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My name is Marek Ferenc. J was born in Słupsk in 1959 (nineteen fifty nine). Now I live in Giżycko on Królowej Jadwigi street. I am married. J have three children: a daughter, and two sons. I am a soldier in military rank of capitan. J work in military unit in Giżycko. I want to learn English for my job. I am interested in sport. I like reading historical and adventure books. I like travelling, walks with my family and jogging in the wood. The most important in my life is my family


I live in Giżycko on Królowej Jadwigi street. I am married. J have three children: a daughter, and two sons.

My wife's name is Irena. We met in 1980 (nineteen eighty). We got married a year after. My wife is a teacher and she works in primary school. Our daughter Aneta is 17 (seventeen) years old and she goes to high school. She learns very well. Our older son's, name Michał, he is 5 (five) years old and he goes to kindergarden. Our younger son's, name is Adam , he is 3 (three) years old and he is looked after by his grandmother, but since September he will be going to kindergarden.

YOUR LAST WEEKEND (What did you do?)

Last weekend was warm and suny. On Saturday before noon all family we went for a long walk in the wood. After dinner we went to the garden with parents where we drank coffee and had a barbecue. In the evening our friends visited us. We were sitting over coffee and drinks, we were listening to the good music and talking on different subjects. On Sunday we went to the reserve of animals in Kadzidłowo. For several hours we were walking and watching many different animals and birds. In a way back home we stopped in Mikołajki, where we ate a dinner and ice-cream for a dessert. We came back to Giżycko on late evening, relaxed and very pleased because of successful trip.


(Co robisz w wolnym czasie)

I sped my free time with my family. We often go for walks in the wood, play football with my sons, ride bicycles or go for trips by car. From spring till autum we spend a lot of time in the garden, where we have a barbecue with friends. In summer we go by the sea or lake where we swim and sunbath. In winter we ski in the mountains, model a snowman and fight on snowballs. We often visit our parents and friends. When the weather is bad, we go to the cinema or we watch TV. I read historical and adventure book which are interesting. With my young sons we play different games, built different things from blocks, we draw, paint, watch cartoons and play computer games.

MY WORST DAY (mój najgorszy dzień)

My worst day was In early April 1912 (nineteen twelve), when I was ten. With all my family I got on ship “Titanic”. Which said from England or her first cruise. We wanted to said to America to start a new life there. All people thought that she was the finest ship afloat. Nothing go wrong, because she was the largest ship allover the world. However on the night of 14 th (fourteenth) April Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in about 3 (three) hours. 1500 (one thousand five hundred) people drowned in the tragedy, including my family. Help did not came until over ten hours. This was the biggest tragedy in my life and the largest disaster of its time.


My best friend's name's Mark. He comes from Giżycko. We first 35 (thirty five) years ago when we were both 10 (ten) years old. We went together to school and later we played football in the garden every day. Then we both went to universities in Gdańsk and Kraków. We saw each other only sometimes. We talked on telephone very often. Now we meet each other often to watch football, play basketball or talk over beer.

He's tall and handsome. He's got short black hair and brown eyes. He likes wearing jeans, sweaters, T-shirts and trainers. He's very intelligent and easy-going. I like his honesty and sincerity. He's interested in sport and fishing. He likes travelling to other countries. He's very friendly and he's one my best friends.

MY FLAT, MY ROOM (Describe your room, flat)

The house which I live has four floors. I live on the first floor. Our flat has a long corridor, the bathroom and the toilet are separate. The kitchen is spacious and comfortable. There are rooms. My room is guite big. I have a sofa and two armchairs. Between the sofa and two the armchairs there is small table. In the corner there is a wardrobe. By the window there is my desk. On the floor there is carpet. Besides there are a lot plants, posters and few bookshelves. I like my room.


Every day I wake up at six o'clock except at the weekends. I make the bed and I go the bathroom to wash myself. I get dressed and I go to the kitchen. I usually eat sandwich and drink tea or coffee for breakfast. I leave home at ten to eight. I usually spend eight hours at work and at about four p.m I go home. I have dinner and I rest. Then I go shopping or I visit friends. In the evening I have supper and then I watch TV or I read a book. At about eleven p.m. J have a shower ad then J go to bed.


Saturday and Sunday are my favourite days. Dg the week I don't have much free time. On Saturday I help my wife in the housework. I clean our flat, water the plants, then I go shopping. On Saturday evening I visit my friends or invite them to my place. We sit over a cup of coffee and listing to music and we discuss. When I come back home I usually watch TV or read newspapers. Sunday is time for all the family. We often visit our parents and we eat a meal together. Sometimes we sit in the garden and have a barbecue. Then J go jogging. In the evening I read book or watch TV and I go to sleep.


My oldest friends name is Max. We first met 35 yearss ago when we were both 10 years old. I mored to a new and I didn't know anybody in the neighbourhood. Max came to show me his collection of cars. We become friends immediately. We went together to school and later we played football in the garden every day. Then we both went to univerisities but they were both for away from our town so we saw each other only sometimes. We talked on the telephone very often. Max returned to our town after four years and got married. I came to our town three years latter. Max had wife, two children and a good job. He helped me with finding a job for me and we became even better friends then before. Now we meet each other very often to watch football matches and play basketball.
