five people in my nearest family: my wife, my mother, my father end my sister end I. Unfortunately each of us lives in another place. My mother lives in Aleksandrów Kujawski. She is rather short an slim and green eyes. My sister Karolina is twenty three years old and she lives in Toruń with her boyfriend. She is tall like me and she has got fair hairand blue eyes. My wife Katrina is twenty nine years old and she is quite tall and slim. She has got chestnut wary hair and brown eyes. My wife lives with me in Giżycko.

My favourite season

There are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. My favourite season is summer. I like it because I usually have my holidays then. During my holidays I go swimming, sunbathe, and I practice water sports. In the evenings my family often have a barbeque, we sing song and talk till late night. Sometimes I go abroad. Then I visit many interesting places and meet new people. If we stay in Gizycko ,we go to see, some nice places like the Boyen Fortress, Brunon Hill. My wife buys a lot of souvenirs. And that's why I can't want till my

My hobby

I do not have too much time for my hobbies during the week because I work. I have a time for my hobbies only at the weekends. I'm keen on car racings, so I watch them on TV every Saturday. I also play computer game for example Need for speed Underground. It's my favorite one.I also love watching films. I meet with my friends twice a week and we watch interesting films and then we discus about them. I usually stay at home in the evenings. I read magazines about cars. I also help my wife with the housework. I love cooking and I do a lot of experiments in the kitchen.Before I fall asleep I listen to music. My favorite music is pop music and rock. This is the most relaxing moment. When I fall asleep I know that I used my spare time in a proper way.

My home

I and my wife live in a flat in Giżycko. Our flat is on the third floor. It is quite big because we have three rooms: bedroom, living room and room which serves as study. Our bedroom is rather big with a big bed in the middle. It is opposite the study. The study is small. There are some books , a computer and a desk with work place. The living room is opposite the kitchen and we sometimes have our meals there. There is a TV in the living room we often watch television together. Our kitchen is quite big too. There is a big table and four chairs. The bathroom is small but there is big batch with a shower. I like my flat because it is bright and very comfortable.

My Job

I leave for work a quarter past seven. It takes me 5 minutes to get to my work on foot. Upon arrival I dress my uniform. At half past seven I take part in a morning roll call. Them I have morning briefing with my commander. From 8 till 14.00 I participate in various kind of training it can lecture on topography, military exercises outside the barracks, training at the shooting range and so on. I'm fond of my job because there is something to be done and time runs very fast. It's not boring at all and who would ask for more. My work is over at half past three. I'm back home at a quarter to four.

My last summer holiday

Last time I had summer holiday in August 2003i spent it with my wife in a small village called Zbiczno. This village is situated on high bank of the Zbiczno lake, among the forest. We stayed there for two weeks and it was really great. We to lived in small cottage next to a lake. Unfortunately we had to prepare meals ourselves. The weather was beautiful. Everyday at noon we had swimming and sunbathing on the public beach. In the afternoon we were going for walks to deep of forest. In the evenings we were heaving a barbeque, synging songs and talking till late night. This holiday wasn't excited but the rest was really fantastic.

My last weekend

My last weekend i spent with my wife. On Friday evening I went home by my car. When I arrived in Toruń, I had a both and went to bed. On Saturday I woke up at six. From eight till nine I was learning English. Later my wife and I were doing shopping. At four o'clock we went to our friend's birthday party. We were there till seven pm. On Sunday I woke up at 8 o'clock. We had breakfast at nine. Then we went for a walk. Unfortunately after the lunch I had to return to Giżycko.

My military career

I started my military career seven years ago. I started studying in Military Academy in Wroclaw. It lasted four years. The three first years were difficult for me, and had to study very hard. I graduated with the title of Second Lieutenant and I started working in military unit in Giżycko as a platoon commander. After three months I was promoted and I become a company commander for one year. Now, I'm studying English because I going to go on the mission in Syria next year. I like my job very much and if I could choose again I would do the same

My ordinary day

I usually wake up at 7 o'clock except at the weekends. A few minuts later I'm ready to get up. I quickly make the bed and I go to bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Them I get dressed and I go to the kitchen. I usually eat cheese sandwich and I drink a cup of coffee. I leave home at ten to eight and I rush for classes. I usually spend six hours at school at about two o'clock I go home. I have diner and I rest for a while. I begin doing my homework. Then I listen to music and watch TV. In the evening I have supper and then I watch interesting film, play computer game. At about 11 p.m I have a shower and I go to sleep.

Tell about your childhood. Was it happy.

I don't remember if I left happy when I was a child. Looking at my childhood in perspective of time. I think so. My parents are very good people. Despite that the days were difficult, I didn't need anything. One can say that I brought up in hot house conditions. My mother was a gardener and I was spending most of time in greenhouses. In the greenhouses I played did my home works and sometimes I helped my mother. As a child I led an active life. I was a member of scout organisation and many time I participated in scout camps. I practiced a sport too. First I practiced boxing and later football. I think that my childhood was very interesting.

The happiest day in my life

The happiest day in my life happened seven years ago but I can still remember everything very clearly. It was the day when I learned that I had passed an exam to military school. I was happy because it was a kind of maturity test. I came into my adult life. Next, I became independent from my parents. However, I knew that I would have the longest and the most superb holiday. I didn't have to look for a job. I didn't have to learn for three months. In general I fell as if all the world belonged to me. I hope that I shall fell so happy many a time.

Do you like shopping? Why?

It is difficult to answer right the way. Almost everyone must do shopping. I go shopping too, but I really hate it. Therefore, before shopping I make a list of it. In the shop I buy necessary things and I go out as fast as I can. I don't like shopping because it is boring. I don't understand people, who walk at the shop forth and back looking at the same things. In my opinion shopping is a waste of time. Unfortunately I sometimes go shopping with my wife, and she likes it shopping very much. After shopping I feel as if I worked all the week

Valentine's day

Valentine's day is a special day who are in love. People send romantic cards to the ones the love or like very much. They write a massage inside but they don't write their name because it's a secret. It is my favourite festival because in this day people are cordial jolly and happy. Every year I try to spend this day with my wife. In the lust Valentine's day I woke up early and I went to buy flowers. When my wife slept yet, I put by her bed the flowers with a romantic card. Unfortunately my wife was fastor then me. In the last night she left me a romantic card in the kitchen, which I fond in the morning. It was great day, which ended with romantic supper by the candles.

What did you do yesterday

Because today I take an exam, yesterday I was taking a rest. I woke up at 8 o'clock. I went to bathroom had a bath and shaved my face. Them I prepared my breakfast. I ate a soft boiled eggs and a few sandwiches. From nine to ten I was drinking some coffee and reading newspaper. Next I went for a long walk to Boyen Fortress and on the bank of Niegocin lake. Then I had lunch in restaurant, after lunch I went to the cinema. I come back home at 7 p.m. I had sapper and wen to bed.

What do you like doing in your free time

Usually , I spend my free time at home. Then I watch TV or read books. Sometimes I go to the pub to drink some beer. Sometimes I and my wife go to our friends to play bridge. In summer I like swimming and sailing. In winter I like skiing. If is a fine weather, I like riding bike. If is a bed weather I like drive a car. I often go fishing with my friend Adam. On Sunday, I always go for a walk with my wife. Yet the most, I like to have a snooze.

What is your favourite day of the week

My favourite day of the week is Saturday. I like this day because I don't go to work on Saturdays and I can do what I want. I wake up late and have breakfast in my bed. Then I sit in my room and play computer game but my wife doesn't like it. Sometimes I don't play my games but I watch TV. After lunch I and my wife usually go out and we meet our friends. Sometimes we go for a walk or to the cinema. In the evening we go to the restaurant have a dinner. After dinner we usually go to quite pub to drink some beer. When we arrive home we are talking till late night.

What is your wife like

My wife is very brave and bossy woman but only in relation to me. She knows that I love her. She is really shy and she has own small complexes like each woman. In relation to people she is pleasant and polite. In opinion of her boss she is hard working. In opinion her friends from work she is very protective and caring. The parents of the children, who she teaches have the same opinion. I think that my wife is clever and intelligent. I know that this description is little exaggerated. But if my wife had not been so good man, certainly I wouldn't have got married her.

What sport do you like watching or playing

I think that each branch of sport is very exciting. Unlike films, each competition, each match is different. In sport we can't foresee the result. My favourite sport is football. I like watching football matches on stadium. Especially I like Champion League. Unfortunately, I can watch the matches of Champions League only on TV. Yet, I like playing football more then watching. I am a member of amateur football team. We play football every Thursday and every Saturday.

What weather do you like most and why

I like the most when the sun shines all the day. The most of people like the in the summer. But, I like the sun in the winter because I like the frost too. The reason is very simple. I do skiing and besides the mountains are beautiful in the winter. It is magnificent feeling, when you stand an the top, the sky is blue, the sun blinds, and the frost bites yours cheeks. However, when it is cold I feel healthier and I'm not lazy. In the winter a human doesn't get tired so fast. When is frosty the air is cleaner and fresher. Generally I like when it is a lot of snow, a lot of sun and the temperature is below 15 degrees below 0.

What kind of books do you like reading

Different people like different kind of books. Some of them like horror stories by such author like Stephen King. Others like book about sense or history. Women usually like romances which are about love, hate and friendship. Kids and teenagers like comic books. When I was young I liked reading adventures stories. My favourite are was Robinson Crusoe. As for as I am concerned I think that books are very useful. They broaden our minds and we can learn a lot of interesting things from them.

What are the way of spend free time

There are many ways of spending free time. Some people like watching TV. Others like practicing sport. There are also people who like reading books. My favourite way of spending free time is listening to music. I like different kinds of music but my favourite band is caliber 44. I have all their records. Last year I went to their concert. It was great. Next year I'm going to go concert in Bydgoszcz.

Why people learn English

People learn English because it is an international language. English is spoken all over the world. You can find good and better paid job. In order to be able to read books. English is spoken in all world's organizations. In order to meet e-mail people. You can study abroad. In order to visit other contries. In order to watch English spoken movies. I learn English because I don't want to be linguistic cripple.


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