Verb Forms Multipl1

Verb Forms Multiple-Choice Test 1

Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź:

1. Betty (chciałaby zwiedzić) the British Museum next week.

1) wants to visit
2) would like to visit
3) likes to visit
4) will visit

2. I (interesuję się) in modern drama.

1) am interes
2) is interested
3) be interested
4) am interested

3. They (mają) a very comfortable house.

1) has
2) 's got
3) have
4) have had

4. George (był) to the United States many times.

1) was
2) were
3) have been
4) has been

5. Tom (chce być) an actor.

1) will be
2) would like to be
3) is going to be
4) wants to be

6. Jane (czyta) a lot of books.

1) read
2) is reading
3) reads
4) has read

7. We (zamierzamy kupić) a good microwave cooker.

1) want to buy
2) are going to buy
3) would like to buy
4) int
ends to buy

8. He says he (umie grać) golf very well.

1) may play
2) must play
3) can play
4) has to play

9. In Kew Gardens (jest) a lot of beautiful exotic plants.

1) there is
2) are
3) is
4) there are

10. Jack (woli) swimming to skiing.

1) likes
2) prefers
3) would like
4) prefer

11. I (nie chciałbym telefonować) Dr Smith tomorrow morning.

1) don't intend to phone
2) wouldn't phone
3) don't want to phone
4) wouldn't like to phone

12. They (nie interesują się) in classical music.

1) aren't interested
2) aren't interesting
3) weren't interesting
4) weren't interested

13. Pat (nie ma) many compact discs.

1) haven't
2) don't have
3) hasn't got
4) doesn't get

14. Mr and Mrs Mackin (nie byli) to Poland yet.

1) wasn't
2) weren't
3) hasn't been
4) haven't been

They (nie chcą mieszkać) in Glasgow.

1) wouldn't like to live
2) doesn't want to live
3) don't want to live
4) don't live

16. Grace (nie czyta) newspapers every day.

1) won't read
2) doesn't read
3) don't read
4) isn't reading

17. (Czy chciałbyś poznać) Professor Green?

1) Do you want to meet
2) Would you like to meet
3) Will you meet
4) Didn't you want to meet

18. (Czy Frank interesuje się) in applied linguistics?

1) Is Frank interested
2) Is Frank interesting
3) Was Frank interesting
4) Was Frank interested

19. (Nie ma) any message that might interest you, I'm afraid.

1) There aren't
2) There wasn't
3) There hasn't been
4) There isn't

20. (Czy Kate woli) the theatre or the cinema?

1) Does Kate prefer
2) Does Kate like
3) Would Kate prefer
4) Will Kate prefer

21. What (chcielibyście robić) next summer?

1) do you want to do
2) are you going to do
3) did you like to do
4) would you like to do

22. How many dictionaries (oni mają)?

1) do they have
2) they have
3) are they having
4) they've got

23. (Czy Tom był) to Italy yet?

1) Had Tom been
2) Whether Tom has been
3) Was Tom
4) Has Tom been

24. When (oni chcą czytać) The Godfather?

1) they want to read
2) will they read
3) do they want to read
4) would they read

25. Where (Tom mieszka)?

1) Tom lives
2) Tom has lived
3) did Tom live
4) does Tom live
