unit 9 + przyklady, Szkolne, słownictwo z listeningu

Nirvana(stan szczęścia)

-the state of peace and happiness that a person achieves after giving up all personal desires

e.g. I found Nirvana


- to examine people or things to see how they are similar and how they are different

e.g Don't compare me to your mother


- a young man or boy who behaves in a rude or violent way

e.g. a punk band

Awareness(świadomość, wiedza)

- konowing sth

e.g. There was an almost complete lack of awareness of the issues involved


- a very strong feeling of dislike sb/sth

e.g. He looked at me with intense hatred

introspective(rozmyślający nad sobą)

-tending to think a lot about your own thoughts, feelings

e.g.There were a lot of family problems and Jim became increasingly introspective

Alienate(zrazić kogoś do siebie)

-to make sb less friendly or sympathetic towards

e.g. His comments have alienate a lot of young voters.

Distress(ból, cierpiernie)

- great suffering

e.g. They are the cause of much distress

Withdraw(wycofać się)

- to move back

e.g. Goverment troops were forced to withdraw.


- unkind comments that make fun of sb

np. She is an object of ridicule in the tabloid newspapers

bitterness( rozgoryczenie)



- to make sb suffer unfairly because you do not like them, their opinion

e.g. For years the family has been victimize by racist neighbours


-a picture or design that is marked permamently on person's skin by making small holes in the skin with a needle

e.g. That tattoo is pretty ugly

Lyrics(tekst piosenki)

-the words of a song

e.g. I could hear the music, but not the lyrics


-to invent music

e.g. A wise person knows how to improvise.

Soundtrack(scieżka dźwiękowa)

-all the music, speech and sounds that are recorded for a film

Tuneful(melodyjny np.głos)

- having a pleasant tune or sound

e.g. a tuneful voice


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