ZN.4.2011, strategia



Andrew A. MICHTA

Europe in the United States' Security Policy

Col. Assist.Prof. Maciej MARSZAŁEK, Ph.D. Eng.

Use of Force in Allied Crisis Response Operations

Lt.Gen. Prof. Bogusław PACEK, Ph.D.

Lt.Col. Marek BRYLONEK, M.Sc. Eng.

Selected Problems of the European Union's Military Operations' Planning


France and the Federal Republic of |Germany in the Middle East and North Africa - Cooperation or Rivalry?


Civil-Military Interaction at the Core of the EU Comprehensive Approach

Lt.Col. Mariusz WOJCISZKO, Ph.D.

Conclusions and Postulates Resulting from the Analysis of Political Position and Competence of Principal State Bodies in the Area of the Defence of the State


Admissibility of the Polish Armed Forces' Use on the Territory of Poland in Case of a Terrorist Threat

Dr. Emilia MIKOŁAJEWSKA, Maj. (ret.) Dariusz MIKOŁAJEWSKI, M.Sc. Eng.

Robots' Ethics Means People's Safety and Security


Prof. (UW) Mirosław SUŁEK, Ph.D.

Multidimensional Assessment of Fundamental Military Categories of Countries

Lt.Col. Maciej KAŹMIERCZAK, Ph.D.

Improving the Level of Energy Security of the State Resulting from a New Concept of Managing Crude Oil in Poland (Part 2 - Crude Oil Excavation and Refining)

Lt.Col. Piotr MALINOWSKI , Ph.D. Eng.

Task Teams' Effectiveness as a Determinant of Military Organization's Effectiveness


Małgorzata GAWLIK-KOBYLIŃSKA, M.A., Lt.Col.(ret) Piotr WIERZBICKI, M.A.

The Nature and Assumptions of the Central European Forum on Military Education (CEFME) in Military Education in the National Defence University Perspective

Col. Leszek ELAK, Ph.D.

Premises to Conduct Multinational Operations

Prof. Janusz ŚWINIARSKI, Ph.D. Lt.Col. Andrzej PIECZYWOK, Ph.D.

Basic Concepts of Education and Paradigms of Pedagogy Philosophy

Lt.Col Mirosław TOKARSKI, Ph.D.

Theoretical and Legal Determinants of Superior's Disciplinary Competence in the Polish Armed Forces


Lt.Col. Juliusz S. TYM, Ph.D.

The Battle of the Bzura - Operational Aspect. The First Phase of the Battle 9 - 12 September 1939

Dr. Piotr MILIK

The Genesis of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia as an Example of the Origin of Hybrid Courts Type.


Dagmar ZEH

Review of the book: Aga Kwiecinski, Frauen und Kinder zuerst (Women and Children First), published by Schiriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie (Österreichisches Bundesheer), Wien, Dezember 2010, pp. 275

Dr. Lesław GRZONKA

Review of the book: Marcin Mróz, Prawo do broni w Polsce i Europie. Posiadanie broni strzeleckiej przez osoby fizyczne w ustawodawstwie wybranych państw Unii Europejskiej (Right to Carry Weapon in Poland and Europe. Having Firearms by Natural Person in the Legislation of Selected European Union's Countries), pp. 171

Magdalena El GHAMARI

ISRATIN or Muammar Gaddafi's AL - KITAB AL - ABIAD


The United States' of America National Security Policy after 11 September 2001

Assist. Prof. Janusz ZUZIAK, Ph.D.

Report from an international scientific conference “Tobruk 1941. The 70th Anniversary of the Polish Independent Carpathian Rifles Brigade's Participation in the Siege of Tobruk”


Report from the participation in Working Group of Central European Forum on Military Education concerning defining common elements of a strategic level course

Andrew A. MICHTA

Europe in the United States' Security Policy

The article is a record of the opening lecture delivered at Akademia Obrony Narodowej (National Defence University) on 3 October 2011. The most important thesis of Prof. Michta's lecture was the statement that the United States looks at Europe in a dual way; on the one hand as a traditional ally, the first one to refer to in crisis, on the other with growing impatience as this ally is not capable of fulfilling tasks due to its assets and political will. However, it must be remembered that Europe and America need each other in order to maintain an open international system. Moreover, it is the common key aspect of transatlantic relations.

Col. Assist.Prof. Maciej MARSZAŁEK, Ph.D. Eng.

Use of Force in Allied Crisis Response Operations

Since the end of the Cold War, contrary to widespread expectations of international community, the world has not become safer. A growing number of crisis situations including more and more complex armed conflicts prove that. Solving those situations has required and will probably still require the use of force that always raises doubts among not only NATO decision-makers but public opinion as well.

Thus this article touches upon an essential and at the same time controversial issue of the use of armed force in a justified aim, i.e. in order to solve crisis situations that could pose a threat to international security and peace. The overview of the Alliance's crisis response operations (so called Non Art. 5 Crisis Response Situations of the Washington Treaty -NA5CROs) explains the key problems connected with the use of armed force in these specific from a military pint of view operations. The author clearly stresses the thesis that the scale and range of the use of force by NATO armed forces depend on a particular crisis response situation.

Lt.Gen. Prof. Bogusław PACEK, Ph.D.

Lt.Col. Marek BRYLONEK, M.Sc. Eng.

Selected Problems of the European Union's Military Operations' Planning

Since formally established, the European Union (EU) is becoming more and more active on the international scene. Crisis Management Operations (CMOs) are important tools of enhancing the political position. Therefore the EU has elaborated autonomous capabilities of initiation and conduct of civilian and military CMOs, being a response to international crisis situations.

The authors, basing on their professional experience, present elements of the newly created European External Action Service and its role in the planning and conduct of the CMOs. The article explains the EU complicated crisis management process and actions taken by different committees and institutions during its respective phases. The authors indicate selected problems encountered during planning and conduct of EU military operations, supported by practical real life examples, only to mention the lack of a permanent EU operation headquarters, ineffective force generation process or the issue of national caveats.


France and the Federal Republic of |Germany in the Middle East and North Africa - Cooperation or Rivalry?

The European Union's strategic objective is the tendency to achieve cohesion in its external operations area. Therefore, the cooperation of France and the Federal Republic of |Germany (FRG) could again become an element stimulating the development of integration processes for the whole EU that aims at working out a common strategy including the common foreign and security policy (CFSP), common security and defence policy (CSDP) and European neighbourhood policy (ENP). The fundamental European Union's aims are adequate to France's and FRG's policies. These countries' strategic objective is the European Union as a dynamic object and a key player on the international arena that uses its potential to pursue common interests in the world. On the other side, however, both countries openly tend to pursue their own exclusively national interests, which is manifested in events taking place in the Middle East and North Africa. Libya serves a good example where French and German economic concerns extremely actively compete with each other, thus determining their own countries' politicies and consequently affect the future new geo-political distribution of forces in the region.

Lt.Col. Mariusz WOJCISZKO, Ph.D.

Conclusions and Postulates Resulting from the Analysis of Political Position and Competence of Principal State Bodies in the Area of the Defence of the State

The article presents conclusions and postulates resulting from the conducted analysis of political solutions functioning in the state, particularly political position and competence of chief state bodies in the area of the defence of the state. This analysis was made in the following articles Pozycja ustrojowa wybranych organów państwa w kontekście realizacji przez nie zadań w obszarze obronności (Political Position of Selected State Bodies in the Context of Tasks Pursued by Them in the Area of Defence) - planned to be published in ZN WSOWL 3/2011 and Kompetencje naczelnych organów państwa oraz relację między nimi w obszarze obronności, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kierowania obronnością państwa (Competence of the Principal State Bodies and Relation Between Them in the Area of Defence with Particular Consideration of State Defence Management) - planned to be published in ZN AMW 3/2011. The analysis and role of the state bodies' competence in the area of security and defence explicitly shows the fact that they directly result from the system of government adopted in the state. This article attempts to answer the question if currently adopted legal and political solutions create appropriate conditions for the efficient functioning of principal state bodies in a situation of particular threat. All three mentioned above articles make up a comprehensive presentation of the problem concerning the position, relation and competence of the chief state bodies in the defence area.


Admissibility of the Polish Armed Forces' Use on the Territory of Poland in Case of a Terrorist Threat

A gradual growth of Poland's engagement on the international arena fosters its position but simultaneously makes it a potential target of terrorist activities not noted so far. The Polish Armed Forces' engagement in military operations outside Poland (Iraq, Afghanistan), Poland's participation in the world anti-terrorist coalition and other events with our participation that draw international attention (EURO 2012) may have a clear influence on the increase of terrorist threat in our country.

Dr. Emilia MIKOŁAJEWSKA, Maj. (ret.) Dariusz MIKOŁAJEWSKI, M.Sc. Eng.

Robots' Ethics Means People's Safety and Security

Robots' ethics is a new field of science and technology connected with a rapid development of the number of robots and their independence, as well as increasing awareness of threats in this area. Its implementation and in this way ensuring security and safety of its users and people surrounded them, also in case of failure or error is necessary in industrial, medical and military robotics. It is particularly important in medical robotics (rehabilitation including) and in automated environment such as an ambient intelligence (AmI) environment or intelligent home. It specially concerns robots in military applications which due to its character are exposed to more aggressive forms of affecting the environment, in which robots operate, that expose them to damage or destruction. The article attempts to analyse problems connected with the implementation of ethics principles in algorithms of operation of contemporary and future solutions.

Prof. (UW) Mirosław SUŁEK, Ph.D.

Multidimensional Assessment of Fundamental Military Categories of Countries

This paper contains a proposal of multidimensional assessment of fundamental military categories such as military power, military capability, military force and destruction charge. The methodological foundation for estimates of the manifestations of national power is a formula developed by author. The purpose of these estimates is a proper evaluation of the relations of forces in the international arena. Calculations suggested in the article show that this is a complex process, requiring military, political and economic knowledge.

Lt.Col. Maciej KAŹMIERCZAK, Ph.D.

Improving the Level of Energy Security of the State Resulting from a New Concept of Managing Crude Oil in Poland (Part 2 - Crude Oil Excavation and Refining)

The aim of the article is to present possible directions of improving energy security of the state from the aspect of crude oil management, in particular with its excavation and refining.

According to Polish Geological Institute (PIG), as a result of new exploration, crude oil resources in Poland may multiply in the nearest future and the annual production may reach 2-3 million tons. In spite of discovering new oil deposits and good prospects, the national oil resources will satisfy our needs in a small degree, and dreams of huge oil deposits cannot be counted on. However, in order to improve the energy security of the country, it is necessary to continue exploration and to extend underground oil stores in salt structures.

Lt.Col. Piotr MALINOWSKI , Ph.D. Eng.

Task Teams' Effectiveness as a Determinant of Military Organization's Effectiveness

In this article, the author attempts to show the role played by effective teams in creating and expanding effectiveness of military organization. The author presents not only the changes that should be implemented in an organization in order to establish conditions conducive to the creation of organizational effectiveness, but also influence of various factors on building an effective team. The critical elements in the ability to build an effective team are organizational context, leaderships, group processes, and team culture. In a time of military personnel downsizing the necessity of building the effective teams is important in the concept of organizational effectiveness. Additionally, a military organization is largely conservative in its hierarchy and shows little inclination to change in general. However, building effective teams as an element of effectiveness, in view of the character of this organization, is neither an easy nor a short-lasting process.

Małgorzata GAWLIK-KOBYLIŃSKA, M.A., Lt.Col.(ret) Piotr WIERZBICKI, M.A.

The Nature and Assumptions of the Central European Forum on Military Education (CEFME) in Military Education in the National Defence University Perspective

The article presents the nature and assumptions of the Central European Forum on Military Education (CEFME) from the perspective of chronological order of the most important events. The authors of the article are trying to investigate whether regular participation of decision-makers in CEFME meetings has an impact on the condition of higher military education in Central European countries. A deeper insight in details of CEFME discussions allows for distinguishing multifarious areas of concern, such as contemporary challenges of military education, the Bologna Process in higher military education system, the Military Erasmus exchange scheme for students and academic staff, innovations related to using advanced technologies, or proposals of joint strategic module curriculum. The wide spectrum of issues predetermines the CEFME as a unique initiative.

Col. Leszek ELAK, Ph.D.

Premises to Conduct Multinational Operations

The world distribution of military potentials underwent a radical change at the end of the 20th century. Moreover, factors threatening peaceful coexistence of countries also changed. The lack of threat resulting from misunderstood economic and military competition between two opposite blocks significantly eased the threat of a global, nuclear including, conflict outbreak. Therefore contemporary military operations require armed forces' compatibility to operate nationally or in cooperation with allies and international partners in order to control the situation during crisis response, peacemaking or humanitarian assistance operations. The article presents the most important premises to conduct multinational operations led by the UN, NATO and European Union.

Prof. Janusz ŚWINIARSKI, Ph.D. Lt.Col. Andrzej PIECZYWOK, Ph.D.

Basic Concepts of Education and Paradigms of Pedagogy Philosophy

Having defined external conditions of development routes of contemporary pedagogy philosophy in Four Pillars of Education in UNESCO Report and pressure to change the knowledge paradigm of traditional education, the authors point at universal tendencies in paradigms of education knowledge. According to them, these are paradigms built basing on Socrates' and Plato's idealism as well as Aristotle's realism. Having differentiated two fundamental versions in each paradigm, the authors argue that the latest concept of education for security can be legitimately mixed in the ideology of constructive educational idealism - the ideology of uncovering the hidden treasure (according to J. Delors' UNESCO report), dialogue and education in order to be happy and safe through knowledge, activity, and cooperation. Thus, in the authors' view, global educational space defined by the Four Pillars of the “hidden treasure” of “cognitive civilisation” is the education for security space, a new paradigm deriving from such earlier paradigms as conservative education ideology (education for Love), revolutionary ideology (education for Fight), and liberal ideology (education for Freedom).

Lt.Col Mirosław TOKARSKI, Ph.D.

Theoretical and Legal Determinants of Superior's Disciplinary Competence in the Polish Armed Forces

“Theoretical and Legal Determinants of Superior's Disciplinary Competence in the Polish Armed Forces” is a general theoretical article concerning the fundamental spectre of factors determining the superior's disciplinary status functioning in the Polish army. Due to conclusions drawn from the analysis of the source material, the decisive factors determining the superior's disciplinary competence in the Armed Forces include the superior's (commander's) general competence as well as disciplinary competence. The detailed analysis of acts of law allowed including two additional elements to the mentioned above catalogue: namely the superior's competence in the armed forces perceived as imperiousness and organizational superiority. The science of law has provided arguments that the mentioned above determinants merge and complement each other, what means that only if they are combined, they can fully reflect the superior's disciplinary competence towards subordinate soldiers.

Lt.Col. Juliusz S. TYM, Ph.D.

The Battle of the Bzura - Operational Aspect. The First Phase of the Battle 9 - 12 September 1939

The Battle of the Bzura, the operations of the Poznań and Pomorze Armies, became the main Polish forces' battle in the 1939 Campaign and was the only offensive turn in the operational scale. Gen. Tadeusz Kutrzeba's forces' attack was the crowning achievement of the 1939 Campaign offensive effort that no other Polish army in 1939 or any French one in 1940 managed to achieve. The author of the article, an assistant professor at the Branch of Modern Conflicts and War History Analyses at National Defence University, characterized generally the Polish operational art in 1919 - 1939 and operational command in the 1939 Campaign. Moreover, he analysed the area where the Battle of the Bzura took place. This enabled him to examine its operational aspects in the context of operational art assumptions functioning then and unchangeable principles of the art of war. The analysis of operational premises of the battle, the concept of its waging and the course of its initial phase allowed the author to identify its operational objectives, key points, decisive points, main effort approach, lines of operation as well as the base of operation of the Polish forces' opponent, i.e. the German 8th Army. The considerations concerning the centre of gravity of this operational unit are also valuable. The author noted that during the course of operations in 9 - 12 September the Poznań Army undoubtedly achieved tactical success forcing German divisions of the 8th Army to withdraw to the south and inflicting heavy losses on them. However, the operational objective was not reached, as the left-wing divisions of the 8th Army were not defeated. Moreover, ensuring freedom of operation in the direction of the middle Vistula and Warsaw was not achieved. The author also referred to the discussion concerning the Battle of the Bzura that was held in 1945-1958 in military periodicals by its participants -graduates of Higher War College. The author left an open question about a culminating point of the Polish operations in the first phase of the Battle of the Bzura which at the same time paves the way and direction for possible further discussion.

Dr. Piotr MILIK

The Genesis of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia as an Example of the Origin of Hybrid Courts Type.

The article describes the genesis of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia as an example of the origin of hybrid courts type. The hybrid courts are the new type of international bodies in the area of the international criminal law. It is interesting to know what is the triggering mechanism bringing that type of organs into existence. The article shows the stages of the process of the Cambodian hybrid court genesis, the efforts of the international community, especially the United Nations Organization, to bring that court into existence. Author analyzes difficult and complicated relations between the United Nations and the government of Cambodia in the negotiating process. Reading that article, we can realize, what were the reasons of setting up the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, that there was a need to prosecute crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge leaders in the time of their bloody regime in the 70s of the 20th century. The genesis of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia is an example of contemporary directions in the field of the international criminal law.

Annual report of PIG for 2008., [in:] http://www.pgi.gov.pl

