





Czas trwania: 60 min

Rozumienie tekstu czytanego

Gramatyka i słownictwo

Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych


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Instrukcja dla ucznia:



Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst, a następnie wykonaj znajdujące się pod nim zadania:


One day when I was sitting in the local library, I started to read a medical ecyclopedia that was lying on the table in front of me.

The first illness I read about was cholera. As I read the list of symptoms, it occured to me

that perhaps I had cholera myself. I sat for a while, too frightened to move. Then, in a kind of

dream, I started to turn pages of the book again. I came to malaria. Yes, there was no doubt

about it - I had malaria, too. And I certainly had hepatitis. And yellow fever. And so it went on.

I read through the whole book, and by the end I came to conclusion that I had everything. There

was only one illness I didn't have - and that was housemaid's knee.

I sat and thought, and I became more and more worried. I wondered how long I had to

live. I tried to examine myself. I felt my pulse. At first, I couldn't find it at all; then, suddenly,

it seemed to start off. I looked at my watch to time it - it was beating 147 times a minute. I tried

to feel my heart. I couldn't feel it. It wasn't beating. I stuck my tongue out and tried to look at

it. I could only see the end of it, but from that I was even more certain than before that I had

yellow fever.

I went straight to my doctor, who was a good friend of mine. “What's the matter with

you?” he asked. “Life is short, and you are a busy man” I said. “So, I won't tell you what is

the matter with me. I'll just tell what is not the matter with me. I have not got housemaid's knee.

Everything else, however, I have got.” And I told him all about the library and the medical


Then he opened my mouth and looked at my tongue, and he felt my pulse, and he listened

to my heart. Then he sat down and wrote a prescription. It said:

Three good meals every day

One two-mile walk every morning

One bed at 11 o'clock every night

... and don't read medical books!

I followed the doctor's instructions, and I am happy to say that I now feel quite well again.

I. Zaznacz właściwą wersję podanych niżej zdań dotyczących przeczytanego tekstu:

Przykład: He started to read a medical encyclopedia that was...

a. lying on the other table opposite him.

b. lying under the table next to him.

1. Which illnesses does the man think he has ? a. yellow fever b. malaria

c. cholera d. housemaid's knee

  1. hepatitis

2. The man realized that...

a. his pulse was too fast. b. his pulse was too slow. c. his pulse had stopped.

3. The man then thought...

a. his heart was too fast. b. his heart was too slow. c. his heart had stopped.

4. The author was absolutely sure that...

a. his tongue looked normal. b. his tongue was not there at all.

c. something was wrong with his tongue.

5. He doesn't tell the doctor what ilnesses he has got because...

a. he is not sure. b. it would take too long. c. he is frightened.

6. The doctor thinks...

a. the man is very ill. b. the man is slightly ill. c. the man is not ill at all.

7. When the author followed the doctor's instructions...

a. he didn't feel as well as he had felt before. b. he felt worse immediately.

  1. he enjoyed being healthy as he had done earlier.

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II. Uzupełnij zdania używając przyimków z ramki. Dwa z nich mogą być użyte dwukrotnie:

Przykład: If you have a problem talk with your teacher.

for, at, about, with, to, in, of, from, on,

  1. I'm not interested ............... what you think of modern art.

  1. -“Bye, I'm off to that new restaurant”. -“Lucky you ! Who are you going ................... ?”

3. -“I've lost your silver pen. Sorry !” -“It's all right. Don't worry ....................it.”

  1. We might have a picnic tomorrow. It depends ....................... the weather.

5. I'm sick and tired .................... sitting indoors and watching TV.

  1. Are you any good ............................ Maths ? I'm hopeless.

  1. Many dentists say that chewing sugar-free gum is good ....................... your teeth.

  1. She was very sorry because she couldn't afford ..................... buy her mum a birthday gift.

  1. -“The train leaves at 4 o'clock.” “Are you sure ...................... that ?”

  1. My brother is very different .......................... me. He is blonde and I am dark haired.

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    1. Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą czasowników w nawiasach. Zastosuj czas Past Simple lub Present Perfect Simple:

Przykład: I (go) to Africa three times last year. I went to Africa three times last year.

Ben (be) to Africa several times this year. Ben has been to Africa several times this year.

  1. She (have) ......................................... six different jobs since she left school.

2. How many cups of coffee (you drink) ............................................ today ?

3. I'm not cooking today - I (cook) ......................................... all the meals two days before.

4. He (run) .................................................. away from school three times when he was fourteen.

5. Would you believe I (make) ........................................... twelve phone calls today ?

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IV. Wstaw since lub for uzupełniając poniższe zdania:

Przykład: He looks much younger since he shaved his beard.

1. I haven't seen you ......................... the last decade.

2. This castle has been standing here ................................... the Middle Ages.

3. She has worn the same old dress .................................. the beginning of the month.

4. Mr. Clark has not eaten any meat ................................ he was ten.

5. We haven't ridden a bicycle ................................ longer I can remember.

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V. Wpisz właściwą formę czasownika podanego w nawiasie, aby utworzyć zdania warunkowe

(Conditional Sentences) typu I lub typu II:

Przykład: If I (know) his number, I would phone him. If I knew his number, I would phone him.

We'll be on time if we (catch) the 4.30 train. We'll be on time if we catch the 4.30 train.

1. If I was offered the job, I (take) .....................................it.

2. Will you answer the door if you (hear) ....................................... the doorbell ?

3. You (not learn ) ......................................... much if you spend so much time with your friends.

4. What (you do) .............................................. if you found a fifty-pound note ?

5. Tom would know much more if he (read) .............................................. all these books.

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VI. Przepisz podane niżej zdania stosując strone bierną (Passive Voice):

Przykład: This company employs many people. Many people are employed by this company.

1. Somebody accused me of stealing money. ......................................................................................

2. My friend has written a wonderful poem. .........................................................................................

3. The custom officer told me to open my suitcase.


  1. The jury will discuss our project tomorrow.


  1. He is reading this book with great interest.


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VII. Przekształć poniższe zdania na mowę zależną (Reported Speech). Właściwie rozpoczynaj

zdania używając czasowników said, told, lub asked. Przyjmij, że wszystkie wypowiedzi są

skierowane bezpośrednio do Ciebie:

Przykłady: Tom: -„I'm learning History with John.”

Tom said he was learning History with John.

Mother: -“Who has taken my cooking recipe ?”

Mother asked me who had taken her cooking recipe.

  1. Teacher: -“Write the test on both sides of your paper.”


2. Mr. Birch: - “Would you like to see my garden ?”


3. Doctor: - “I am sure you will get better very quickly.”


  1. Grandma: - “Can you help me to look for my glasses ?”


  1. Sue: -“ I went to Brighton with my parents on Friday.”


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VIII. Wskaż w jakich miastach lub krajach znajdują się wymienione poniżej miejsca i budowle:

Przykład: Buckingham Palace - London

1. Central Park - ...........................................

2. Golden Gate Bridge - ............................................

3. Harrods - ..............................................

  1. Coober Pedy opal mines - ...........................................

  1. Yellowstone National Park - ........................................................

  1. Capitol Hill - .....................................................

  1. Victoria & Albert Museum - ........................................................

  1. Snowdonia National Park - ..........................................................

  1. Ayers Rock (Uluru) - ............................................................

  1. Mount Rushmore National Monument - .........................................................

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